Contains data from various sources about Indian administrative boundaries.
Data is available in releases.
Excerpt from Geospatial Guidelines
xiii. For political Maps of India of any scale including national, state and other
boundaries, SoI published maps or SoI digital boundary data are the
standard to be used, which shall be made easily downloadable for free and
their digital display and printing shall be permissible. Others may publish
such maps that adhere to these standards.
Do consider this when wondering about whether the boundary data is usable or not.
Data available in the repository:
- States
- Districts
- SubDistricts
- Blocks
- Panchayats
- Villages
- Habitations
- Urban
- Forests
- Coastal Regulation
- Postal
- Police
- Constituencies
- Census 2011 Admin Boundaries
The tileset deployment code is at indianopenmaps