Versione 2.0.2+8
Aggiunto tema black
Aggiunto supporto a colori custom
Risolto problema allegati multipli nelle circolari
Risolto problema lezioni
Cambiato colore card home
Cambiato algoritmo orario
Colore corretto del drop header
Version 2.0.0-dev+2
Close #48 - New event with notification crash
Close #47 - Workmanager issues
Close #46 - Black intro screen
Close #45 - School material folder issues
Close #43 - Notifications issues
Rimossa intro: ora viene scaricato tutto in background senza far perdere tempo all'utente.
Il codice è stato riorganizzato completamente e si sono aggiornate le librerie + l'engine di flutter quindi è possibile notare notevoli miglioramenti di performance
Grazie a tutti e buone vacanze
Version 0.0.9-alpha
Fixed #42 - fixed opening of text and links in school material
Fixed #41 - fixed grades order in graph & charts where there is only 1 grade
Fixed #40 - Added update to agenda and grades widgets
Version 0.0.8-dev.1
Added grades widget, minor fixes
Fixed stats bug
All subjects now appear in grades page
Added grades widget
Added widgets labels
Cleaned logs
Version 0.0.7-dev.5
Added scuola & territorio, web view, fixed cookies, more
- Added web view of registro elettronico
Version 0.0.7-dev.4
Added scuola & territorio, web view, fixed cookies, more
Added web view of registro elettronico
Added web view of scuola & territorio
Fixed cookies issues! FINALLY
Now you have to long-press to delete a grade and if you press it one time it shows useful info
Fixed icons color
Removed glow in lists
Fixed ligth/dark nav, status bar behavior
Fixed paddings in intro
Added translation to slide 4
Fixed text color in timetable page
Changed button color in intro
Version 0.0.7-dev.3
Added notifications, settings, bug fixes, show more events
Added option to change school year (for different credits)
Added show more events button in home page
Fixed paddings
Added school material notifications
Fixed credits system bug
Version 0.0.7-dev.2
Bug fixes, changed home screen graph, ui minor fixes
Fixed paddings in some lists
Added numbers in home screen chart
Fixed #39, inusfficienti subjects count
Added more colors to subjects - Close #38
Fixed severe bug for notifications
Added some translations
Added string manipolation try catch security
Chaned agenda card paddings
Version 0.0.7-dev.1
Main new features:
New timetable view, a grid that you can personalize as you like
Create personalized events
Minor features and bug fixes:
Now you can still go to the home screen if you get errors during the vital data download
SharedPreferences instances with dependency injection
Added no internet message in intro
Fixed wrong objective message
Fixed edit time event and day in new event
Search in school material
Fixed documents last update
Version 0.0.6-dev.2
Closed #30 - Implemented custom events
Changed icon color in light mode to gray
Version 0.0.6-dev.1
Bug fixes, minor changes
Changed 'average' font size in grades chart
Fixed navigation errror after going to intro from intro
Added chart to stats
Fixed duplicate agenda events
🛑 Aggiornamenti:
L'applicazione al momento come funzioni fondamentali é praticamente finita, per ora é sono solo miglioramenti, devo settare l'account di google play developers e a breve (max 1/2 settimane) sará pubblicata in modalitá preview / internal testing sul play store.
Prossimo obiettivi:
🔹 Supporto widget nativi in Android, a causa del framework flutter che usiamo questo richiederá del tempo
🔹 Statistiche, statistiche e tante statistiche
🔹 Nuova pagina orario
Se avete altri suggerimenti scrivetemi pure! @R1CCARD0
Version 0.0.5-dev.1
Bug fixes, minor changes
New features:
- Added share option to stats page
Bug fixes:
Fixed absences graph bugs
Fixed circular indicator in absences
Changed input field text
Changes to notifications, now when a user installs the application the refresh status is set to 360 minutes
Removed all injection to static mappers
Converted all mappers to static
Fixed minor paddings in lists
The absence graph now shows also ritardi (previously only ritardi brevi)
Added gravemente insufficienti subjects count to score calculation
Fixed 'FlutterError' is not of type 'Exception' for FLogs master
Version 0.0.4-dev.1
New features:
Added #16 - Stats section where you can see useful stats about grades and school
Added about dialog where you can see the link to the github repo and the website
Fixed #26 - the touch tip data in the week summary graph was showing 'absences'
Fixed ascending / descending order in grades page
Changed absence card color
Fixed update loop in lessons
- Partially changed the intro page, removed the notifications dialog (didnt work in smaller devices)
Version 0.0.3-dev.1
New features:
New navigation system
Added translations
Changed text in home screen
Fixed the bug where the login error was not shown
Fixed intro bugs
When a user closes the application during the intro process now it keeps asking to download the 'vital' data
Fixed gray screen when user has no periods
Version 0.0.2-dev.1
New features:
New login page design
New intro
App with no internet now gives proper messages and doesen't delete items in the databse
Better translations
Added a chart to the home page with the events summary
Changed navigation system (will be changed again in the future)
Fixed #24 - Notification notices duplicates
Fixed #20 - Back button for going to home page
Fixed #18 - First day events duoplicates
Fixed #21 - App bugs when no internet
Fixed #19 - Timetable overflow issue
Fixed #9 - Login strange behavios
Version 0.0.1-dev.1+hotfix.1
New features:
- Close #20 - Implemented back button
Fixed #18 - Duplicated events in agenda fixed
Fixed #11 - Fixed infinite loop agenda
Fixed #10 - Removed 'false' 'true' flag in grade dialog
Fixed #13 - Missing agenda placeholder
Fixed #17 - Agenda download issue fixed. There was a '/' in the name (bad nikla)
Fixed #14 - the school reports and documents text were missing due to errors in the json file
Fixed cards inner padding in the home page (it was having strange behaviors with long texts)
Temporary fix for timetable, apparently sometimes there is an unknown subject id 🤨
Version 0.0.1-dev.2
New feature:
- You can exclude a grade from the average
- Notices and final grades notifications
Stability and bug fixes:
- Improved logging, if you notice bugs please report it (just go to settings > report a bug
- Changed refresh indicator and fixed refreshing when there are not enough elements in a list
- Fixed lot minor issues and bugs