diff --git a/buddy.yml b/buddy.yml index b3e7f706..d945ef7c 100644 --- a/buddy.yml +++ b/buddy.yml @@ -1,3 +1,212 @@ +- pipeline: "test" + trigger_mode: "ON_EVERY_PUSH" + ref_name: "refs/*" + ref_type: "WILDCARD" + fetch_all_refs: true + trigger_condition: "ALWAYS" + actions: + - action: "Execute: composer tests" + type: "BUILD" + working_directory: "/buddy/repman" + docker_image_name: "library/php" + docker_image_tag: "7.4.1" + execute_commands: + - "composer validate" + - "composer install" + - "rm -rf var/cache" + - "composer reset-db" + - "composer tests" + - "bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)" + setup_commands: + - "apt-get update && apt-get install -y git zip" + - "curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer" + - "" + - "# php ext pdo_pgsql" + - "apt-get install -y libpq-dev" + - "docker-php-ext-configure pdo_pgsql --with-pdo-pgsql" + - "docker-php-ext-install pdo_pgsql" + - "" + - "# coverage driver" + - "pecl install pcov && docker-php-ext-enable pcov" + - "" + - "# intl" + - "apt-get install -y libicu-dev && \\" + - " docker-php-ext-configure intl && \\" + - " docker-php-ext-install intl" + - "" + - "# zip" + - "apt-get install -y zip unzip libzip-dev" + - "docker-php-ext-configure zip" + - "docker-php-ext-install zip" + - " " + - "echo \"memory_limit=-1\" >> /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/buddy.ini" + - "git config --global user.email \"buddy@repman.io\"" + "git config --global user.name \"buddy.works\"" + services: + - type: "POSTGRE_SQL" + version: "11.6-alpine" + connection: + host: "postgres" + port: 5432 + user: "main" + password: "main" + db: "main" + volume_mappings: + - "/:/buddy/repman" + trigger_condition: "ALWAYS" + shell: "BASH" + - action: "Run repman/deploy" + type: "RUN_NEXT_PIPELINE" + comment: "Triggered by $BUDDY_PIPELINE_NAME execution #$BUDDY_EXECUTION_ID" + trigger_condition: "VAR_IS" + trigger_variable_value: "master" + trigger_variable_key: "BUDDY_EXECUTION_BRANCH" + revision: "INHERIT" + next_project_name: "repman" + next_pipeline_name: "deploy" + variables: + - key: "DATABASE_URL" + value: "postgresql://main:main@postgres:5432/main?serverVersion=11&charset=utf8" + id: 352921 + description: "" +- pipeline: "security" + trigger_mode: "SCHEDULED" + ref_name: "master" + ref_type: "BRANCH" + priority: "NORMAL" + start_date: "2020-02-05T07:00:00Z" + delay: 1440 + fetch_all_refs: true + trigger_condition: "ALWAYS" + actions: + - action: "Execute: composer security" + type: "BUILD" + working_directory: "/buddy/repman" + docker_image_name: "library/php" + docker_image_tag: "7.4.1" + execute_commands: + - "/local-php-security-checker" + setup_commands: + - "curl -L https://github.com/fabpot/local-php-security-checker/releases/download/v1.0.0/local-php-security-checker_1.0.0_linux_amd64 --output local-php-security-checker" + - "chmod 0755 local-php-security-checker" + volume_mappings: + - "/:/buddy/repman" + trigger_condition: "ALWAYS" + shell: "BASH" + - action: "Send notification to Telegram" + type: "TELEGRAM" + trigger_time: "ON_FAILURE" + content: "[#$BUDDY_EXECUTION_ID] $BUDDY_PIPELINE_NAME failed execution by [$BUDDY_INVOKER_NAME]($BUDDY_INVOKER_URL)" + parse_mode: "MARKDOWN" + trigger_condition: "ALWAYS" + integration_hash: "5f4f3794fd5a7366872df494" + variables: + - key: "DATABASE_URL" + value: "postgresql://main:main@postgres:5432/main?serverVersion=11&charset=utf8"- pipeline: "test" + trigger_mode: "ON_EVERY_PUSH" + ref_name: "refs/*" + ref_type: "WILDCARD" + fetch_all_refs: true + trigger_condition: "ALWAYS" + actions: + - action: "Execute: composer tests" + type: "BUILD" + working_directory: "/buddy/repman" + docker_image_name: "library/php" + docker_image_tag: "7.4.1" + execute_commands: + - "composer validate" + - "composer install" + - "rm -rf var/cache" + - "composer reset-db" + - "composer tests" + - "bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)" + setup_commands: + - "apt-get update && apt-get install -y git zip" + - "curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer" + - "" + - "# php ext pdo_pgsql" + - "apt-get install -y libpq-dev" + - "docker-php-ext-configure pdo_pgsql --with-pdo-pgsql" + - "docker-php-ext-install pdo_pgsql" + - "" + - "# coverage driver" + - "pecl install pcov && docker-php-ext-enable pcov" + - "" + - "# intl" + - "apt-get install -y libicu-dev && \\" + - " docker-php-ext-configure intl && \\" + - " docker-php-ext-install intl" + - "" + - "# zip" + - "apt-get install -y zip unzip libzip-dev" + - "docker-php-ext-configure zip" + - "docker-php-ext-install zip" + - " " + - "echo \"memory_limit=-1\" >> /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/buddy.ini" + - "git config --global user.email \"buddy@repman.io\"" + "git config --global user.name \"buddy.works\"" + services: + - type: "POSTGRE_SQL" + version: "11.6-alpine" + connection: + host: "postgres" + port: 5432 + user: "main" + password: "main" + db: "main" + volume_mappings: + - "/:/buddy/repman" + trigger_condition: "ALWAYS" + shell: "BASH" + - action: "Run repman/deploy" + type: "RUN_NEXT_PIPELINE" + comment: "Triggered by $BUDDY_PIPELINE_NAME execution #$BUDDY_EXECUTION_ID" + trigger_condition: "VAR_IS" + trigger_variable_value: "master" + trigger_variable_key: "BUDDY_EXECUTION_BRANCH" + revision: "INHERIT" + next_project_name: "repman" + next_pipeline_name: "deploy" + variables: + - key: "DATABASE_URL" + value: "postgresql://main:main@postgres:5432/main?serverVersion=11&charset=utf8" + id: 352921 + description: "" +- pipeline: "security" + trigger_mode: "SCHEDULED" + ref_name: "master" + ref_type: "BRANCH" + priority: "NORMAL" + start_date: "2020-02-05T07:00:00Z" + delay: 1440 + fetch_all_refs: true + trigger_condition: "ALWAYS" + actions: + - action: "Execute: composer security" + type: "BUILD" + working_directory: "/buddy/repman" + docker_image_name: "library/php" + docker_image_tag: "7.4.1" + execute_commands: + - "/local-php-security-checker" + setup_commands: + - "curl -L https://github.com/fabpot/local-php-security-checker/releases/download/v1.0.0/local-php-security-checker_1.0.0_linux_amd64 --output local-php-security-checker" + - "chmod 0755 local-php-security-checker" + volume_mappings: + - "/:/buddy/repman" + trigger_condition: "ALWAYS" + shell: "BASH" + - action: "Send notification to Telegram" + type: "TELEGRAM" + trigger_time: "ON_FAILURE" + content: "[#$BUDDY_EXECUTION_ID] $BUDDY_PIPELINE_NAME failed execution by [$BUDDY_INVOKER_NAME]($BUDDY_INVOKER_URL)" + parse_mode: "MARKDOWN" + trigger_condition: "ALWAYS" + integration_hash: "5f4f3794fd5a7366872df494" + variables: + - key: "DATABASE_URL" + value: "postgresql://main:main@postgres:5432/main?serverVersion=11&charset=utf8" - pipeline: "setup" trigger_mode: "MANUAL" ref_name: "refs/heads/*"