How to create a new lab console, example:
- Edit
to add the new link - Run:
oc project labconsole
- Run:
oc replace -f openshift/sa.yaml
- Run:
oc process -f openshift/labconsole.yaml -p NAME=blue -p OS_AUTH_URL= -p OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin -p OS_USERNAME=admin -p OS_PASSWORD=PASSWORD | oc create -f -
- Scale to 5 (or 10 if is heavily used):
oc scale dc/blue --replicas=5
Example with blue, access to:
Using helm chart:
- Create new project:
- Run:
helm install --set cloudauth.password='dummy' --set cloudauth.url='dummy' --set cloudauth.username='admin' --set cloudauth.project='admin' helm-1 helm/
- If you want to use different secret and handle on the fly run:
helm install --set cloudauth.secretName='osp-secret' --set cloudauth.secretEnable='false' --set handle='dynamicv2' labconsole-v1 helm/