Media assets management for Invenio.
This module is based on Flask-Assets
and Flask-Collect
. It adds nodejs
support and static files invenio
modules collection.
In your module or invenio
instance you have templates or static files such as images, etc. The collect
command will go through all invenio
install modules and make symlinks in the Flask
directory. This directory is to put generated files such as generated assets.
my_instance collect -v # collect static files from modules
This module is able to use scss
and requirejs
(use of nodejs in the frontend).
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Usually used in the backend it is possible to use it to the frontend using special filters.
'invenio_assets.bundles': [
'mycssbundle = my_instance.bundles:mycssbundle',
'myjsbundle = my_instance.bundles:myjsbundle'
from invenio_assets import NpmBundle
mycssbundle = NpmBundle(
filters='scss, cleancss',
'almond': '~0.3.1',
'bootstrap-sass': '~3.3.5',
'font-awesome': '~4.4.0',
{% assets "mycssbundle" %}<link href="{{ ASSET_URL }}" rel="stylesheet">{% endassets %}
{% assets "myjsbundle" %}<script src="{{ ASSET_URL }}"></script>{% endassets %}
my_instance npm # create the list of nodejs module to install
# it will create a packages.json file in the instance_dir/static
# go to this dir and run 'npm install' to install js packages
my_instance assets build # compile css and js this will create files in the
# instance_dir/static/gen directory