This repository contains all the Programming in C Lab's program in the Autonomous curriculum of Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering.
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Design and develop a C program for the following:
- To read a year as an input and find wether it is leap year or not.(Consider the end of centuries).
- To find the largest of three numbers using Ternary operators.
Design and develop a C program that accepts three non coefficients(a, b and c) of a Quadratic equation (ax^2+bx+c=0) as input and compute all possible roots and print the possible roots for a given set of coefficients.
Design and develop a C programs to find the reverse of an integer number NUM and check wether it is PALINDROME or NOT. Implement a C program for the developed algorithm that takes an integer number as input and output the reverse of the same with suitable messages. Ex: Num:1234,Reverse:4321,Not a Palindrome.
Design and develop a C program that read N integer numbers and arrange them in ascending order using BUBBLE SORT.
Design and develop a C program that reads N integer numbers and search a key element using BINARY SEARCH TECHNIQUE.
Design and develop a C program that reads two matrices A (mn) and B (pq) and Compute product of the matrices A and B. Read matrix A and matrix B in row major order. Print both the input matrices and resultant matrix appropriately.
Design and develop a C program to implement the following operations without using library functions. Display the results after every operation. Read STRING s1="Dayananda" Read STRING s2="Sagar" Output the concatenated string (s1+s2) STRING s3="Dayananda Sagar"
Design and develop a C function isprime(num) that accepts an integer argument and returns 1 if the argument is prime, ) otherwise. Write a C program that invokes this function to generate prime numbers between the given ranges.
Design and develop a C program to create a structure called Employee to maintain a record of details using an array of structures with four fields(Emp_name, Emp_id, Emd-sal, Emp_age). Assume appropriate data type for each field.Print the Employee details in Tabular Format.
Write a C program using pointers to compute the sum, mean and standard deviation of all elements in an array of n real numbers.
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