This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
B Term 2019
Raymond Dolan
René Borner
Jusitn Aquilante
James Plante
Clone the repository
Run 'npm install.'
Run 'npm start' to run the project on localhost:3000
In video tab, click upload video
Enter information into form which pops up and choose your file.
Click upload video. Video will be uploaded and display will refresh.
In video tab, click the small trash icon on the local segment you wish to delete.
Segments are listed in the video tab by default.
In the video tab, enter the text and character to search for and click the button.
Display will refresh and show only the segments matching the search.
In playlist tab, enter a name for the playlist and click create.
The display will refresh with the newly created playlist.
In playlist tab, click the small trash icon on the playlist you wish to delete.
Display will refresh with the new list of playlists.
Playlists are listed under the playlist tab by default.
In playlist view, click the play button on desired playlist.
Select the trash icon on the segment you wish to remove.
Display will refresh with the playlist being updated.
In playlist tab, select the plus button on the playlist you wish to add to.
Search for the segment you wish to add and click the "add video" button to add it.
Display will refresh with updated playlist.
Select play button on desired playlist
Click each video individually to play it.