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Installing the RSM-MSBA-INTEL computing environment on ChromeOS

Your first step will be to activate linux (beta) on your Chromebook. See the link below for setup instructions. You will run additional commands from the linux terminal so it will be convenient to "pin" the terminal app to the app "shelf" in ChromeOS.

Note: This installation guide for ChromeOS is a work in progress. Please report successes or failures to

Please follow the instructions below to install the rsm-msba-intel computing environment. It has Python, Jupyter Lab, R, Radiant, Rstudio, Postgres, Spark and various required packages pre-installed. The computing environment will be consistent across all students and faculty, easy to update, and also easy to remove if desired (i.e., there will not be dozens of pieces of software littered all over your computer).

Step 1: Install docker on ChromeOS

Run the following code in a terminal and provide your (sudo) password when requested:

sudo apt install curl openssh-client;
source <(curl -s;

Once docker is installed, make sure it is running. You can can check this by using the following command. If this produces some output and no errors you are set to continue with the next steps. If you see any "permission" errors you may need to restart your system.

docker ps;


Optional: If you are interested, the linked video gives a brief intro to what Docker is:

Step 2: Open a terminal and copy-and-paste the code below

git clone ~/git/docker;
~/git/docker/ -v ~;

This step will clone and start up a script that will finalize the installation of the computing environment. The first time you run this script it will download the latest version of the computing environment which can take some time. Wait for the container to download and follow any prompts. Once the download is complete you should see a menu as in the screen shot below.

Step 3: Check that you can launch Jupyter and Rstudio

You will know that the installation was successful if you can start Rstudio and Jupyter Lab. If you press 1 (+ Enter) Jupyter Lab should start up in your default web browser. If you are asked for login credentials, the username is "jovyan" and the password is "jupyter". Have your browser remember the username and password so you won't be asked for it again.When you press 2 (+ Enter) in the terminal, Rstudio should start up in a new tab in your web browser.

Important: Always use q (+ Enter) to shutdown the computing environment



To finalize the setup, open a terminal in Jupyter lab, press q and Enter if prompted, and then run the code below in the same terminal:


Now open a new terminal and you should see icons in the terminal

Updating the RSM-MSBA-INTEL computing environment on ChromeOS

To update the container use the launch script and press 6 (+ Enter). To update the launch script itself, press 7 (+ Enter).

If for some reason you are having trouble updating either the container or the launch script open a terminal and copy-and-paste the code below. These commands will update the docker container, replace the old docker related scripts, and copy the latest version of the launch script to your Desktop.

docker pull vnijs/rsm-msba-intel;
rm -rf ~/git/docker;
git clone ~/git/docker;
~/git/docker/ -v ~;

Using VS Code

Microsoft's open-source integrated development environment (IDE), VS Code or Visual Studio Code, was the most popular development environment according to a Stack Overflow developer survey. VS Code is widely used by Google developers and is the default development environment at Facebook.

VS Code can be installed from the link below and is an excellent, and very popular, editor for Python, R, and many other programming languages.

Run the code below from a terminal after installing VS Code to install relevant extensions:

cd ~/git/docker/vscode;
cd -;

To learn more about using VS Code to write python code see the links and comments below.

Note that you can use Shift+Enter to run the current line in a Python Interactive Window:

When writing and editing python code you will have access to tools for auto-completion, etc. Your code will also be auto-formatted every time you save it using the "black" formatter.

VS Code also gives you access to a debugger for your python code. For more information see the link below:

You can even open and run Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code

A major new feature in VS Code is the ability to use AI to help you write code. For more information see the links below:

Connecting to postgresql

The rsm-msba-intel container comes with postgresql installed. Once the container has been started, you can access postgresql in different ways. The easiest is to use pgweb. Start pgweb and enter the code below in the "Scheme" tab:

postgresql://jovyan:[email protected]:8765/rsm-docker

To access postgresql from Jupyter Lab use the code below:

## connect to database
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, inspect
engine = create_engine('postgresql://jovyan:[email protected]:8765/rsm-docker')

## show list of tables
inspector = inspect(engine)

For a more extensive example using Python see:

Trouble shooting

If you cannot connect to postgresql it is most likely due to an issue with the docker volume that contains the data. The volume can become corrupted if the container is not properly stopped using q + Enter in the launch menu. To create a clean volume for postgres (1) stop the running container using q + Enter, (2) run the code below in a terminal, and (3) restart the container. If you are still having issues connecting to the postgresql server, please reach out for support through Piazza.

docker volume rm pg_data

Installing Python and R packages locally

To install the latest version of R-packages you need, add the lines of code shown below to ~/.Rprofile or copy-and-paste the lines into the Rstudio console.

if (["sysname"] == "Linux") {
  options(repos = c(
    RSPM = "",
    CRAN = ""
} else {
  options(repos = c(
    CRAN = ""

This will be done for you automatically if you run the setup command from a terminal inside the docker container. To install R packages that will persist after restarting the docker container, enter code like the below in Rstudio and follow any prompts. After doing this once, you can use install.packages("some-other-package") in the future.

fs::dir_create(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"), recurse = TRUE)
install.packages("fortunes", lib = Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"))

To install Python modules that will not persist after restarting the docker container, enter code like the below from the terminal in Jupyter Lab:

pip install pyasn1

After installing a module you will have to restart any running Python kernels to import the module in your code.

Using pip to install python packages

We recommend you use pip to install any additional packages you might need. For example, you can use the command below to install a new version of the pyrsm package that you will use regularly throughout the Rady MSBA program. Note that adding --user is important to ensure the package is still available after you restart the docker container

pip install --user --upgrade pyrsm

Removing locally installed packages

To remove locally installed R packages press 8 (and Enter) in the launch menu and follow the prompts. To remove Python modules installed locally using pip press 9 (and Enter) in the launch menu

Committing changes to the computing environment

By default re-starting the docker computing environment will remove any changes you made. This allows you to experiment freely, without having to worry about "breaking" things. However, there are times when you might want to keep changes.

As shown in the previous section, you can install R and Python packages locally rather than in the container. These packages will still be available after a container restart.

To install binary R packages for Ubuntu Linux you can use the command below. These packages will not be installed locally and would normally not be available after a restart.

sudo apt update;
sudo apt install r-cran-ada;

Similarly, some R-packages have requirements that need to be installed in the container (e.g., the rgdal package). The following two linux packages would need to be installed from a terminal in the container as follows:

sudo apt update;
sudo apt install libgdal-dev libproj-dev;

After completing the step above you can install the rgdal R-package locally using the following from Rstudio:

install.packages("rgdal", lib = Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"))

To save (or commit) these changes so they will be present after a (container) restart type, for example, c myimage (+ Enter). This creates a new docker image with your changes and also a new launch script on your Desktop with the name that you can use to launch your customized environment in the future.

If you want to share your customized version of the container with others (e.g., team members) you can push it is to Docker Hub by following the menu dialog after typing, e.g., c myimage (+ Enter). To create an account on Docker Hub go to

If you want to remove specific images from your computer run the commands below from a (bash) terminal. The first command generates a list of the images you have available.

docker image ls;

Select the IMAGE ID for the image you want to remove, e.g., 42b88eb6adf8, and then run the following command with the correct image id:

docker rmi 42b88eb6adf8;

For additional resources on developing docker images see the links below:


To remove any prior Rstudio sessions, and locally installed R-packages, press 8 (+ Enter) in the launch menu. To remove locally installed Python modules press 9 (+ Enter) in the launch menu.

Note: It is also possible initiate the process of removing locally installed packages and settings from within the container. Open a terminal in Jupyter Lab or Rstudio and type clean. Then follow the prompts to indicate what needs to be removed.

You should always stop the rsm-msba-intel docker container using q (+ Enter) in the launch menu. If you want a full cleanup and reset of the computational environment on your system, however, execute the following commands from a (bash) terminal to (1) remove prior R(studio) and Python packages, (2) remove all docker images, networks, and (data) volumes, and (3) 'pull' only the docker image you need (e.g., rsm-msba-intel):

rm -rf ~/.rstudio;
rm -rf ~/.rsm-msba;
rm -rf ~/.local/share/jupyter
docker system prune --all --volumes --force;
docker pull vnijs/rsm-msba-intel;

Getting help

Please bookmark this page in your browser for easy access in the future. You can also access the documentation page for your OS by typing h (+ Enter) in the launch menu. Note that the launch script can also be started from the command line (i.e., a bash terminal) and has several important arguments:

  • launch -t 3.0.0 ensures a specific version of the docker container is used. Suppose you used version 3.0.0 for a project. Running the launch script with -t 3.0.0 from the command line will ensure your code still runs, without modification, years after you last touched it!
  • launch -v ~/rsm-msba will treat the ~/rsm-msba directory on the host system (i.e., your ChromeOS computer) as the home directory in the docker container. This can be useful if you want to setup a particular directory that will house multiple projects
  • launch -d ~/project_1 will treat the project_1 directory on the host system (i.e., your ChromeOS computer) as the project home directory in the docker container. This is an additional level of isolation that can help ensure your work is reproducible in the future. This can be particularly useful in combination with the -t option as this will make a copy of the launch script with the appropriate tag or version already set. Simply double-click the script in the project_1 directory and you will be back in the development environment you used when you completed the project
  • launch -s show additional output in the terminal that can be useful to debug any problems
  • launch -h prints the help shown in the screenshot below

Trouble shooting

The only issues we have seen on ChromeOS so far can be "fixed" by restarting docker and/or rebooting. To restart the docker service use:

sudo service docker stop
sudo service docker start


If you want to make your terminal look nicer and add syntax highlighting, auto-completion, etc. consider following the install instructions linked below: