Invenio standard theme. It is based on Flask
and jinja
templates and uses invenio-assets
HEADER_TEMPLATE = 'invenio_theme/header.html'
BASE_TEMPLATE = 'invenio_theme/page.html'
COVER_TEMPLATE = 'invenio_theme/page_cover.html'
SETTINGS_TEMPLATE = 'invenio_theme/settings/content.html'
THEME_LOGO = 'images/simple_app_logo.png'
mkdir my_instance/templates/my_instance
touch my_instance/templates/my_instance/page.html
touch my_instance/templates/my_instance/footer.html
BASE_TEMPLATE = 'my_instance/page.html'
my_instance collect -v
<!-- inheritance -->
{% extends 'invenio_theme/page.html' %}
<!-- redefine footer -->
{%- block page_footer %}
<!-- external file -->
{% include 'simple_app/footer.html' %}
{%- endblock page_footer %}
<!-- footer block -->
<footer id="footer">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12" style="text-align: right;">
<hr />
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<!-- language selector if defined -->
{% if config.I18N_LANGUAGES %}
{% from "invenio_i18n/macros/language_selector.html" import language_selector %}
{{ language_selector() }}
{% endif %}
<!-- replace Invenio link by RERO -->
{% trans link="" %}Powered by <a href="{{link}}">RERO</a>{% endtrans %}