- Remove ARS oracles
- Filter lend currencies from the config file
- Add Polygon network
- Add shortcut to Bridge Assets
- Integrate PoH with all networks
- Add new skeletons
- Improves amounts with many decimals
- Improve gas price calculation in some networks
- Borrowing process
- Dashboard tabs mobile
- Improve tests
- Dashboard performance
- Redeem loading progressbar
- New borrowing process
- Add dashboard unit tests
- Update buisness logic for dashboard component
- Fix dashboard layout on mobile
- New dashboard component
- New navrail bullets component
- New animations
- Upgrade dependencies
- Shows more decimal when creating ETH collateral
- Improves performance in the loan detail view
- Fix USDC decimals on Ethereum chains
- Fix penalty rate display
- Fix Etherscan/BSC scan links in the loan history component
- Fix Withdraw Collateral TX tracking
- Fix the verification of whether a loan was created
- Implement support for multiple chains
- Add Binance Smart Chain
- New loan list skeleton component
- Clean code
- Improves performance
- Oracle rate for ARS
- Integration with Proof of Humanity
- Navrail appears hidden by default
- Handle stucked TX's
- New home page
- New oracle rates component
- New navrail component
- Set titles on My Account and FAQs
- New "My account" tab on mobile
- Add collateral suggestions in Borrow
- Mobile navigation improvements
- New collateral average bar
- Fix API implementation for collateral
- Fix wallet connection on mobile
- Borrow loans in ARS
- New logic for Installments component
- Add DeFi Pulse icon
- Fix duration label in borrow view
- Fix payments calendar
- USDC engine integration
- New withdraw component
- Implements RCN API v6
- Improves dialog approve UI
- Estimate Fee amount
- Fix "go back" button behavior
- Fix withdraw icon in loan history
- New empty state components
- New transaction history component
- New loan status UI on mobile
- Improves installments detail component
- Improves collateral detail component
- Improves navigation styles on mobile
- Fix go back button in loan detail
- New loan detail UI
- FAQs section
- Improves performance by deprecating Basalt
- Shows alert when TX Cost cannot be calculated
- Improves mat-option styles in mobile
- Scrollbar CSS improvements
- Improve header buttons in safari
- Standardize decimals in the amount of some dialogs
- Fix formatAmount method in cross browsers / languages
- Fix loan pay accordion select in Safari
- Fix next payment date in cross browser
- Implements the order loans feature
- New dialogs UI with more details
- Estimate TX Cost
- New loading button with progressbar
- Show next installment in the payment dialog
- Optimizes load times and requests by partially deprecating basalt
- Remove unused Collateral WETH approve
- Header UI improvements
- Dialog wallet UI improvements
- Logout UX improvements
- Allow to redeem expired collateral
- Fix installment indicator color
- Installments and payments details
- Borrow loans with installments
- Improves the performance of loan listings
- Adjust some amount decimals and improve texts
- Remove unnecessary contracts to approve
- Shows correct amount when funds are insufficient to pay
- Implements Google Tag Manager
- Standardize all dApp amounts and decimals
- Improves the Format Amount utility, add test cases
- Visual improvements in the loan list component
- Change the withdraw and cosigner notifications icon
- Upgrade dependencies
- Fix amount in the loan filter component
- Update of texts and contents
- Show my borrowed and lent loans
- Borrow loans with Collateral
- Uniswap V2 integration
- New collateral dialogs
- New repaying checkout dialog UI
- Add popover with wallet balances
- Update witdrawable available component UI
- Update lending checkout icons
- Fix black screen when opening menu in iOS
- Fix api model_debt_info response handling
- Add creator address for Ripio USD loans
- Hide "next payment in" label for paid loans
- Update oracle factory address in Ropsten
- Hide available loans badge on mobile
- Fix the metamask logo in the Get Metamask dialog.
- Add withdraw component to the mobile version
- Add pagination to the Activity view
- Implement API Diaspore v5
- Show only loans with identity, cosigner or collateral
- Visual improvements
- Add copy for release
- Update metatags
- Exclude diaspore loans with inconsistent information from requests and activity
- Connect to the dApp with multiple wallets
- Update of texts and contents
- New UI for small dialogs (wrong country, funds, Metamask and generic)
- Upgrade Web3 to 1.x
- Lend Ripio Credit loans using a cosigner
- Update of texts and contents
- Adjust filter component and loan detail styles
- Update mainnet contract addresses
- Display Diaspore RCN Engine loans
- Show Lending Checkout Dialog, lend using another currency
- New Material Dark Theme
- Improving Restricted Region Dialog
- Auto-generate technical documentation for each release
- Implement the contracts TokenConverter and MultiOracle
- Visual improvements
- Get basalt loans using the API
- Different payment and lend flows for Basalt loans
- Updated error views (404, no more loans, connection error)
- New originators visual grid for description
- New balance account and withdraw panel
- New look for the payment checkout, transfer and settings dialog
- Open all addresses in etherscan.io
- Upgrade error and event tracking lib from Raven to Sentry
- Upgrade Angular and CDK to 8.x
- Implement lazy loading modules strategy
- Implement virtual scroll for long lists
- Update of texts and contents
- Fix spinners when changing pages
- Fix loans filter in Activity view
- Netlify build, use Node 12
- Add support to deploy Dapp to ipfs network
- Add ipfs-deploy script
- Fix scrollbar style
- Api Fix Geolocalization
- Fix Civic QR CSS
- Improve SEO
- Fix activity duration title bug
- Notification Component
- Use Roboto font for number display
- Increase extra ETH send from 3% to 5%
- Increase min rebuy to 40 RCN
- Fix bug when view card-loan type visibility
- Fix bug when approve contract checkbox visibility
- Added pay loan option
- Lend using ETH if user has no RCN balance
- Filter loan requests by currency, amount, interest rates and duration
- Added Discord to Footer Component
- Setup unit tests
- Setup e2e tests
- Fix bug when loading metamask privacy on account detail
- Fix try to lend an invalid mortgage request
- Fix bug when the request is expired, the estimated return of a loan shows an incorrect amount
- Fix margin "This address is not a lender" message
- Added support for Metamask privacy mode
- Display correct status on expired loans
- Update Decentraland mortgages contracts
- Hide the transfer button on paid loans
- Add transfer loan ownership button
- New Decentraland cosigner detail
- Added loading spinner to transaction history
- Migrated to Bootstrap V4
- Refactor requests component
- Fix display version footer
- Fix transaction history display
- Fix display claim button, cosigner
- Fix validate Oracle, address(0)
- Fix font size, interest rate
- Fix transaction history icons
- Added snackbar notification for ethereum transactions
- Set-up Decentraland contracts
- Fix back button in loan detail
- Fix 404 page not displaying
- Fix build number tooltip
- Display loan history
- New navigation loan detail
- Added Sentry integration
- Added Google Analytics integration
- Filter allowed countries
- Now using Angular 6
- Display error messages
- Show feedback performing heavy operations
- Fix Civic dialog
- Responsive mobile fixes
- Fix production build
- Fix Meta OG Tracking Facebook / Twitter
- Fix poor visibility of the approve contract checkbox
- Fix limit size of the duration label
- Not enough funds dialog
- 404 page
- Show Oracle in loan detail
- Meta OG for sharing
- New Decentraland API Scheme
- Replaced Decentraland API URL
- Added new Mortgage Creator
- Responsive improvements
- Bug fixes
- New sidebar and navigation bar
- Improvements in mobile navigation
- Ability to claim liabilities from cosigners
- Activity tab with all the active loans
- Refactor in cosigner service, created cosigner 'Providers'
- Upgraded API for Decentraland
- Replaced Decentraland canvas by its new map API