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Releases: rawsrc/PhpEcho

New release : version 2.2.0

14 Apr 21:33
Choose a tag to compare

NEW FEATURE IN PhpEcho v2.2.0:

  1. You have now access to the global <head></head> from any PhpEcho child block
  2. New helpers rendering HTML tags in a secure way
  3. Use a relative path from the current instance to target any child PhpEcho file

IDE Autocompletion for helpers

12 Apr 07:41
Choose a tag to compare

To activate this feature in your favorite IDE:
add in each view file: /** @var $this PhpEcho */ as the first line of code and normally the magic works.

So this is now equivalent:

<?= $this('$hsc', 'any value to escape') ?>
<?= $this->hsc('any value to escape') ?>

For the second version, you get the direct access through autocompletion.

Please see also the standard helpers library, especially for the helper $is_scalar and its equivalent as a function isScalar().

See also how the dynamic methods (your helpers) to list are added as lines of comment in the header of PhpEcho

New release : version 2.0.0

06 Apr 12:20
Choose a tag to compare

New feature :
Create, use and inject your own code snippets as helpers to render easily your HTML/CSS/JS code.

Performance optimization: no more redundant code execution of binding closures to the current instance of PhpEcho

New feature :

25 Nov 14:38
Choose a tag to compare
  • Block's execution id for closed context

PHP7+ :: Execution id

25 Nov 14:25
Choose a tag to compare

New feature :

  • Block's execution id for closed context

PHP5.3+ :: Initial release :

25 Nov 14:34
Choose a tag to compare
  • helper for files inclusion
  • using heredoc notation instead of file inclusion mechansim

PHP7+ :: Initial release

25 Nov 13:53
Choose a tag to compare

First version of PhpEcho :

  • helper for files inclusion
  • using heredoc notation instead of file inclusion mechansim