diff --git a/content/en/post/2024/github_summary.md b/content/en/post/2024/github_summary.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebeecff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/en/post/2024/github_summary.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+title = "Rewind your Github summary"
+date = 2024-01-01T16:16:00-08:00
+lastmod = 2024-01-01T16:48:03-08:00
+tags = ["github", "project"]
+categories = ["github", "project"]
+draft = false
+toc = true
+## 1 Goodbye 2023 {#goodbye-2023}
+As I farewelled to 2023, a year marked by numerous changes and personal evolution, I find myself recollecting the multitude of experiences that unfolded.
+My 2023 journey was nothing short of fascinating and exhilarating, prompting me to revisit the year from various angles.
+After seeing hoards of posts in social media generated by [Github Contributions Chart](https://github.com/sallar/github-contributions-chart), I thought I could also build an APP to summarize my Github contribution for every year for friends to have fun.
+I spent my entire 4-days-new-year vocation to build this app named: [Github Summary](https://github-summary.vercel.app/).
+This project led me through a series of first-time experiences: first time to try Tailwind Css framework, first time to use and deploy project on Vercel, first time to build project on nextjs, first time to develop a public project on React(yes, I've tried to learn React for hundreds of times, but never get a chance to use it in real project), etc.
+## 2 Happy 2024 {#happy-2024}
+While I hoped I could have completed this project by the close of 2023 to share summaries with friends, life's timeline had other plans.
+Now, as we step into 2024, I am thrilled to publish the GitHub Summary.
+It's never too late to showcase creative work, and this project is poised to generate insightful summaries not just for the past year but for the adventures that await in 2024.
+Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! Feel free to explore [GitHub Summary](https://github-summary.vercel.app/):
+{{< figure src="/ox-hugo/github_summary.png" >}}
diff --git a/static/ox-hugo/github_summary.png b/static/ox-hugo/github_summary.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4cbf6d37
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/ox-hugo/github_summary.png differ