👉 Note: before participating in our community, please read our code of conduct. By interacting with this repository or community you agree to abide by its terms.
I'm really glad you're reading this, because we could use some volunteers to help this project forward!
Here are some important resources you can use get get familiar with Nick:
- Official Website contains generic information
- Documentation has our Rest API documentation
- Online Demo can be used to play around with Nick
- Issue Tracker is where you report bugs and feature requests
Currently Nick is available in English and Dutch. Feel free add missing
translations or add a new language. The translations can be found in the
folder and you can extract new translatable text using the yarn i18n
command. This command also builds the language files for use with Nick.
We have several unit and integration tests in place which cover most of the code. Of course this can be improved and more tests are always welcome. If you do any manual testing feel free to submit a bug or feature request in our Issue Tracker on Github.
Please send a Pull Request with a clear list of what you've done. We can always use more test coverage so don't be shy to add them. Please follow our coding conventions (below) and make sure all of your commits are atomic (one feature per commit). Always write a clear log message for your commits. And last but not least make sure all the automated checks pass so we can easily merge your Pull Request.
Start reading our code and you'll get the hang of it. We optimize for readability:
- We indent using two spaces (soft tabs)
- We use prettier to format our Javascript and JSON files
- All public facing text should be translatable, see our code for example on how to make text translatable in both Javascript and JSON
- This is open source software. Consider the people who will read your code, and make it look nice for them. It's sort of like driving a car: Perhaps you love doing donuts when you're alone, but with passengers the goal is to make the ride as smooth as possible.
Thanks, Rob Gietema