In 2007, Jeff Atwood made the quote that was popularly referred to as Atwood's Law: “Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.”
- Becasue I know it the best and love it :P
- Starting is super easy.
- Unlimited applicatios - Web Dev, App Dev, ML, Game Design.
Start tips-
- install nodejs
- start writing in chrome
// Topic Videos
- Variables - Var
- Variables - Let
- Variables - Const
- Condition - If/Else
- Condition - If/Else (Contd)
- Condition - Switch
- Condition - Ternary
- Loops - for
- Loops - while
- Loops - do while
- Loops - for in
- Loops - for of
- Datatypes - string, number, boolean, null, undefined, - trick questions
- Datatypes - string in detail - no mutation - in built functions
- Datatypes - number in detail - in built functions
- typeof function - doesnt work for array - Array.isArray
- Arrays - what are arrays? - looping through - Class functions
- Array - forEach
- Array - filter
- Array - map
- Array - reduce
- Objects - what are objects - what is the use of objects - valid values of keys - delete keyword - no duplicate keys
- Objects - keys and value - square bracket property access - dynamic property setting
- Object Destructuring
- Maps - Objects but better? - All about Maps
- Sets - The unique array - All about Sets
- Functions - functions are objects! - normal & arrow - arguments, this
- Function - arguments - callbacks - annonymous functions
- Call, Apply & Bind
- Rest and Spread operator
- "this" keyword