Style is based on Airbnb's JS style guide. We recommend vs-code with "lint on save".
Contributions should pass npm run lint
We use ES6 modules, thanks to webpack.
We try to use @ts-check
, that is: typescript checking of JSDoc comments.
We're using a fork of @tgrospic/rnode-client-js as a git submodule.
Use git submodule update --init
We're also thinking about using an update of rchain-community/RChain-API.
- shepherd.js
- htm
... is under dckc's account.
The current edb6ec3 rev results from porting work from git format-patch e4d97ee..c480f4c
after rebasing away history of other designs:
- o2r thru e76e7b64cdc2
- rchat thru cb1055f75c91
- webui thru 252964964f08
We've migrated from flow comments to typescript.
For bundlers, snowpack looked pretty cool but was a bit flakey so we've switched to webpack.