- pac: Upgrade to stm32-rs v0.10.0
- rcc: Add iterative PLL configuration strategy
- rcc: Improve documentation
- pwr: configure core supply on parts with SMPS (dual core). Prevents lock-up without unsafe for certain hardware configurations
- i2c: wait for end of previous address phase before setting START
- i2c: return immediately when TXIS / RXNE is set
- timers: implement TIM3/4/5/6/7/8/12/13/14/15/16/17
- gpio: fix error in PF7 definition
v0.3.0 2019-12-27
- timer: add method to clear interrupt flag
- gpio: initialise gpio in the correct typestate
- i2c: flush the TXDR register when a NACK condition occurs
- Fix
- i2c: detect not-acknowledge error, clear errors when detected
- Run CI against stable since Rust 1.37.0
- Upgrade to stm32-rs v0.9.0 (including svd2rust v0.16)
- Started Changelog