The default password length is 36 characters and the default style includes A-Z, a-z, 0-9.
Both of those defaults are easy to tweak using the optional flags.
./password_gen.sh -h
./password_gen.sh --help
Minimum password length: 8
Maximum password length: 100
./password_gen.sh -l20 #Sets password length to 20 characters.
./password_gen.sh -l50 #Sets password length to 50 characters.
./password_gen.sh (Default. Letters A-za-z numbers 0-9 No symbols)
./password_gen.sh -sS (Symbols subset!@+*=#$%&, Letters and Numbers).
./password_gen.sh -sH (Hyphens every 4 characters, Letters and Numbers)
./password_gen.sh -sL (Letters only)
./password_gen.sh -sU (UPPERCASE LETTERS ONLY)
./password_gen.sh -sC (Comprehensive: all printable ASCII characters)
Any style that includes symbols will begin and end with a letter.
White space doesn't matter. These are equivalent:
"./password_gen.sh -s H" == "./password_gen.sh -sH"
Use both the -l flag and the -s flag to tailor your password.
Create password of length 40 with Style S:
./password_gen.sh -l40 -sS
Create password of length 30 with hyphens
./password_gen.sh -l30 -sH
Create password of length 50 using UPPERCASE LETTERS ONLY:
./password_gen.sh -l50 -sU
- Copy the
script to your machine. - Chmod u+x the script so that it is executable.
- Store the script in a directory on your path so you can use it from anywhere.
Be sure to clear your clipboard and terminal buffers after generating passwords.
- Deprecated cleanup of clipboard and terminal. Now focuses on password generation.
- Changed S and C styles to use first/last letter restriction.
- Loop to generate and print 5 passwords.
- Print password within added quotation marks.
- Added AUTO mode for automated operation.
2023-11-22: Adopted auto-clipboard functionality and cleanup.
- Updated README.
- Documented script.
- Added COMPREHENSIVE style to script.
2023-09-15: Tweaked README. Still learning markup formatting rules...
2023-06-30:Changed H flag to K. Tweaked notes throughout.
2023-06-10:added -h help flag, and updated this readme.
2022-08-16:Using 'random" instead of "urandom"
2022-08-06 all files adding signature to commit