Check if names are unique, this is important for funannotate compare and probably also relevant in general.
add genome summary script as alternative to funannotate compare
add option to run with Docker or Singularity
Clean data.csv file (some fields are redundant)
add check when --setup is run again.
remove batch number check when annocomba --setup is run
hack augustus to recognize lower case repeatmasked files for auto training
fix augustus parallelisation hack
make sure assemblies are found both when specified with relative and absolute paths
check presence of interproscan during setup
check presence of genemark key file during setup - do dummy genemark run to check that key isnt expired?
modify annocomba setup part to read in paths to maker, repeatmasker, funanotate, genemark, eggnogg, genemark, interproscan and only run the respective setupp rules if present
make repeatmasker setup a separate rule and allow repeatmasker setup also if no repbase db is provided (need to change
) -
make antismash in rule remote optional
make busco rule more verbose when busco_set is missing. Right now the whole pipeline slowly fails after a failed busco rule
pipeline crashes when no protein evidence is provided in data/protein_evidence
perhaps it would be better to change the structure of the repo so that when cloned you already get the basic directories in data/ (assemblies, external, etc.), rather than have these in .gitignore, have .gitignore in the directories that ignores all in the respective directory
Re. change Repeatmasker to lowercase. Repeatmasked fasta is used by Augustus. I forgot about that. Need to adjust augustus command and add
so that the softmasked repeats are interpreted correctly. Will have to change the augustus call in the code of autoPred.pl.