- Merge branch 'develop'
- Merge branch 'feature/Routing' into develop
- js/main.js: a route now triggers a view using an event mixin. * README.md: Finished 'Triggering Custom Events'.
- js/main.js: Added route for show with an id. * README.md: Finished "Wildcards and Splats".
- js/main.js: Routes added for 'index' and 'show'. * README.md: Finished 'Routes 101'.
- Starting with 'Routing'.
- Merge branch 'feature/Tasks' into develop
- Added 'History.md'.
- Bumped version number to essentials
- Merge branch 'develop'
- Bumped version number to essentials
- Merge branch 'develop'
- That's it for 'The Essentials'. Next up 'Hands On Tasks'.
- js/main.js: the template helper now fetches and compiles the template.
- js/main.js: Added a template helper function. * README.md: Finished 'Template Helper'.
- README.md: Finished 'Collection Views'.
- js/main.js: Sanitized logging. Created a people view to show all people.
- js/main.js: Added 'PeopleCollection' and bootstrap data. * README.md: Finished 'Collections'.
- README.md: Finished 'External Templates'.
- index.html: Added the template to the html file. * js/main.js: Call, compile and render the template which is stored within the html file and not in the code.
- sanitizing the code.
- README.md: Finished 'Inline Templates'
- The 'person' view rendering using a template
- README.md: Finished 'Views'
- The 'person' view rendering the default model with all attributes on init
- The 'person' view rendering the default model on init
- The 'person' view rendering the default model
- The 'person' view with init and render
- Adding the 'person' view
- Prepare for 'Views'
- README.md: Finished 'Validating Models'
- validating 'name'
- validating 'age'
- Checking 'validate' function
- Finished "Your First Backbone Model". Added sublime stuff to .gitignore
- Reformatting.
- temp storage
- README.md: Finished Basic Data types
- index.html: Added 'main.js'. * js/main.js: Basic data-types.
- Finished installation.
- Added html5bp+bootstrap.
- Starting with the installation
- Fixed brackets
- Added checkboxes
- Updated readme to add all chapters
- Cleaning up 'c9.io' stuff.
- Changed 'README.md'
- Initial commit
- initial commit