Queue implementation in c.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "queue.h"
typedef struct
int id;
} job_t;
void format(void *data) {
job_t *d = data;
printf("%d", d->id);
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
// Initializing a queue where each item is `job_t`. The first argument
// is the size of the data and the second argument is the max capacity
// of the queue.
owl_queue_t *queue = owl_queue_init(sizeof(job_t), 3);
// Enqueue three jobs in the queue. Enqueue operations performs a
// copy of the data.
owl_queue_enqueue(queue, &(job_t){ .id=1 });
owl_queue_enqueue(queue, &(job_t){ .id=2 });
owl_queue_enqueue(queue, &(job_t){ .id=3 });
// Enqueueing the fourth job will result in a bad status (-1).
// If the job is enqueud the function will return 0.
int status = owl_queue_enqueue(queue, &(job_t){ .id=4 });
printf("status: %d\n", status);
// Checking the items in the queue
printf("n_items: %zu\n", owl_queue_n_items(queue));
// print the state of the queue
owl_queue_print(queue, format, NULL);
// Dequeu will return the pointer to the data on the heap.
// We have to free the data after we are done.
// Dequeue will return `NULL` if the queue is empty.
job_t *data = owl_queue_dequeue(queue);
data ? printf("job_id: %d\n", data->id) : printf("NULL\n");
/* Ouput
status: -1
n_items: 3
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
owl_queue_init # allocate a new queue
owl_queue_free # deallocate the queue
owl_queue_enqueue # enqueue data in the queue
owl_queue_dequeue # dequeue data from the queue
owl_sll_print # print the state of the queue
owl_queue_is_empty # check if the queue is empty
owl_queue_is_full # check if the queue is full
owl_queue_max_capacity # get the max capacity
owl_queue_n_items # get the current no of items
owl_queue_t *owl_queue_init(size_t el_size, size_t capacity, void (*el_free)(void *data)); // returns a handle to the list
void owl_queue_free(owl_queue_t *queue);
int owl_queue_enqueue(owl_queue_t *queue, void *data);
void *owl_queue_dequeue(owl_queue_t *queue);
bool owl_queue_is_empty(owl_queue_t *queue);
bool owl_queue_is_full(owl_queue_t *queue);
void owl_queue_print(owl_queue_t *queue, void (*format)(void *data), char *connection_sym);
// Getters
size_t owl_queue_max_capacity(owl_queue_t *queue);
size_t owl_queue_n_items(owl_queue_t *queue);