SIMD intrinsics are used to compute squared distances between a set of points in R^2. The points are created using:
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
x[i] = simd.I32x4{rand.Int31n(maxCoord), rand.Int31n(maxCoord), rand.Int31n(maxCoord), rand.Int31n(maxCoord)}
y[i] = simd.I32x4{rand.Int31n(maxCoord), rand.Int31n(maxCoord), rand.Int31n(maxCoord), rand.Int31n(maxCoord)}
The squared distances are calculated using:
dx := simd.SubI32x4(x[j], x[i])
dy := simd.SubI32x4(y[j], y[i])
sqX := simd.MulI32x4(dx, dx)
sqY := simd.MulI32x4(dy, dy)
sqDist := simd.AddI32x4(sqX, sqY)
Not all distances are computed, e.g. the distance between x[i][0], y[i][0]
and x[j][1], y[j][1]
is not computed.
The command gensimd
and the package
need to be installed. To do so, execute:
go get
go install
go get
After that, to build and run the example, execute:
go generate
go build
This example only uses SIMD instructions on amd64/x86_64, it's untested on other platforms.