Continue with the project you completed in Lab 1.
add the following dependency to include the starter for Spring Boot Actuator:<dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-actuator</artifactId> </dependency>
Build the application:
$ ./mvnw package
Run the application:
$ java -jar target/hello-spring-boot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Try out the following endpoints. The output is omitted here because it can be quite large:
- http://localhost:8080/beans
Dumps all of the beans in the Spring context.
- http://localhost:8080/autoconfig
Dumps all of the auto-configuration performed as part of application bootstrapping.
- http://localhost:8080/configprops
Displays a collated list of all
. - http://localhost:8080/env
Dumps the application’s shell environment as well as all Java system properties.
- http://localhost:8080/mappings
Dumps all URI request mappings and the controller methods to which they are mapped.
- http://localhost:8080/dump
Performs a thread dump.
- http://localhost:8080/trace
Displays trace information (by default the last few HTTP requests).
Spring Boot provides an endpoint (http://localhost:8080/info) that allows the exposure of arbitrary metadata.
One thing that it does well is expose information about the specific build and version control coordinates for a given deployment.
Add the following plugin to your Maven build. It will add Git branch and commit coordinates to the
endpoint:<plugin> <groupId>pl.project13.maven</groupId> <artifactId>git-commit-id-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <dotGitDirectory>../../../.git</dotGitDirectory> </configuration> </plugin>
NoteThe path ../../../.git
refers to the.git
directory at the root of the course materials. -
Add the following properties to
:info: build: artifact: @project.artifactId@ name: @project.name@ description: @project.description@ version: @project.version@
These will add the project’s Maven coordinates to the
endpoint. The Spring Boot Maven plugin will cause them to automatically be replaced in the assembled JAR. -
Build the application:
$ ./mvnw package
Run the application:
$ java -jar target/hello-spring-boot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Visit the application in the browser (http://localhost:8080/info), and verify that the output is similar to the following:
{ "git" : { "commit" : { "time" : "2015-12-06T17:25:32-0500", "id" : "78b0e1b" }, "branch" : "master" }, "build" : { "version" : "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT", "name" : "hello-spring-boot", "artifact" : "hello-spring-boot", "description" : "Demo project for Spring Boot" } }
Spring Boot provides an endpoint (http://localhost:8080/health) that allows for the notion of various health indicators.
Normally, when Spring Security is not enabled, the
endpoint will only expose anUP
value. To simplify working with the endpoint for this lab, we will turn off its sensitivity. Add the following tosrc/main/resources/application.yml
:endpoints: health: sensitive: false
Create the class
and into it paste the following code:@Component public class FlappingHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator{ private Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); @Override public Health health() { int result = random.nextInt(100); if (result < 50) { return Health.down().withDetail("flapper", "failure").withDetail("random", result).build(); } else { return Health.up().withDetail("flapper", "ok").withDetail("random", result).build(); } } }
This demo health indicator will randomize the health check.
Build the application:
$ ./mvnw package
Run the application:
$ java -jar target/hello-spring-boot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Visit the application in the browser (http://localhost:8080/health), and verify that the output is similar to the following (and changes randomly!):
{ status: "UP", flapping: { status: "UP", flapper: "ok", random: 69 }, diskSpace: { status: "UP", free: 113632186368, threshold: 10485760 } }
Spring Boot provides an endpoint (http://localhost:8080/metrics) that exposes several automatically collected metrics for your application. It also allows for the creation of custom metrics.
Create the class
and into it paste the following code:@Component public class GreetingService { @Autowired CounterService counterService; @Value("${greeting}") String greeting; public String getGreeting() { counterService.increment("counter.services.greeting.invoked"); return greeting; } }
This class is using the
to count the number of times that thegetGreeting()
method has been invoked. -
Refactor the contents of the class
:@Autowired private GreetingService greetingService; @RequestMapping("/") public String hello() { return String.format("%s World!", greetingService.getGreeting()); } public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(HelloSpringBootApplication.class, args); }
is now delegating the source of the greeting to our newly createdGreetingService
. -
Build the application:
$ ./mvnw package
Run the application:
$ java -jar target/hello-spring-boot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Visit the application in the browser (http://localhost:8080) and refresh the page several times.
Now visit the
endpoint (http://localhost:8080/metrics). Among the autogenerated metrics you should see acounter
for theGreetingService
invocations:counter.services.greeting.invoked: 16,
To learn more about the autogenerated metrics, visit http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/production-ready-metrics.html.