- Use a new heuristic for the best-first search algorithm
- Centre of averages of the ranges of each term in the conjunction is the heuristic
- Allow larger cutoffs in tests
- Required for new heuristic
- Remove an unneeded variable when linearising functions
- Rename LPPaver.Decide modules to LPPaver.Algorithm
- LPPaver.Decide.Algorithm is now LPPaver.Algorithm.DNF
- Other LPPaver.Decide.Name modules are now LPPaver.Algorithm.Name
- Polish documentation
- Add useful types for our decision algorithms
- Update decision algorithms to use these types, making them easier to read and maintain as well as returning pavings for each algorithm's result
- Add option -o to executable to write pavings to a JSON file.
- Write initial README.md and REFERENCE.md
- Remove haddock documentation using GitHub pages
- Issues with dependencies so using hackage instead
- Deploy haddock documentation using GitHub pages
- Clean up and document new modules
- Split up single Type.hs module into smaller and better encapsulated modules
- Add constraintRightSide to LPPaver.Constraint.Util
- Document LPPaver.Constraint.Type and LPPaver.Constraint.Util
- Replace minView with maxView in 'model search' mode
- Higher ranges are more likely to produce models
- Add test suite
- Uses PropaFP and 'Place' examples
- Update package dependencies
- Initial release