This package contains my very first Map-Reduce java program for parsing Apache logfiles on a massive scale using Hadoop. It takes as input a file in the format
Where SOURCE is something loke file:://server//var/log/apache.log as outputed from the LogStash log-collection program which we use at MOC to collect logfiles from many webservers.
Be warned that this is my very first map-reduce program, and also my first Java program in over 10 years! I'm no Java-programmer, I usually code PHP for a living, and my code might show this i subtle, and not-so-subtle ways.
Compile using
ant clean ant jar
And run with
haddop jar build/jar/LagAnalyer.jar [COMMAND] [INPUT_DIR] [OUTPUT_DIR]
Where COMMAND is either browser or geoip::country and INPUT_DIR is a hdfs directory (or local when running in pseudo mode) path to where your correctly formatted logfiles reside.
The output will be a file with first column being the browser og country code (depending on which command you gave the program), and column two will be two numbers, the first is the hit-count, and the second the byte-count
hadoop jar build/jar/LogAnalyzer.jar browser res/access-sample.log out/