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Feed Forward Neural Network

This repository contains a python implementation of Feed Forward Neural Network with Backpropagation, along with the example scripts for training the network to classify images from mnist and fashion_mnist datasets from keras.


To use the Neural Network first import FFNNetwork class from :

    from ffnNetwork import FFNNetwork

You can now create an instance of the FFNNetwork class. The constructor takes six parameters:

  • input_size : An integer representing the number of features of input data.
  • output_size : An integer representing the number of output classes e.g. 1(default).
  • hidden_layers : A list of integers representing the number of neurons in each layer e.g. [16, 32, 128].
  • init_func : A string representing the name of initialization function e.g. 'random', 'xavier'(default), 'zero', 'he' you want to use to initialize weights and biases.
  • act_func : A string representing the name of activation function you want to use for neuron e.g. 'sigmoid'(default), 'tanh', 'relu'.
  • loss_func : A string representing the name of loss function e.g. 'mse', 'ce'(default) you want to use for calculating the loss and then finding gradients with respect to weights and biases to minimize the loss. Here, ce stands for Cross Entropy Loss and mse Mean Squared Error.

For example :

    network = FFNNetwork(10, output_size= 4, hidden_layers=[16, 32], act_func='sigmoid', loss_func='ce')

The above line of code will create a neural network with 4 layers, containing a layer of 10 input neurons, followed by two hidden layers of 16 and 32 neurons respectively, followed by a layer of 4 output neurons and using sigmoid as activation function and ce as loss function.

Note that input_size must be greater than or equal to 2, and the number of neurons in each layer must be greater than or equal to 1.

Feeding Forward

To calculate the output of the network when it is given a certain set of inputs, use the forward_pass method. This method takes a single parameter, inputs, which is a list of floats. The number of elements in inputs must be equal to the number of input neurons in the network. The method returns a list of floats representing the output of the network. For example, if network is a neural network with 4 input neurons, we could use the forward_pass method as follows:

    output = network.forward_pass([1.0, 0.23, 0.5, 0.03])


You can train the neural network using the fit method. This method takes 9 parameters:

  • inputs : A list of lists. The inner lists consist of floats, representing a single set of inputs to the neural network e.g. [[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]].
  • output_labels : A list of lists. The inner lists consist of floats, representing a single set of expected outputs from the neural network e.g. ["T* shirt/top","Trouser","Pullover","Dress","Coat", "Sandal","Shirt","Sneaker","Bag","Ankle boot"].
  • epochs : An integer representing the number of times you want to go through the inputs e.g. 1(default).
  • lr : A float which dictates how fast the network should learn e.g. 0.001(default).
  • weight_decay : A float representing the L2 regularization factor.
  • display_loss : A boolean, by pushing it to True we can plot the loss e.g. False(default).
  • display_accuracy : A boolean, by pushing it to True we can print the accuracy e.g. False(default).
  • opt_algo : A string representing the name of optimization algorithm you want to use e.g.'sgd', 'momentum', 'nestrov', 'rmsprop', 'adam'(default), 'nadam'.
  • batch_size : An integer representing after how seeing how many inputs you want to update the Weights and biases e.g. 128(default).

The number of elements in inputs and output_labels must be equal. The learning rate must be a positive number. Each of the inner lists in inputs must have a number of elements equal to the number of input neurons in the network. Similarly, each of the inner lists in expected_set must have a number of elements equal to the number of output neurons in the network.

Usage of the fit method is shown in the example below:

    network = FFNNetwork(2, output_size= 1, hidden_layers=[16, 32], act_func='sigmoid', loss_func='ce')[[0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]], [0, 1, 2], weight_decay=0, display_loss=True, display_accuracy=True, opt_algo='adam', epochs=10, lr=0.001)

Alternatively, you can train the neural network by loading the data from keras.datasets `` e.g. mnist, fashion_mnist, with the load_mnist_data and load_fashion_mnist_data methods respectively.

For using the load_mnist_data and load_fashion_mnist_data methods first import

    from util import * 

Then call the load_mnist_data or load_fashion_mnist_data method to load data:

    x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test= load_fashion_mnist_data()

Testing Model Accuracy

you can now test the accuracy of you model using the following code:

    y_preds=np.argmax(y_preds, axis=1)
    test=np.argmax(y_test, axis=1)
    print(accuracy_score(preds, test))  


MNIST handwritten digit classification shows how to create and train a neural network which identifies the handwritten digit in the image. This script creates a network with 28x28 = 784 input neurons and 10 output neuron. The inputs contains handwritten digit images 28x28 pixels each where image is represented as a 28x28 matrix where each element of this matrix represents the rgb value of corresponding pixel in the image. The output of the network should be a digit corresponding to the input image. The script trains the network using the network with 54000 sample images of handwritten digits. It then tests the accuracy on test data.

FASHAION* MNIST clothing classification shows how to create and train a neural network which identifies the clothing in the image. This script creates a network with 28x28 = 784 input neurons and 10 output neuron. The inputs contains clothing images 28x28 pixels each where image is represented as a 28x28 matrix where each element of this matrix represents the rgb value of corresponding pixel in the image. The output of the network should be a class corresponding to the input image. The script trains the network using the network with 54000 sample images of clothing. It then tests the accuracy on test data.