A test implementation of the Coniql application using Strawberry GraphQL API
pipenv install
This will start the server on http://localhost:8080/ws:
pipenv run coniql_strawberry
: allow CORS for all origins and routes. Required when making PV 'put' requests from a web application.
There are two web interfaces that can be used to query the server:
GraphiQL: http://localhost:8080/ws
This uses the old websocket protocol 'graphql-ws' (from the subscription-transport-ws) library. -
Altair: https://altair-gql.sirmuel.design/ or can be installed as a web addon from https://altair.sirmuel.design/#download. Both the new websocket protocol 'graphql-transport-ws' (from graphql-ws library) and the old protocol can be specified in the subscription
- GET: http://localhost:8080/ws
- Subscription URL: ws://localhost:8080/ws
- Subscription type: Websocket or Websocket (graphql-ws) for the new protocol
- Connection parameters: {}
Example query:
query {
getChannel(id: "ssim://sine") {
value {
Example subscription:
subscription {
subscribeChannel(id: "ssim://sine") {
value {