ASTra is an open source Python library designed to remotely access a SUMO simulation at runtime using TCP/IP sockets and high level calls. It is a multithreaded process, based on TraCI and Duarouter tools, providing a set of functionalities which can be enabled or disabled and come with a high reliability - with automatic restarts for the whole API and simulation if a serious issue occurs. This API has been developped by Rémi Domingues and Anthony Labaere in the PEL laboratory, at UCD, in a research project led by Lero.
ASTra can be downloaded on
This API is still under development, so new version may be uploaded, fixing previous bugs and extending functionalities.
This library is compatible with Python 2.7 and SUMO 0.16.0. It has been tested on Ubuntu 13.04 (3.8.0-27 linux kernel), Linux Mint 14 (3.5.0-36 linux kernel), Linux Mint 15 (3.8.0-26 linux kernel), Windows 7 and Windows 8.
The default network loaded by ASTra is the Dublin one. Before starting ASTra, please modify the following constants in the file:
POSIX_OS = {True,False}
Make sure to have Python 2.7 and SUMO 0.16.0 (or higher but untested) installed. Your python installation directory must also be added to your PATH environment variable.
Execute the command below in a shell for starting ASTra:
This application can also be launched from Java using Jython 2.7-b1 and the following code lines:
FileInputStream pythonScript = new FileInputStream(new File(<ASTRA_MANAGER_FILE_PATH>));
ASTra will then wait for connections on ports 18001 to 18009. Less connections can be made if disabling functionalities. The connections are done in the port ascending order. Check files description for more information about socket messages.
If you want to simulate a SUMO compatible network, you must add your network file, (.net.xml) and your configuration file (.sumocfg) in the config folder. You can also use any SUMO compatible file and specify them in your .sumocfg file, they will be loaded when starting SUMO. Please make sure the TRACI_PORT constant is the same than the one specified in the .sumocfg file. Then, add the following lines in the file:
MY_NETWORK_ID = "myNetwork"
This will add your network to ASTra's networks directory. If you want to use this network, modify the following constant value:
Please send bugs and requests to [email protected]
ASTra is licensed under GPL, see the COPYING file for details.