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From the previous blogentry, let's see the IBM ROM BASIC device table again:
Name | Description |
KYBD: | keyboard |
SCRN: | screen |
LPT1: | printer - output only, with LIST, "LPT1:" |
CAS1: | see more: |
As of 2018, only one non-basic application is released as an IBM PC/PCjr cassette booter, which is the IBM PC Diagnostics 1.02 (Cassette) - but some months ago, the number of such applications had been doubled - by me ( N.-).
And I am in britney-mode: "oops, I did it again" - doubled the number of tape booters - the two games mentioned in the previous post had been converted, so the can be booted from IBM ROM BASIC allegedly on a real IBM PC/PCjr having enough ram with the following commands:
LOAD "archon",r
LOAD "boulder1",r
for each mentioned game, respectively. The strings between the quotes are case sensitive! However, the commands themselves are not.
As a fun challenge without any reward, feel free to submit here as a change/PR/discussion poke cheats especially for boulder dash!
- Tape files are compressed with gzip, uncompressed WAVs are 11025kHz/8bit/mono format
- The shellscripts are dual syntax pce-ibmpc configuration files
- Due to the custom sample rate - differs from 44100 -, these games need N's patches in pce-ibmpc
- ROM image files not included, they must be dumped from IBM PC, not from IBM XT!
For those who want to start pce from other than a unixish host, the shell command is:
pce-ibmpc.exe -v -c -g cga -R
For the other game, different configuration file should be specified, obviously.
Have fun! Hope you enjoy these games, originally met them on a C64 many decades ago.
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