- /*
- This file is auto-generated, do not edit
-'use strict';
-const rqs = require("./request");
- * Recommends set of items that are somehow related to one given item, *X*. Typical scenario is when user *A* is viewing *X*. Then you may display items to the user that he might be also interested in. Recommend items to item request gives you Top-N such items, optionally taking the target user *A* into account.
- * The returned items are sorted by relevance (first item being the most relevant).
- * Besides the recommended items, also a unique `recommId` is returned in the response. It can be used to:
- * - Let Recombee know that this recommendation was successful (e.g. user clicked one of the recommended items). See [Reported metrics](https://docs.recombee.com/admin_ui.html#reported-metrics).
- * - Get subsequent recommended items when the user scrolls down (*infinite scroll*) or goes to the next page. See [Recommend Next Items](https://docs.recombee.com/api.html#recommend-next-items).
- * It is also possible to use POST HTTP method (for example in case of very long ReQL filter) - query parameters then become body parameters.
- */
-class RecommendItemsToItem extends rqs.Request {
- /**
- * Construct the request
- * @param {string} itemId - ID of the item for which the recommendations are to be generated.
- * @param {string} targetUserId - ID of the user who will see the recommendations.
- * Specifying the *targetUserId* is beneficial because:
- * * It makes the recommendations personalized
- * * Allows the calculation of Actions and Conversions
- * in the graphical user interface,
- * as Recombee can pair the user who got recommendations
- * and who afterwards viewed/purchased an item.
- * If you insist on not specifying the user, pass `null`
- * (`None`, `nil`, `NULL` etc. depending on language) to *targetUserId*.
- * Do not create some special dummy user for getting recommendations,
- * as it could mislead the recommendation models,
- * and result in wrong recommendations.
- * For anonymous/unregistered users it is possible to use for example their session ID.
- * @param {number} count - Number of items to be recommended (N for the top-N recommendation).
- * @param {Object} optional - Optional parameters given as an object with structure name of the parameter: value
- * - Allowed parameters:
- * - *scenario*
- * - Type: string
- * - Description: Scenario defines a particular application of recommendations. It can be for example "homepage", "cart" or "emailing".
- * You can set various settings to the [scenario](https://docs.recombee.com/scenarios.html) in the [Admin UI](https://admin.recombee.com). You can also see performance of each scenario in the Admin UI separately, so you can check how well each application performs.
- * The AI which optimizes models in order to get the best results may optimize different scenarios separately, or even use different models in each of the scenarios.
- * - *cascadeCreate*
- * - Type: boolean
- * - Description: If item of given *itemId* or user of given *targetUserId* doesn't exist in the database, it creates the missing entity/entities and returns some (non-personalized) recommendations. This allows for example rotations in the following recommendations for the user of given *targetUserId*, as the user will be already known to the system.
- * - *returnProperties*
- * - Type: boolean
- * - Description: With `returnProperties=true`, property values of the recommended items are returned along with their IDs in a JSON dictionary. The acquired property values can be used for easy displaying of the recommended items to the user.
- * Example response:
- * ```
- * {
- * "recommId": "0c6189e7-dc1a-429a-b613-192696309361",
- * "recomms":
- * [
- * {
- * "id": "tv-178",
- * "values": {
- * "description": "4K TV with 3D feature",
- * "categories": ["Electronics", "Televisions"],
- * "price": 342,
- * "url": "myshop.com/tv-178"
- * }
- * },
- * {
- * "id": "mixer-42",
- * "values": {
- * "description": "Stainless Steel Mixer",
- * "categories": ["Home & Kitchen"],
- * "price": 39,
- * "url": "myshop.com/mixer-42"
- * }
- * }
- * ],
- * "numberNextRecommsCalls": 0
- * }
- * ```
- * - *includedProperties*
- * - Type: string[]
- * - Description: Allows to specify, which properties should be returned when `returnProperties=true` is set. The properties are given as a comma-separated list.
- * Example response for `includedProperties=description,price`:
- * ```
- * {
- * "recommId": "6842c725-a79f-4537-a02c-f34d668a3f80",
- * "recomms":
- * [
- * {
- * "id": "tv-178",
- * "values": {
- * "description": "4K TV with 3D feature",
- * "price": 342
- * }
- * },
- * {
- * "id": "mixer-42",
- * "values": {
- * "description": "Stainless Steel Mixer",
- * "price": 39
- * }
- * }
- * ],
- * "numberNextRecommsCalls": 0
- * }
- * ```
- * - *filter*
- * - Type: string
- * - Description: Boolean-returning [ReQL](https://docs.recombee.com/reql.html) expression which allows you to filter recommended items based on the values of their attributes.
- * Filters can be also assigned to a [scenario](https://docs.recombee.com/scenarios.html) in the [Admin UI](https://admin.recombee.com).
- * - *booster*
- * - Type: string
- * - Description: Number-returning [ReQL](https://docs.recombee.com/reql.html) expression which allows you to boost recommendation rate of some items based on the values of their attributes.
- * Boosters can be also assigned to a [scenario](https://docs.recombee.com/scenarios.html) in the [Admin UI](https://admin.recombee.com).
- * - *logic*
- * - Type: string|
- * - Description: Logic specifies particular behavior of the recommendation models. You can pick tailored logic for your domain and use case.
- * See [this section](https://docs.recombee.com/recommendation_logics.html) for list of available logics and other details.
- * The difference between `logic` and `scenario` is that `logic` specifies mainly behavior, while `scenario` specifies the place where recommendations are shown to the users.
- * Logic can be also set to a [scenario](https://docs.recombee.com/scenarios.html) in the [Admin UI](https://admin.recombee.com).
- * - *userImpact*
- * - Type: number
- * - Description: **Expert option** If *targetUserId* parameter is present, the recommendations are biased towards the given user. Using *userImpact*, you may control this bias. For an extreme case of `userImpact=0.0`, the interactions made by the user are not taken into account at all (with the exception of history-based blacklisting), for `userImpact=1.0`, you'll get user-based recommendation. The default value is `0`.
- * - *diversity*
- * - Type: number
- * - Description: **Expert option** Real number from [0.0, 1.0] which determines how much mutually dissimilar should the recommended items be. The default value is 0.0, i.e., no diversification. Value 1.0 means maximal diversification.
- * - *minRelevance*
- * - Type: string
- * - Description: **Expert option** If the *targetUserId* is provided: Specifies the threshold of how much relevant must the recommended items be to the user. Possible values one of: "low", "medium", "high". The default value is "low", meaning that the system attempts to recommend number of items equal to *count* at any cost. If there are not enough data (such as interactions or item properties), this may even lead to bestseller-based recommendations to be appended to reach the full *count*. This behavior may be suppressed by using "medium" or "high" values. In such case, the system only recommends items of at least the requested relevance, and may return less than *count* items when there is not enough data to fulfill it.
- * - *rotationRate*
- * - Type: number
- * - Description: **Expert option** If the *targetUserId* is provided: If your users browse the system in real-time, it may easily happen that you wish to offer them recommendations multiple times. Here comes the question: how much should the recommendations change? Should they remain the same, or should they rotate? Recombee API allows you to control this per-request in backward fashion. You may penalize an item for being recommended in the near past. For the specific user, `rotationRate=1` means maximal rotation, `rotationRate=0` means absolutely no rotation. You may also use, for example `rotationRate=0.2` for only slight rotation of recommended items.
- * - *rotationTime*
- * - Type: number
- * - Description: **Expert option** If the *targetUserId* is provided: Taking *rotationRate* into account, specifies how long time it takes to an item to recover from the penalization. For example, `rotationTime=7200.0` means that items recommended less than 2 hours ago are penalized.
- * - *expertSettings*
- * - Type:
- * - Description: Dictionary of custom options.
- * - *returnAbGroup*
- * - Type: boolean
- * - Description: If there is a custom AB-testing running, return name of group to which the request belongs.
- */
- constructor(itemId, targetUserId, count, optional) {
- super('POST', `/recomms/items/${itemId}/items/`, 3000, false);
- this.itemId = itemId;
- this.targetUserId = targetUserId;
- this.count = count;
- optional = optional || {};
- this.scenario = optional.scenario;
- this.cascadeCreate = optional.cascadeCreate;
- this.returnProperties = optional.returnProperties;
- this.includedProperties = optional.includedProperties;
- this.filter = optional.filter;
- this.booster = optional.booster;
- this.logic = optional.logic;
- this.userImpact = optional.userImpact;
- this.diversity = optional.diversity;
- this.minRelevance = optional.minRelevance;
- this.rotationRate = optional.rotationRate;
- this.rotationTime = optional.rotationTime;
- this.expertSettings = optional.expertSettings;
- this.returnAbGroup = optional.returnAbGroup;
- }
- /**
- * Get body parameters
- * @return {Object} The values of body parameters (name of parameter: value of the parameter)
- */
- bodyParameters() {
- let params = {};
- params.targetUserId = this.targetUserId;
- params.count = this.count;
- if(this.scenario !== undefined)
- params.scenario = this.scenario;
- if(this.cascadeCreate !== undefined)
- params.cascadeCreate = this.cascadeCreate;
- if(this.returnProperties !== undefined)
- params.returnProperties = this.returnProperties;
- if(this.includedProperties !== undefined)
- params.includedProperties = this.includedProperties;
- if(this.filter !== undefined)
- params.filter = this.filter;
- if(this.booster !== undefined)
- params.booster = this.booster;
- if(this.logic !== undefined)
- params.logic = this.logic;
- if(this.userImpact !== undefined)
- params.userImpact = this.userImpact;
- if(this.diversity !== undefined)
- params.diversity = this.diversity;
- if(this.minRelevance !== undefined)
- params.minRelevance = this.minRelevance;
- if(this.rotationRate !== undefined)
- params.rotationRate = this.rotationRate;
- if(this.rotationTime !== undefined)
- params.rotationTime = this.rotationTime;
- if(this.expertSettings !== undefined)
- params.expertSettings = this.expertSettings;
- if(this.returnAbGroup !== undefined)
- params.returnAbGroup = this.returnAbGroup;
- return params;
- }
- /**
- * Get query parameters
- * @return {Object} The values of query parameters (name of parameter: value of the parameter)
- */
- queryParameters() {
- let params = {};
- return params;
- }
-exports.RecommendItemsToItem = RecommendItemsToItem