JSONFaker is an app created in NodeJS to create custom api tests, following a simple guidance in JSON format, the app returns fictitious data to the user according to their needs.
# Get this repository
$ git clone [email protected]:Rodrigo-Weich/jsonfaker.git
# Go into the repository
$ cd jsonfaker/
# Install NPM dependencies
$ npm install
# Run (NPM)
$ npm run dev
# Run (Yarn)
$ yarn dev
Resquest type | Format | Limit | Default Server | Default Port |
GET | Body JSON | Unlimited | http://localhost | 3000 |
# Default server to send requests
"your_custom_key": "desired_value_that_will_be_returned",
"your_custom_key_level_two": {
"your_custom_key": "other_desired_value_that_will_be_returned"
"first_name": "name_firstName"
"first_name": "Fannie"
"first_name": "name_firstName",
"last_name": "name_lastName",
"age": "random_number",
"phone": "phone_phoneNumber",
"username": "internet_userName",
"emails": {
"one": "internet_email",
"two": "internet_exampleEmail"
"website": "internet_domainName",
"description": "lorem_paragraph",
"last_visit": {
"ip": "internet_ip",
"mac": "internet_mac",
"userAgent": "internet_userAgent",
"date": "date_past"
"images": {
"image": "image_image",
"avatar": "image_avatar",
"url": "image_imageUrl",
"abstract": "image_abstract",
"animals": "image_animals",
"business": "image_business",
"cats": "image_cats",
"city": "image_city",
"food": "image_food",
"nightlife": "image_nightlife",
"fashion": "image_fashion",
"people": "image_people",
"nature": "image_nature",
"sports": "image_sports",
"technics": "image_technics",
"transport": "image_transport"
"first_name": "Fannie",
"last_name": "Stokes",
"age": "89057",
"phone": "(834) 297-0011 x02393",
"username": "Esteban.Hermann",
"emails": {
"one": "[email protected]",
"two": "[email protected]"
"website": "liliana.name",
"description": "Quam ipsa doloribus beatae corrupti sint. Eos aperiam id porro accusantium impedit magnam voluptatem. Molestiae veniam in aut a quo impedit qui ratione. Vel veritatis ut consequatur vitae voluptatem iusto et cum. In qui voluptates velit eos minus. Enim et vitae sed laudantium.",
"last_visit": {
"ip": "",
"mac": "fc:a9:39:ed:07:27",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5 rv:6.0; BG) AppleWebKit/533.1.0 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0.3 Safari/533.1.0",
"date": "2020-05-23T00:59:03.505Z"
"images": {
"image": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/transport",
"avatar": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/nathalie_fs/128.jpg",
"url": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/transportUrl",
"abstract": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/abstract",
"animals": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/animals",
"business": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/business",
"cats": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/cats",
"city": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/city",
"food": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/food",
"nightlife": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/nightlife",
"fashion": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/fashion",
"people": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/people",
"nature": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/nature",
"sports": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/sports",
"technics": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/technics",
"transport": "http://placeimg.com/640/480/transport"
- address_zipCode
- address_city
- address_cityPrefix
- address_citySuffix
- address_streetName
- address_streetAddress
- address_streetSuffix
- address_streetPrefix
- address_secondaryAddress
- address_county
- address_country
- address_countryCode
- address_state
- address_stateAbbr
- address_latitude
- address_longitude
- address_direction
- address_cardinalDirection
- address_ordinalDirection
- address_nearbyGPSCoordinate
- address_timeZone
- commerce_color
- commerce_department
- commerce_productName
- commerce_price
- commerce_productAdjective
- commerce_productMaterial
- commerce_product
- commerce_productDescription
- company_suffixes
- company_companyName
- company_companySuffix
- company_catchPhrase
- company_bs
- company_catchPhraseAdjective
- company_catchPhraseDescriptor
- company_catchPhraseNoun
- company_bsAdjective
- company_bsBuzz
- company_bsNoun
- database_column
- database_type
- database_collation
- database_engine
- date_past
- date_future
- date_recent
- date_soon
- date_month
- date_weekday
- finance_account
- finance_accountName
- finance_routingNumber
- finance_mask
- finance_amount
- finance_transactionType
- finance_currencyCode
- finance_currencyName
- finance_currencySymbol
- finance_bitcoinAddress
- finance_litecoinAddress
- finance_creditCardNumber
- finance_creditCardCVV
- finance_ethereumAddress
- finance_iban
- finance_bic
- finance_transactionDescription
- git_branch
- git_commitEntry
- git_commitMessage
- git_commitSha
- git_shortSha
- hacker_abbreviation
- hacker_adjective
- hacker_noun
- hacker_verb
- hacker_ingverb
- hacker_phrase
- helpers_randomize
- helpers_slugify
- helpers_replaceSymbolWithNumber
- helpers_replaceSymbols
- helpers_replaceCreditCardSymbols
- helpers_shuffle
- helpers_createCard
- helpers_contextualCard
- helpers_userCard
- helpers_createTransaction
- image_image
- image_avatar
- image_imageUrl
- image_abstract
- image_animals
- image_business
- image_cats
- image_city
- image_food
- image_nightlife
- image_fashion
- image_people
- image_nature
- image_sports
- image_technics
- image_transport
- image_dataUri
- internet_avatar
- internet_email
- internet_exampleEmail
- internet_userName
- internet_protocol
- internet_url
- internet_domainName
- internet_domainSuffix
- internet_domainWord
- internet_ip
- internet_ipv6
- internet_userAgent
- internet_color
- internet_mac
- internet_password
- lorem_word
- lorem_words
- lorem_sentence
- lorem_slug
- lorem_sentences
- lorem_paragraph
- lorem_paragraphs
- lorem_text
- lorem_lines
- name_firstName
- name_lastName
- name_findName
- name_jobTitle
- name_prefix
- name_suffix
- name_title
- name_jobDescriptor
- name_jobArea
- name_jobType
- phone_phoneNumber
- phone_phoneNumberFormat
- phone_phoneFormats
- random_number
- random_float
- random_arrayElement
- random_arrayElements
- random_objectElement
- random_uuid
- random_boolean
- random_word
- random_words
- random_image
- random_locale
- random_alpha
- random_alphaNumeric
- random_hexaDecimal
- system_fileName
- system_mimeType
- system_commonFileType
- system_commonFileExt
- system_fileType
- system_directoryPath
- system_filePath
- system_semver
- time_recent
- vehicle_vehicle
- vehicle_manufacturer
- vehicle_model
- vehicle_type
- vehicle_fuel
- vehicle_vin
- vehicle_color