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585 lines (481 loc) · 30.7 KB


A graphical User Interface framework for A-Frame.

The aframe-gui components provide layout and gui widgets that can be used to create a user interface in an A-Frame scene.

The dist/aframe-gui.js file defines the following components:

Component Primitive Description
gui-flex-container a-gui-flex-container Layout container with flexbox-inspired
gui-item Used by other components for common properties like height and width
gui-interactable Used by other components to define onclick behavior
gui-cursor a-gui-cursor Cursor used to interact with GUI elements.
gui-button a-gui-button Standard button component with text label
gui-icon-button a-gui-icon-button Button with icon label instead of text
gui-icon-label-button a-gui-icon-label-button Button with both icon and text labels
gui-radio a-gui-radio Radio button
gui-toggle a-gui-toggle Toggle button
gui-slider a-gui-slider Slider component
gui-vertical-slider a-gui-slider Vertical slider component
gui-input a-gui-input Text input field
gui-label a-gui-label Text label
gui-progress-bar a-gui-progress-bar Progress bar
gui-circle-loader a-gui-circle-loader Circular progress meter
gui-circle-timer a-gui-circle-timer Circular progress meter with timer

key_orange | '#ed5b21' | key_orange_light | '#ef8c60' | key_grey | '#22252a' | key_grey_dark | '#2c3037' | key_grey_light | '#606876' | key_offwhite | '#d3d3d4' | key_white | '#ffffff' |


Examples are available at:

Use in your AFrame project

Include the following Javascript in the head of the page containing your AFrame scene:


Run the following to build to the examples/js folder:

npm run dist-example

npm run dist-example-min

Run locally

Run the following start the webpack-dev-server:

npm start

The webpack-dev-server should now be running at http://localhost:8080


a-gui-flex-container Component


Property Description Default Value
flex-direction property specifies how flex items are placed in the flex container defining the main axis and the direction: 'row', 'column' 'row'
justify-content property defines distributed space between and around content items along the main axis of their container: 'flexStart','center','flexEnd' 'flexStart'
align-items property defines distributed space between and around flex items along the cross-axis of their container. Like justify-content but in the perpendicular direction. 'flexStart'
item-padding Padding between items 0.0
opacity Transparency of the flex-conntainer 0.0
is-top-container Setting background of the flex-container false
panel-color Background color of the flex-container #22252a
panel-rounded flex-container panel rounding radius 0.05
    flex-direction="column" justify-content="center" align-items="normal" component-padding="0.1" opacity="0.7" width="3.5" height="4.5" 
	position="0 2.5 -6" rotation="0 0 0"
... gui items here...


a-gui-cursor Component


Property Description Default Value
color Cursor initial color #ffffff
hover-color Cursor hover color #ffffff
active-color Cursor selection/active color #ed5b21
distance distance of the pointer from the camera -1
design choose a design: 'dot', 'ring', 'cross' or 'reticle' 'dot'
		<!-- Camera + cursor. -->
		<a-entity id="cameraRig" position="0 1.6 0">
			<a-camera look-controls wasd-controls position="0 0 0">
				<a-gui-cursor id="cursor"
						  raycaster="objects: [gui-interactable]"
						  fuse="true" fuse-timeout="2000"
						  design="ring" > <!-- dot, ring, reticle, cross  -->
				</a-gui-cursor> <!-- /cursor -->
			</a-camera> <!-- /camera -->

Example without fuse/gaze trigger (click trigger):

		<!-- Camera + cursor. -->
		<a-entity id="cameraRig" position="0 1.6 0">
			<a-camera look-controls wasd-controls position="0 0 0">
				<a-gui-cursor id="cursor"
						  raycaster="objects: [gui-interactable]"
				</a-gui-cursor> <!-- /cursor -->
			</a-camera> <!-- /camera -->

a-gui-button Component


Property Description Default Value
on Event that triggers onclick action click
value Text of button label
font-size Font size for button 0.2
font-family Font family for button ''
font-color Text color for button label #d3d3d4
border-color Border color of button #d3d3d4
focus-color Focus color of button #ef8c60
background-color Background color of button #22252a
hover-color Background color when button is in hover state #2c3037
active-color Background color when button is pressed down #ed5b21
toggle If true, button acts as toggle button with on/off state false
toggle-state Setting the toggle button on/off state false

| width | Width of button | 1 | | height | Height of button | 1 | | depth | Depth of button | 0.02 | | base-depth | Depth of the base of the button | 0.01 | | gap | Gap between button and base | 0.025 | | margin | Margin around button | 0 0 0 0 |

| bevel | If true, button bevel is enabled | false | | bevel-segments | Segments of the button bevel | 5 | | steps | Steps of the button bevel | 2 | | bevel-size | Size of the button bevel | 0.1 | | bevel-offset | Offset of the button bevel | 0 | | bevel-thickness | Thickness of the button bevel | 0.1 |


		onclick="buttonActionFunction" key-code="32"
		value="Sample Button"
		margin="0 0 0.05 0"



a-gui-circle-loader Component


Property Description Default Value
active-color Color of ring that indicates loading progress #ed5b21
background-color Background color of item #22252a
loaded Initial percentage progress value 0.5
font-color Text color for progress percentage text #d3d3d4
font-family Font family for progress percentage text ''
font-size Font size for progress percentage text 0.2
height Height of item 1
width Width of item 1
margin Margin around item 0 0 0 0
		margin="0 0 0.1 0"

a-gui-circle-timer Component


Property Description Default Value
font-size Font size for countdown text 0.2
font-family Font family for progress countdown text ''
font-color Text color for progress countdown text #d3d3d4
border-color Color of indicators that show 25/50/75/100 progress #22252a
background-color Background color of item #22252a
active-color Color of ring that indicates countdown progress #ed5b21

| count-down | Initial countdown value in seconds | 0 | | callback | callback function that fires when countdown expires | '' |

| width | Width of item | 1 | | height | Height of item | 1 | | margin | Margin around item | 0 0 0 0 |

	margin="0 0 0.1 0"

a-gui-icon-button Component


Property Description Default Value
on Event that triggers onclick action click

| icon | | '' | | icon-active | | '' | | icon-font | Icon font family | 'assets/fonts/fa-regular-400.ttf' | | icon-font-size | Icon Font size for button | 0.4 |

| font-color | Text color for button label | #d3d3d4 | | border-color | Border color of button | #d3d3d4 | | background-color | Background color of item | #22252a | | hover-color | Background color when button is in hover state | #2c3037 | | active-color | Background color when button is pressed down | #ed5b21 | | toggle | Toggle status | false | | toggle-state | Setting the toggle button on/off state | false |

| height | Height of item | 1 | | width | Width of item | 1 | | margin | Margin around item | 0 0 0 0 |

	onclick="buttonActionFunction" key-code="32"
	margin="0 0 0.05 0"

a-gui-icon-label-button Component


Property Description Default Value
on Event that triggers onclick action click

| icon | icon char | '' | | icon-active | icon char for the active state | '' | | icon-font | Icon font family | 'assets/fonts/fa-regular-400.ttf' | | icon-font-size | Icon Font size for button | 0.35 |

| font-color | Text color for button label | #d3d3d4 | | value | | '' | | font-family | Font family for button | '' | | font-size | Font size for button | 0.2 | | font-color | Text color for button label | #d3d3d4 | | border-color | Border color of button | #d3d3d4 | | background-color | Background color of button | #22252a | | hover-color | Background color when button is in hover state | #2c3037 | | active-color | Background color when button is pressed down | #ed5b21 | | toggle | Toggle status | false | | toggle-state | Setting the toggle button on/off state | false |

| height | Height of button | 1 | | width | Width of button | 1 | | margin | Margin around button | 0 0 0 0 |

	width="2.5" height="0.75"
	value="icon label"
	margin="0 0 0.05 0"

a-gui-input Component


Property Description Default Value
onclick Function to call on click event
onhover Function to call on hover event
value Input text value

| font-size | Font size for input | 0.2 | | font-family | Font family for input | '' | | font-color | Text input color | #2c3037 | | border-color | Border color of input | #2c3037 | | background-color | Background color of input | #22252a | | border-hover-color | Border color when input is in hover state | #22252a | | hover-color | Background color when input is in hover state | #2c3037 |

| margin | Margin around item | 0 0 0 0 | | height | Height of item | 1 | | width | Width of item | 1 |

	width="2.5" height="0.75"
	value="Hello Wor_"
	margin="0 0 0.05 0"

a-gui-label Component


Property Description Default Value
value ''
align text-align: 'left','center','right' 'center'
anchor text anchor position: 'left','center','right' 'center'
lineHeight line-height of the label 0.2
font-size Font size for input 0.2
font-family Font family for input ''
font-color Text input color #2c3037
background-color Background color of label #d3d3d4

| text-depth | distance from the text to label background | 0.01 | | height | Height of item | 1 | | width | Width of item | 1 | | margin | Margin around item | 0 0 0 0 |

	width="2.5" height="0.75"
	value="test label"
	margin="0 0 0.05 0"

a-gui-progress-bar Component


Property Description Default Value
background-color Background color of progress bar #22252a
active-color Color for indicating progress level #ed5b21
height Height of item 1
width Width of item 1
margin Margin around item 0 0 0 0
	width="2.5" height="0.25"
	margin="0 0 0.05 0"

a-gui-radio Component


Property Description Default Value
on Event that triggers onclick action click
checked false
active true
toggle Toggle status false
toggle-state Setting the radio button on/off state false

| value | | '' | | font-family | Font family for radio button | '' | | font-size | Font size for radio button | 0.2 | | font-color | Text color for radio button label | #2c3037 | | border-width | | 1 | | border-color | Border color of radio button | #ffffff | | background-color | Background color of radio button | #d3d3d4 | | hover-color | Background color when radio button is in hover state | #606876 | | handle-color | | #22252a | | active-color | Background color when radio button is pressed down | #ed5b21 |

| height | Height of radio button | 1 | | width | Width of radio button | 1 | | margin | Margin around radio button | 0 0 0 0 |

	width="2.5" height="0.75"
	value="radio label"
	margin="0 0 0.05 0"

a-gui-slider Component


Property Description Default Value
active-color #ed5b21
background-color #d3d3d4
border-color #22252a
handle-color #ffffff
handle-outer-radius '0.17'
handle-inner-radius '0.13'
handle-outer-depth '0.04'
handle-inner-depth '0.02'
height Height of item 1
hover-color #606876
left-right-padding '0.25'
margin Margin around item 0 0 0 0
onclick Javascript function to execute on click
onhover Javascript function to execute on click
percent '0.5'
slider-bar-depth '0.03'
slider-bar-height '0.05'
top-bottom-padding '0.125'
width Width of item 1
	width="2.5" height="0.75"
	margin="0 0 0.05 0"

a-gui-toggle Component


Property Description Default Value
on Event that triggers onclick action click
checked false
active false
toggle Toggle status false
toggle-state Setting the toggle toggle button on/off state false

| value | | '' | | font-family | Font family for toggle button | '' | | font-size | Font size for toggle button | 0.2 | | font-color | Text color for toggle button label | #d3d3d4 | | border-width | | 1 | | border-color | Border color of toggle button | #d3d3d4 | | background-color | Background color of toggle button | #22252a | | hover-color | Background color when toggle button is in hover state | #2c3037 | | handle-color | | #d3d3d4 | | active-color | Background color when toggle button is pressed down | #ed5b21 |

| height | Height of toggle button | 1 | | width | Width of toggle button | 1 | | margin | Margin around toggle button | 0 0 0 0 |

	width="2.5" height="0.75"
	value="toggle label"
	margin="0 0 0.05 0"

a-gui-vertical-slider Component


Property Description Default Value
active-color #ed5b21
background-color #d3d3d4
border-color #22252a
handle-color #ffffff
handle-outer-radius 0.17
handle-inner-radius 0.13
handle-outer-depth 0.04
handle-inner-depth 0.02
hover-color #606876
hover-font-size Font size of label indicating where user is hovering 0.2
hover-height Height of label indicating where user is hovering 1.0
hover-margin Margin of label indicating where user is hovering 1.0
hover-percent Current percentage where user is hovering
hover-width Width of label indicating where user is hovering 1.0
left-right-padding 0.25
margin Margin around item '0 0 0 0'
onclick Javascript function to execute on click
onhover Javascript function to execute on click
opacity Transparency of the vertical slider background 1.0
output-font-size Font size of label indicating output value 0.2
output-function Name of function to calculate output value from percent
output-height Height of label indicating output value 1.0
output-margin Margin of label indicating output value '0 0 0 0'
output-width Width of label indicating output value 1.0
percent Current selected slider value, from 0.0 to 1.0 0.5
slider-bar-depth 0.03
slider-bar-height 0.05
top-bottom-padding 0.125
height Height of item 1
width Width of item 1
	width="2.5" height="0.75"
	margin="0 0 0.05 0"