Hibou is a simple viewer for markdown page.
It makes easy to create and share an article with data visualization in it.
✔️ Articles are written in markdown
Html works fine too
✔️ Dataviz are rendered with vega
You can also use other libraries like d3 or raphael
✔️ Stored on github gist
You can still propose a new connector to an other storage
Write your article in markdown and store on a gist within an index.md
You can then visualize it go on: https://rhuille.github.io/hibou/#/gist/{gist_id}
For example, this gist:
can be visualized with Hibou here:
Hibou improves markdown with a custom html element <vega-element>
, which instantiates Vega visualization.
For example:
<vega-element src="https://vega.github.io/vega/examples/bar-chart.vg.json"></vega-element>
will render:
You can also use vega-lite spec setting the lite
<vega-element lite src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vega/vega-lite/master/examples/specs/bar.vl.json"></vega-element>
And you can also write the spec directly inside the html:
<vega-element lite>
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v4.json",
"description": "A simple bar chart with embedded data.",
"data": {
"values": [
{"a": "A", "b": 28}, {"a": "B", "b": 55}, {"a": "C", "b": 43},
{"a": "D", "b": 91}, {"a": "E", "b": 81}, {"a": "F", "b": 53},
{"a": "G", "b": 19}, {"a": "H", "b": 87}, {"a": "I", "b": 52}
"mark": "bar",
"encoding": {
"x": {"field": "a", "type": "nominal", "axis": {"labelAngle": 0}},
"y": {"field": "b", "type": "quantitative"}
✏️ The vega-element
is fully supported by Firefox (version 63), Chrome, and Opera and partially by Safari. It is a web-component cf. here the full details.
- Hibou is highly inspired from https://bl.ocks.org/-/about
- Hibou uses markdown-it to transform the markdown content into html.
- Hibou is hosted on github pages