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2.1.1 (February 18, 2022)

Bug Fixes

  • Ignoring a call will now properly stop the ringing sound
  • NPM versioning has been fixed to specify >=12 rather than exactly 12
  • Use DOMException instead of DOMError, which has been deprecated
  • Removed npm util from the package, instead favoring native functions

2.1.0 (December 16, 2021) - Release

New Features

Signaling Reconnection Support

The SDK now fully supports Call reconnection. Previously, the SDK only truly supported media reconnection -- if the media connection was lost but the signaling websocket recovered (generally within 10-15 seconds), reconnecting the Call was possible. However, if the websocket was lost, the Call was lost. Now, the SDK is able to reconnect a Call even if the websocket is lost. This means that a Call can potentially be recovered up to 30 seconds or in a network handover event, in which a user switches networks during a call.

When a call has encountered a network error and signaling reconnection has succeeded, the Call object will emit the reconnected event.

const call = await device.connect(...);
call.on('reconnected', () => { ... });

There exists a limitation such that Signaling Reconnection and Edge Fallback are mutually exclusive. To opt-in to the Signaling Reconnection feature, a new option can be passed to the SDK: maxCallSignalingTimeoutMs. If this value is not present in the options object passed to the Device constructor, the default value will be 0.

Using a value of 30000 as an example: while a Call exists, the Device will attempt to reconnect to the edge that the Call was established on for approximately 30 seconds. After the next failure to connect, the Device will use edge-fallback.

const token = ...;
const options = {
  edge: ['ashburn', 'sydney'],
  maxCallSignalingTimeoutMs: 30000,
const device = new Device(token, options);

const call = device.connect(...);

// As an example, the device has connected to the `ashburn` edge.

call.on('accept', () => {
  // Starting here, the device will only attempt to connect to `ashburn` if a
  // network loss occurs.
  // If it cannot connect within `maxCallSignalingTimeoutMs` (in this case 30
  // seconds), then it will resort to Edge Fallback.
  // The first Edge Fallback attempt will be the next `edge`, in this case
  // `sydney`, as specified by the `edge` option passed to the `Device`.

In order to ensure automatic reconnection is possible at any time, we've also added Device.Event.TokenWillExpire, which should prompt the application to obtain a new token and call Device.updateToken().


By default, this new event will fire 10 seconds prior to the AccessToken's expiration, prompting the application to provide a new token. This can be changed by setting Device.Options.tokenRefreshMs to something other than the default of 10000 ms.

const device = new Device(token, {
  tokenRefreshMs: 30000,

device.on('tokenWillExpire', () => {
  return getTokenViaAjax().then(token => dev.updateToken(token));

Twilio Regional Support

The Twilio Voice JS SDK now supports Twilio Regional. To use a home region, please specify the desired home region in the access token before passing the token to the Twilio Device. This home region parameter should be matched with the appropriate edge parameter when instantiating a Twilio Device. The home region determines the location of your Insights data, as opposed to the edge that your call connects to Twilio through.

If you are using the twilio-node helper library to mint access tokens within your backend, you can specify the au1 home region like so:

const accessToken = new twilio.jwt.AccessToken(
  credentials.apiKeySecret, {
    region: 'au1',

const grant = new VoiceGrant({
  outgoingApplicationSid: credentials.twimlAppSid,
  incomingAllow: true,


const device = new Device(accessToken, {
  edge: 'sydney',

Note that the API Key and Secret and TwiML App above must be created within the au1 region.

The current home region can be retrieved from the read-only string Device.home, which contains the currently connected home region after a successful registration.


After successfully registering, the Device will now have a read-only string, Device.identity, which exposes the identity passed via token.


  • Updated ws version to fix a potential security vulnerability.
  • We now properly clean up all event listeners after Device.destroy()
  • We now log a warning rather than an throwing an uncaught promise rejection when Insights fails to post an event.

2.0.1 (July 9, 2021)

This patch increment was necessary because the 2.0.0 pilot artifact was erroneously published to npm. It is now removed from npm so that it is not mistakenly used. The first npm artifact will be 2.0.1.

2.0.0 (July 7, 2021) - Release

Migration from twilio-client.js 1.x

This product, Twilio's JavaScript Voice SDK, is the next version of Twilio's Javascript Client SDK. It is now in GA and we recommend all customers migrate in order to continue receiving future feature additions. For help on migrating from 1.x, see our migration guide.

Note:: These changes are cumulative with the 2.0.0-preview.1 changes below. If you are looking to upgrade from twilio-client.js 1.x, see the 2.0.0-preview.1 section below for the full 2.0 changelog.


Error updating edge parameter with Device.updateOptions

An error surrounding re-registration was fixed that occurred when updating the edge option.

Breaking API Changes

Active call no longer accessible through the Device object.

Device.activeCall is no longer available. Instead, the application should keep a reference to any call that is made using connect or accepted.

const token = '...';
const options = { ... };
const device = new Device(token, options);

await device.register();

const call = await device.connect();

2.0.0-preview.1 (Apr 30, 2021) - Pilot

Breaking API Changes

Device singleton behavior removed

Device must now be instantiated before it can be used. Calling Device.setup() will no longer work; instead, a new Device must be instantiated via new Device(token, options?).

Connection renamed to Call

As Connection is an overloaded and ambiguous term, the class has been renamed Call to better indicate what the object represents and be more consistent with Mobile SDKs and our REST APIs.

Signaling connection now lazy loaded

Device.setup() has been removed, and new Device(...) will not automatically begin connecting to signaling. There is no need to listen for Device.on('ready'). Instead, the signaling connection will automatically be acquired in one of two scenarios:

  1. The application calls Device.connect(), creating an outbound Call. In this case, the state of the signaling connection will be represented in the Call.
  2. The application calls Device.register(), which will register the SDK to listen for incoming calls at the identity specified in the AccessToken.

Note on token expiration

As long as outgoing calls are expected to be made, or incoming calls are expected to be received, the token supplied to Device should be fresh and not expired. This can be done by setting a timer in the application to call updateToken with the new token shortly before the prior token expires. This is important, because signaling connection is lazy loaded and will fail if the token is not valid at the time of creation.


const TTL = 600000; // Assuming our endpoint issues tokens for 600 seconds (10 minutes)
const REFRESH_TIMER = TTL - 30000; // We update our token 30 seconds before expiration;
const interval = setInterval(async () => {
  const newToken = await getNewTokenViaAjax();

Device states changed

The Device states have changed. The states were: [Ready, Busy, Offline]. These have been changed to more accurately and clearly represent the states of the Device. There are two changes to Device state:

  1. The states themselves have changed to [Registered, Registering, Unregistered, Destroyed]. This removes the idea of "Busy" from the state, as technically the Device can have an active Call whether it is registered or not, depending on the use case. The Device will always starty as Unregistered. In this state, it can still make outbound Calls. Once Device.register() has been called, this state will change to Registering and finally Registered. If Device.unregister() is called the state will revert to Unregistered. If the signaling connection is lost, the state will transition to Registering or `Unregistered' depending on whether or not the connection can be re-established.

The destroyed state represents a Device that has been "destroyed" by calling Device.destroy. The device should be considered unusable at this point and a new one should be constructed for further use.

  1. The busy state has been moved to a boolean, Device.isBusy. This is a very basic shortcut for the logic return !!device.activeConnection.

Device events changed

The events emitted by the Device are represented by the Device.EventName enum and represent the new Device states:

export enum EventName {
  Destroyed = 'destroyed',
  Error = 'error',
  Incoming = 'incoming',
  Unregistered = 'unregistered',
  Registering = 'registering',
  Registered = 'registered',

Note that unregistered, registering, and registered have replaced offline and ready. Although frequently used to represent connected or disconnected, ready and offline actually were meant to represent registered and unregistered, which was quite ambiguous and a primary reason for the change.

When the device is destroyed using Device.destroy, a "destroyed" event will be emitted.

Device usage changes

The construction signature and usage of Device has changed. These are the new API signatures:

 * Create a new Device. This is synchronous and will not open a signaling socket immediately.
new Device(token: string, options?: Device.Options): Device;

 * Promise resolves when the Device has successfully registered.
 * Replaces Device.registerPresence()
 * Can reject if the Device is unusable, i.e. "destroyed".
async Device.register(): Promise<void>;
 * Promise resolves when the Device has successfully unregistered.
 * Replaces Device.unregisterPresence()
 * Can reject if the Device is unusable, i.e. "destroyed".
async Device.unregister(): Promise<void>;
 * Promise resolves when signaling is established and a Call has been created.
 * Can reject if the Device is unusable, i.e. "destroyed".
async Device.connect(options?: Device.ConnectOptions): Promise<Call>;

Listening for incoming calls:

const device = new Device(token, { edge: 'ashburn' });

device.on(Device.EventName.Incoming, call => { /* use `call` here */ });
await device.register();

Making an outgoing call:

const device = new Device(token, { edge: 'ashburn' });
const call = await device.connect({ To: 'alice' });

Device#CallOptions and Call#AcceptOptions standardized

The arguments for Device.connect() and Call.accept() have been standardized to the following options objects:

interface Call.AcceptOptions {
   * An RTCConfiguration to pass to the RTCPeerConnection constructor.
  rtcConfiguration?: RTCConfiguration;

   * MediaStreamConstraints to pass to getUserMedia when making or accepting a Call.
  rtcConstraints?: MediaStreamConstraints;
interface Device.ConnectOptions extends Call.AcceptOptions {
  * A flat object containing key:value pairs to be sent to the TwiML app.
  params?: Record<string, string>;

Note that these now take a MediaStreamConstraints rather than just the audio constraints. For example:

device.connect({ To: 'client:alice' }, { deviceId: 'default' });

might be re-written as:

  params: { To: 'client:alice' },
  rtcConstraints: { audio: { deviceId: 'default' } },

Moved to new Error format

For backward compatibility, the new error format was attached to the old format under error.twilioError:

class oldError extends Error {
  code: number;
  message: string;
  twilioError: TwilioError;

The new Error format is:

class TwilioError extends Error {
   * A list of possible causes for the Error.
  causes: string[];

   * The numerical code associated with this Error.
  code: number;

   * A description of what the Error means.
  description: string;

   * An explanation of when the Error may be observed.
  explanation: string;

   * Any further information discovered and passed along at run-time.
  message: string;

   * The name of this Error.
  name: string;

   * The original Error received from the external system, if any.
  originalError?: Error;

   * A list of potential solutions for the Error.
  solutions: string[];

Affected Error Codes

With the transition, the following error codes have changed:

  • 31003 -> 53405 | When ICE connection fails
  • 31201 -> 31402 | When getting user media fails
  • 31208 -> 31401 | When user denies access to user media
  • 31901 -> 53000 | When websocket times out in preflight

New Features

Device Options

Previously, Device.setup() could only be used the set options once. Now, we've added Device.updateOptions(options: Device.Options) which will allow changing the Device options without instantiating a new Device. Note that the edge cannot be changed during an active Call.

Example usage:

const options = { edge: 'ashburn' };
const device = new Device(token, options);

// Later...

device.updateOptions({ allowIncomingWhileBusy: true });

The resulting (non-default) options would now be:

  allowIncomingWhileBusy: true,
  edge: 'ashburn',

This function will throw with an InvalidStateError if the Device has been destroyed beforehand.

LogLevel Module

The SDK now uses the loglevel module. This exposes several new features for the SDK, including the ability to intercept log messages with custom handlers and the ability to set logging levels after instantiating a Device. To get an instance of the loglevel Logger class used internally by the SDK:

import { Logger } from '@twilio/voice-sdk';

Please see the original loglevel project for more documentation on usage.


Connection Deprecations

  • Removed Connection.mediaStream. To access the MediaStreams, use Connection.getRemoteStream() and Connection.getLocalStream()
  • Removed Connection.message in favor of the newer Connection.customParameters. Where .message was an Object, .customParameters is a Map.
  • Removed the following private members from the public interface:
    • Connection.options
    • Connection.pstream
    • Connection.sendHangup
  • Fixed Connection.on('cancel') logic so that we no longer emit cancel in response to Connection.ignore().

Device Option Deprecations

Some deprecated Device options have been removed. This includes:

  • enableIceRestart
  • enableRingingState
  • fakeLocalDtmf

The above three removed options are now assumed true. The new Device.Options interface is now:

export interface Options {
  allowIncomingWhileBusy?: boolean;
  appName?: string;
  appVersion?: string;
  audioConstraints?: MediaTrackConstraints | boolean;
  closeProtection?: boolean | string;
  codecPreferences?: Connection.Codec[];
  disableAudioContextSounds?: boolean;
  dscp?: boolean;
  edge?: string[] | string;
  forceAggressiveIceNomination?: boolean;
  maxAverageBitrate?: number;
  rtcConfiguration?: RTCConfiguration;
  sounds?: Partial<Record<Device.SoundName, string>>;


MOS Calculation Formula

The formula used to calculate the mean-opinion score (MOS) has been fixed for extreme network conditions. These fixes will not affect scores for nominal network conditions.