diff --git a/workflows/mta-v7.x/mta.svg b/workflows/mta-v7.x/mta.svg
index 44465c8e..c4aeb1e0 100644
--- a/workflows/mta-v7.x/mta.svg
+++ b/workflows/mta-v7.x/mta.svg
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/workflows/mta-v7.x/mta.sw.yaml b/workflows/mta-v7.x/mta.sw.yaml
index 135bf91a..497b0208 100644
--- a/workflows/mta-v7.x/mta.sw.yaml
+++ b/workflows/mta-v7.x/mta.sw.yaml
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ functions:
- name: filterApplication
type: expression
operation: "{application: .applications|map(select(.repository.url == .repositoryURL))[0]}"
+ - name: deleteTaskGroup
+ operation: specs/mta.json#deleteTaskGroup
- name: getApplication
operation: specs/mta.json#getApplications
- name: getApplicationAnalysis
@@ -102,50 +104,65 @@ functions:
- name: successResult
type: expression
operation: '{
- "completedWith":"success",
- "message": "MTA v7.x analysis completed for " + .repositoryURL,
- "outputs":[
- {
- "key":"MTA Analysis Result URL",
- "value": $SECRET.mta.url + "/hub/applications/" + (.application.id|tostring) + "/analysis/report",
- "format":"link"
- },
- {
- "key":"Migration Wave Ticket URL",
- "value": (if .migrationWaveJiraTicket != null then .migrationWaveJiraTicket.link else "" end),
- "format":"link"
- }
- ],
- "nextWorkflows":[
- {
- "id":"m2k",
- "name":"Move2Kube workflow"
- }
- ]
+ result: {
+ completedWith:"success",
+ message: "MTA v7.x analysis completed for " + .repositoryURL,
+ outputs:[
+ {
+ key:"MTA Analysis Result URL",
+ value: $SECRET.mta.url + "/hub/applications/" + (.application.id|tostring) + "/analysis/report",
+ format:"link"
+ },
+ {
+ key:"Migration Wave Ticket URL",
+ value: (if .migrationWaveJiraTicket != null then .migrationWaveJiraTicket.link else "" end),
+ format:"link"
+ }
+ ],
+ nextWorkflows:[
+ {
+ id:"m2k",
+ name:"Move2Kube workflow"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- name: mandatoriesIncidentsResult
type: expression
operation: '{
- "completedWith": "warning",
- "message": "MTA analysis for " + .application.repository.url + " completed with " + (.application.mandatoriesIncidents|tostring) + " incidents in mandatory issues that need to be fixed before being able to provide any next possible workflow. Check the analysis report." + (if .migrationWaveJiraTicket != null then " Application was exported to issue manager." else "" end),
- "outputs": [
- {
- "key":"MTA Analysis Result URL",
- "value": ($SECRET.mta.url + "/hub/applications/" + (.application.id|tostring) + "/analysis/report"),
- "format": "link"
- },
- {
- "key":"Migration Wave Ticket URL",
- "value": (if .migrationWaveJiraTicket != null then .migrationWaveJiraTicket.link else "" end),
- "format": "link"
- }
- ]
+ result: {
+ completedWith: "warning",
+ message: "MTA analysis for " + .application.repository.url + " completed with " + (.application.mandatoriesIncidents|tostring) + " incidents in mandatory issues that need to be fixed before being able to provide any next possible workflow. Check the analysis report." + (if .migrationWaveJiraTicket != null then " Application was exported to issue manager." else "" end),
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ key:"MTA Analysis Result URL",
+ value: ($SECRET.mta.url + "/hub/applications/" + (.application.id|tostring) + "/analysis/report"),
+ format: "link"
+ },
+ {
+ key:"Migration Wave Ticket URL",
+ value: (if .migrationWaveJiraTicket != null then .migrationWaveJiraTicket.link else "" end),
+ format: "link"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- name: errorResult
type: expression
operation: '{
- "completedWith":"error",
- "message": "MTA analysis for " + .application.repository.url + " failed: " + .exitMessage + ". Check logs of task pod: " + .taskgroup.tasks[0].pod
+ result: {
+ completedWith:"error",
+ message: "MTA analysis for " + .application.repository.url + " failed: " + .exitMessage + ". Check logs of task pod: " + .taskgroup.tasks[0].pod
+ }
+ }'
+ - name: abortResult
+ type: expression
+ operation: '{
+ result: {
+ completedWith:"aborted",
+ message: "MTA analysis for " + .application.repository.url + " aborted, all in progress tasks were cancelled."
+ }
@@ -191,6 +208,7 @@ states:
- name: SubmitAnalysis
type: operation
actionMode: sequential
+ compensatedBy: CancelTaskAbort
- name: submitTaskgroup
@@ -213,15 +231,9 @@ states:
transition: pollResults
- name: pollResults
type: operation
+ compensatedBy: CancelTaskAbort
actionMode: sequential
- - name: "SleepBeforeChecking"
- functionRef:
- refName: "logInfo"
- arguments:
- message: '"Sleeping before checking the analysis result "'
- sleep:
- after: PT30S
- name: "getTaskgroup"
refName: getTaskgroup
@@ -229,13 +241,11 @@ states:
id: ".taskgroup.id"
toStateData: .taskgroup
- - name: "logTaskGroup"
- functionRef:
- refName: "logInfo"
- arguments:
- message: "\"Logging data: \\(.)\""
+ sleep:
+ before: PT30S
transition: checkReportDone
- name: checkReportDone
+ compensatedBy: CancelTaskAbort
type: switch
- condition: (.taskgroup.state == "Ready" and (.taskgroup.tasks[0].state == "Running" or (.taskgroup.tasks[0].state == "Pending" or .taskgroup.tasks[0].state == "Postponed")))
@@ -273,11 +283,6 @@ states:
toStateData: .application.mandatoriesIncidents
refName: countMandatoriesIncidents
- - name: "logMandatoriesIncidents"
- functionRef:
- refName: "logInfo"
- arguments:
- message: "\"Mandatory incidents: \\(.application.mandatoriesIncidents|tostring)\""
transition: CountNonMandatoriesIncidents
- name: CountNonMandatoriesIncidents
type: operation
@@ -288,11 +293,6 @@ states:
toStateData: .application.nonMandatoriesIncidents
refName: countNonMandatoriesIncidents
- - name: "logNonMandatoriesIncidents"
- functionRef:
- refName: "logInfo"
- arguments:
- message: "\"Non-mandatory incidents: \\(.application.nonMandatoriesIncidents|tostring)\""
transition: CheckMandatoriesIncidents
- name: CheckMandatoriesIncidents
type: switch
@@ -444,11 +444,6 @@ states:
type: operation
actionMode: sequential
- - name: logInfo
- functionRef:
- refName: "logInfo"
- arguments:
- message: "\"Logging data: \\(.)\""
- name: "CreateTickets"
refName: createTicket
@@ -496,18 +491,9 @@ states:
topic: "MTA Analysis Workflow"
link: '$SECRET.mta.url + "/hub/applications/" + (.application.id|tostring) + "/analysis/report"'
severity: "normal"
- transition: reportCompletion
- - name: reportCompletion
- type: operation
- actionMode: sequential
- actions:
- name: reportCompletion
refName: successResult
- actionDataFilter:
- toStateData: ".result"
- stateDataFilter:
- output: ". += .result"
end: true
- name: NotifyMandatoriesIncidentsInApplication
type: operation
@@ -524,17 +510,9 @@ states:
topic: "MTA Analysis Workflow"
link: '$SECRET.mta.url + "/hub/applications/" + (.application.id|tostring) + "/analysis/report"'
severity: "high"
- transition: reportCompletionWithMandatoriesIncidentsInApplication
- - name: reportCompletionWithMandatoriesIncidentsInApplication
- type: operation
- actions:
- name: reportCompletionWithMandatoriesIncidentsInApplication
refName: mandatoriesIncidentsResult
- actionDataFilter:
- toStateData: ".result"
- stateDataFilter:
- output: ". += .result"
end: true
- name: NotifyFailureBackstage
type: operation
@@ -559,8 +537,33 @@ states:
- name: reportFailure
refName: errorResult
- actionDataFilter:
- toStateData: ".result"
- stateDataFilter:
- output: ". += .result"
end: true
+ - name: CancelTaskAbort
+ type: operation
+ usedForCompensation: true
+ actions:
+ - name: logInfo
+ functionRef:
+ refName: logInfo
+ arguments:
+ message: '${"MTA workflow: " + $WORKFLOW.instanceId + " was aborted while task was still in progress}"'
+ - name: "abortTasks"
+ functionRef:
+ refName: deleteTaskGroup
+ arguments:
+ id: ".taskgroup.id"
+ - name: createNotification
+ functionRef:
+ refName: createNotification
+ arguments:
+ recipients:
+ type: "entity"
+ entityRef: .recipients
+ payload:
+ title: "MTA analysis aborted"
+ description: '"MTA analysis for " + .application.repository.url + " aborted while tasks still in progress, tasks were cancelled"'
+ topic: "MTA Analysis Workflow"
+ severity: "critical"
+ - name: reportAbort
+ functionRef:
+ refName: abortResult
diff --git a/workflows/shared/schemas/workflow-result-schema.json b/workflows/shared/schemas/workflow-result-schema.json
index f2e91416..226bf09e 100644
--- a/workflows/shared/schemas/workflow-result-schema.json
+++ b/workflows/shared/schemas/workflow-result-schema.json
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
"enum": [
- "warning"
+ "warning",
+ "aborted"
"message": {