When you contribute code, you affirm that the contribution is your original work and that you license the work to the project under the project's open source license. Whether or not you state this explicitly, by submitting any copyrighted material via pull request, email, or other means you agree to license the material under the project's open source license and warrant that you have the legal authority to do so.
With that out of the way, if interested to contribute there are many smaller or larger patches that need to be done:
- The code itself has several TODOs that can be checked/implemented. Most importantly, there are several places where the Weld code can be optimized (e.g. through annotations) but also the Python code (e.g. by restricting the number of new objects created and caching)
- Need to setup tox and/or manylinux project for different Python versions but also linux 32bit and MAC. Windows would be amazing however it has proved very difficult to make it work (check Weld issues)
- Some other deployment steps could also be automated with travis, e.g. publishing documentation or pypi.
- Could also add coveralls or landscape.
- Many new features are desired and most of them are tracked in the github project. Contact me if interested.
Install pipenv:
pip install pipenv
git clone https://github.com/radujica/baloo.git
pipenv install --dev // install all requirements
pipenv run pytest // run tests
cd doc && make doctest // run doc examples
follow https://github.com/weld-project/weld#building to build Weld
pipenv shell
cd baloo/weld/convertors && make
clone repo in adjacent
directory and switch to gh-pages branch; this allows the documentation to be later pushed. So you should have<dir>/baloo
back in baloo root dir:
pipenv shell cd doc && make html
pipenv shell
cd benchmarks && python run.py // correctness checks, plots, and memory profile
Travis is set to build Weld from scratch and test with that, however the pypi deployment contains only specific binaries for Weld and the converters. Currently, the latest Weld master has been used.
pipenv shell
// build wheel distribution ~ binary
python setup.py bdist_wheel (-p posix)?
// upload on pypi
twine upload -r pypi --username <ask-me> dist/<wheel>.whl
// check long-description aka README rendering
twine check dist/<wheel>.whl
- Source code distribution, i.e. through
, not currently implemented. - pypi-test does not have tabulate so can't test there
I used Python 3.5.2 and built on Mint 64bit distribution.