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GBHFacebookImagePicker is Facebook's album photo picker written in Swift, built to provide a simple way to pick picture into Facebook account. The picker provides a simple interface like the native iOS photo picker. This picker takes care of all authentication (from the web or with the native Facebook app) when necessary. If the photo's permission isn't accepted during the login, the picker prompts another permission's request.

Screenshot / Demo



  • Login with Facebook SDK and display user's Albums or tagged photos
  • Display pictures of each albums
  • Handling denied Facebook photo's permission
  • Select and get URL/Image of the selected pictures
  • UI Customization
  • AppStore ready
  • Swift 3 & Swift 4
  • iPhone/iPad support
  • Multiple selection in one album
  • MVC to MVVM (feel free to make PR)
  • Unit & UI Test (feel free to make PR)


In your terminal :

pod try GBHFacebookImagePicker

Or to run the example project manually, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Don't forget to replace the current Facebook App's ID with your own in the plist file (Open as > Source code). Like this :


Just in case, for public application (which can be use in the AppStore), you need to send your Facebook's App in review to have user's photos permission.


import GBHFacebookImagePicker
  • Then, implement the GBHFacebookImagePickerDelegate protocol :
// MARK: - GBHFacebookImagePicker Protocol

func facebookImagePicker(imagePicker: UIViewController,
                         successImageModels: [GBHFacebookImage],
                         errorImageModels: [GBHFacebookImage],
                         errors: [Error?]) {
    // Append selected image(s)
    // Do what you want with selected image 
    self.imageModels.append(contentsOf: successImageModels)

func facebookImagePicker(imagePicker: UIViewController, didFailWithError error: Error?) {
    print("Cancelled Facebook Album picker with error")

// Optional
func facebookImagePicker(didCancelled imagePicker: UIViewController) {
    print("Cancelled Facebook Album picker")

// Optional
func facebookImagePickerDismissed() {
    print("Picker dismissed")

The imageModel contain :

public class GBHFacebookImage {
    public var image: UIImage? // The image, not nil only if image is selected
    public var normalSizeUrl: String? // Normal size picture url
    public var fullSizeUrl: String? // Full size source picture url
    public var imageId: String? // Picture id
  • Display picker :
let picker = GBHFacebookImagePicker() 
picker.presentFacebookAlbumImagePicker(from: self, delegate: self) 


You can apply some customisation. To do it you can use the GBHFacebookPickerConfig structure like this :

// Multiple selection settings 
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.allowMultipleSelection = true // False by default  

// Navigation bar title 
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.title = "MyCustomTitle"

// Navigation barTintColor
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.uiConfig.navBarTintColor =

// Close button color 
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.uiConfig.closeButtonColor = UIColor.white

// Global backgroundColor 
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.uiConfig.backgroundColor =

// Status bar style (.default style by default)
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.uiConfig.statusbarStyle = .lightContent

// Navigation bar title color
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.uiConfig.navTitleColor = UIColor.white

// Navigation bar tintColor
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.uiConfig.navTintColor = UIColor.white

// Album's name color 
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.uiConfig.albumsTitleColor = UIColor.white

// Album's count color 
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.uiConfig.albumsCountColor = UIColor.white

// Selected border color 
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.uiConfig.selectedBorderColor =

// Selected border width 
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.uiConfig.selectedBorderWidth = 4.0

/// Preview photos size (normal by default)
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.uiConfig.previewPhotoSize = .full

// Maximum selected pictures 
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.maximumSelectedPictures = 4

// Display tagged album 
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.taggedAlbumName = "Tagged photos"

// Tagged album name
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.displayTaggedAlbum = true

// Number of picture per row (4 by default)
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.picturePerRow = 3

// Space beetween album photo cell (1.5 by default)
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.cellSpacing = 2.0

// Perform animation on picture tap (true by default)
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.performTapAnimation = true

// Show check style with image and layer (true by default)
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.uiConfig.showCheckView = false

// Change checkview background color
GBHFacebookImagePicker.pickerConfig.uiConfig.checkViewBackgroundColor =

Aditionals informations

  • About tagged photos : the tagged photos are displayed in an album (hide by default, see customisation section to display it) with the name "Photos of You". You can change this default name in the settings. The tagged album's cover is the facebook account profile picture, which are retrieved with a special call to the graph API.


GBHFacebookImagePicker is currently write in english. If you need translation for the permission popup (or whatever thing), just add this line in your localized file :

"Pictures" = "<your_translation>";
"Oups" = "<your_translation>";
"You need to allow photo's permission." =  "<your_translation>";
"Allow" = "<your_translation>";
"Close" = "<your_translation>";
"Album(s)" = "<your_translation>";
"Photos of You" = "<your_translation>";


  • Xcode 9
  • iOS 9.0+ target deployment
  • FBSDKCoreKit, FBSDKLoginKit (>= 4.0)
  • Facebook Application, see usage for explaination
  • Swift 3 or Swift 4 project


GBHFacebookImagePicker is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "GBHFacebookImagePicker", '~> 2.0'

pod "GBHFacebookImagePicker", '~> 1.3.1' # For Swift 3.1

Alternative solutions

Here are some other Facebook's album picker libraries.


  • If you need help, open an issue.
  • If you found a bug, open an issue.
  • If you have a feature request, open an issue.
  • If you want to contribute, submit a pull request and read the contributing file.


Some applications already use this picker like :

What about yours ? If your application also use this picker, feel free to contact me or make pull request on the README 😁


Florian Gabach, [email protected]

Inspired by OceanLabs/FacebookImagePicker-iOS (Objective-C)


GBHFacebookImagePicker is available under the MIT license.

If your application use this picker consider to add the licence in your Credits/About section. You can use this library to do it.


FacebookImagePicker is Facebook album photo picker written in Swift.







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  • Swift 98.6%
  • Ruby 1.4%