This codebase was created to demonstrate a fully fledged fullstack application built with Golang/Gin including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more.
├── gorm.db //created in the initial run
├── main.go //entrypoint for the server
├── common
│ ├── utils.go //small tools function
│ └── database.go //DB connect manager
└── users
├── models.go //data models definition & DB operation
├── serializers.go //response computing & format
├── routers.go //business logic & router binding
├── middlewares.go //put the before & after logic of handle request
└── validators.go //form/json checker
➜ go run .
➜ go test -v ./... -cover
➜ go build -i -o ./bin/server
➜ chmod +x ./bin/server
➜ ./bin/server
If you are on Windows, add .exe
to the server
executable name
➜ go build -i -o ./bin/server.exe
➜ ./bin/server.exe
- More elegance config
- Test coverage (common & users 100%, article 0%)
- ProtoBuf support
- Code structure optimize (I think some place can use interface)
- Continuous integration (done)