diff --git a/dev/articles/test/jss.pdf b/dev/articles/test/jss.pdf index e0dd61a8f..ea7987cde 100644 Binary files a/dev/articles/test/jss.pdf and b/dev/articles/test/jss.pdf differ diff --git a/dev/articles/test/pdf.pdf b/dev/articles/test/pdf.pdf index 4710341ac..fa5af35ea 100644 Binary files a/dev/articles/test/pdf.pdf and b/dev/articles/test/pdf.pdf differ diff --git a/dev/articles/test/widgets.html b/dev/articles/test/widgets.html index 6228e393e..f90db17d1 100644 --- a/dev/articles/test/widgets.html +++ b/dev/articles/test/widgets.html @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@


Test spacing above widget.


Test spacing below widget.


Test spacing below widget.

diff --git a/dev/index.html b/dev/index.html index 77499f9de..bc45b95ea 100644 --- a/dev/index.html +++ b/dev/index.html @@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ - + Build websites for R packages • pkgdown @@ -21,10 +18,7 @@ - + after_navbar: "},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/customise.html","id":"footer","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Layout","what":"Footer","title":"Customise your site","text":"can customise footer footer field. ’s made two pieces: structure, defines overall layout, components, defines piece looks like. organisation makes easy mix match pkgdown defaults customisations. default structure: uses two three built-components: developed_by, sentence describing main authors package. (See ?build_home want tweak authors appear footer.) built_with, sentence advertising pkgdown. package, name package. can override defaults footer field. example puts authors’ information right along legal disclaimer, puts pkgdown link left. side pasted single string (separated \" \") converted markdown HTML.","code":"footer: structure: left: developed_by right: built_with footer: structure: left: pkgdown right: [authors, legal] components: legal: Provided without **any warranty**."},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/customise.html","id":"sidebar","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Layout","what":"Sidebar","title":"Customise your site","text":"can customise homepage sidebar home.sidebar field. ’s made two pieces: structure, defines overall layout, components, defines piece looks like. organisation makes easy mix match pkgdown defaults customisations. default structure: drawn seven built-components: links: automated links generated URL BugReports fields DESCRIPTION plus manual links home.links field: license: Licensing information LICENSE/LICENCE LICENSE.md/LICENCE.md files present. community: links .github/CONTRIBUTING.md, .github/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, etc. citation: link package citation information. Uses either inst/CITATION , absent, information DESCRIPTION. authors: selected authors DESCRIPTION. dev: development status badges extracted README.md/index.md. shown “development” versions websites; see “Development mode” ?build_site details. toc: table contents README (shown default). can also add components, text markdown text: Alternatively, can provide ready-made sidebar HTML: completely remove :","code":"home: sidebar: structure: [links, license, community, citation, authors, dev] home: links: - text: Link text href: https://website.com - text: Roadmap href: /roadmap.html home: sidebar: structure: [authors, custom, toc, dev] components: custom: title: Funding text: We are *grateful* for funding! home: sidebar: html: path-to-sidebar.html home: sidebar: FALSE"},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/customise.html","id":"additional-html-and-files","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Additional HTML and files","title":"Customise your site","text":"need include additional HTML, can add following locations: can include additional files putting right place: pkgdown/extra.css pkgdown/extra.js copied rendered site linked (pkgdown defaults). pkgdown/extra.scss added scss ruleset used generate site CSS. files pkgdown/assets copied website root directory. expert users: template files pkgdown/templates override layout templates provided pkgdown template packages. Use init_site() update rendered website making changes files.","code":"template: includes: in_header: before_body: after_body: before_title: after_navbar: "},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/customise.html","id":"template-packages","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Template packages","title":"Customise your site","text":"share pkgdown style across several packages, best workflow create… package! can contain following: configuration file inst/pkgdown/_pkgdown.yml. can used set (e.g.) author definitions, Bootstrap version variables, sidebar, footer, navbar, etc. Templates inst/pkgdown/templates/ override default templates. Assets inst/pkgdown/assets/ copied destination directory. inst/pkgdown/extra.scss added bslib ruleset. configuration/files supplied override pkgdown defaults, overridden site specific settings. created template package theverybest, can use : Setting sites theme: ’re building site using GitHub actions similar tool, ’ll also need installed theverybest. ’re using r-lib pkgdown workflow, can add following line DESCRIPTION: get sense theming package works, can look : tidytemplate used tidyverse tidymodels packages; quillt used R Markdown packages; rotemplate used rOpenSci packages. please note templates aren’t suitable use package ’re designed give common visual identity specific family packages.","code":"template: package: theverybest Config/Needs/website: theverybest"},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/customise.html","id":"porting-a-template-package","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Template packages","what":"Porting a template package","title":"Customise your site","text":"updating template package works pkgdown 1.0.0, create directories inst/pkgdown/BS5/templates inst/pkgdown/BS5/assets (don’t templates/assets make sure add dummy file ensure git tracks ). templates assets directories directly inst/pkgdown used pkgdown 1.0.0 pkgdown 2.0.0 boostrap: 3. directories inst/pkgdown/BS5/ used pkgdown 2.0.0 boostrap: 5. lets package support versions bootstrap pkgdown.","code":""},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/customise.html","id":"pr-previews","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"PR previews","title":"Customise your site","text":"Lastly, might useful get preview website internal pull requests. , use Netlify GitHub Actions (apply similar logic toolset): Create new Netlify website (either scratch dragging dropping simple index.html, creating site GitHub repository unlinking repository); site settings get ID saved NETLIFY_SITE_ID repo secrets; account developer settings get token saved NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN repo secrets. Starting standard pkgdown workflow usethis::use_github_action(\"pkgdown\"), add logic build site deploy Netlify pull requests inside repository, pull requests forks. Example workflow.","code":""},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/customise.html","id":"conclusion","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Conclusion","title":"Customise your site","text":"vignette explained change theming layout pkgdown websites. work improve user experience involve: Working article (?build_articles) reference indexes (?build_reference). Writing compelling README explains package cool/useful/fun. Improving contents individual articles reference topics 😉.","code":""},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/how-to-update-released-site.html","id":"checklist","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Checklist","title":"How to update a released site","text":"’re already --speed, ’s checklist: Make sure dev site looks way want embarking update released site. good instructions updating existing site pkgdown 2.0.0, Bootstrap 5, “tidyverse/tidytemplate” (applies certain packages):https://tidytemplate.tidyverse.org Make sure using automatic development mode. _pkgdown.yml: Push/pull sync default branch. Create checkout branch based tag recent GitHub/CRAN release. Example readr, whose latest release 2.1.1:git checkout -b update-pkgdown-2-1-1 v2.1.1 General pattern:git checkout -b NEW-BRANCH-NAME NAME--RELEASE-TAG Backport innovations future. Example useful opening move:git checkout main -- _pkgdown.yml .github/workflows/pkgdown.yaml likely candidates: _pkgdown.yml .github/workflows/pkgdown.yaml Config/Needs/website: tidyverse/tidytemplate DESCRIPTION fixes README.Rmd / README.md released roxygen comments. Don’t forget devtools::build_readme() devtools::document(), case. two main Git commands ’ll need: Monitor progress locally pkgdown::build_site(). Push branch, maybe using usethis::pr_push(). Don’t bother opening pull request (branch still created pushed). Go package’s GHA page, maybe using usethis::browse_github_actions(). Select pkgdown workflow. Click Run workflow select branch just pushed. ’s dropdown menu , means pkgdown workflow config current. Scrutinize newly published released site make sure things look right. can let branch sit around , case need iterate ’d like backport niceties next CRAN release. can delete immediately, ’re happy released site.","code":"development: mode: auto git checkout REF -- path/to/a/specific/file git cherry-pick SHA"},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/how-to-update-released-site.html","id":"context","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Context","title":"How to update a released site","text":"talk update released site, first establish might need . released site? kind pkgdown site ? updating released site take special effort?","code":""},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/how-to-update-released-site.html","id":"automatic-development-mode","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Context","what":"Automatic development mode","title":"How to update a released site","text":"Every pkgdown site -called development mode, can specified via development field _pkgdown.yml. unspecified, default mode: release, results single pkgdown site. Despite name, single site reflects “current package state”, either released state development state. packages substantial user base, recommended instead specify mode: auto like : directs pkgdown “generate different sites development released versions package.” readr package demonstrates happens automatic development mode: readr.tidyverse.org documents released version, .e. install.packages() deliver.readr.tidyverse.org/dev/ documents dev version, .e. ’d get installing GitHub. mode, pkgdown::build_site(), consults DESCRIPTION learn package’s version number. development version number, rendered site written docs/dev/. released version number, site written docs/. (also signals alert users reading documentation dev version vs. released version.) Automatic development mode recommended packages broad user base, maximizes chance user read web-based documentation reflects package version locally installed.","code":"development: mode: auto"},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/how-to-update-released-site.html","id":"publishing","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Context","what":"Publishing","title":"How to update a released site","text":"Now ’ve established meaning released (vs dev) site, consider site gets rendered deployed. Many people use usethis::use_pkgdown_github_pages() basic pkgdown setup configure GitHub Actions (GHA) workflow automatically render publish site GitHub Pages. ’s overview function : result, publishing cadence many pkgdown sites governed workflow maintained r-lib/actions/examples/pkgdown.yaml. (confuse _pkgdown.yml, gives instructions pkgdown package, .github/workflows/pkgdown.yaml, gives instructions GHA.) important bits GHA workflow config: NOTE: v2 r-lib/actions, important! use usethis add/update workflow config, make sure ’re using dev version usethis, pull v2 tag. build deploy pushes main (master). build pull requests main (master). don’t deploy pull requests. build deploy publish GitHub release. convention, assume GitHub release coincides CRAN release.primary mechanism building released pkgdown site. pkgdown::build_site_github_pages() consults version DESCRIPTION detect whether ’s building released version dev version. determines dest_dir, e.g. docs/ released docs/dev/ dev. package automatic development mode, means almost pushes trigger update dev site. released site updated push state non-development version number publish GitHub release. tweak things released site releases? brings us workflow_dispatch:. (Yes dangling colon correct.) inclusion workflow_dispatch trigger means pkgdown workflow can run demand, either manually browser via GitHub REST API. ’re going show update released site GitHub branch tag, using browser method. future, might build tooling around API method. Places learn triggering GHA workflows: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/events--trigger-workflows#workflow_dispatch https://docs.github.com/en/actions/managing-workflow-runs/manually-running--workflow https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/actions/#create--workflow-dispatch-event move , repeat: important main branch latest pkgdown workflow. (whatever default branch called.) time writing, means v2 tag r-lib/actions. easiest way get install dev usethis run usethis::use_github_action(\"pkgdown\").","code":"usethis::use_pkgdown_github_pages() = use_pkgdown() + use_github_pages() + use_github_action(\"pkgdown\") + add the pkgdown site's URL to _pkgdown.yml, URL field of DESCRIPTION, and to the GitHub repo + (if owning org is one of: tidyverse, r-lib, tidymodels, rstudio) add \"tidyverse/tidytemplate\" to Config/Needs/website in DESCRIPTION on: push: branches: [main, master] pull_request: branches: [main, master] release: types: [published] workflow_dispatch: - name: Build site run: Rscript -e 'pkgdown::build_site_github_pages(...)' - name: Deploy to GitHub pages 🚀 if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@4.1.4 "},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/how-to-update-released-site.html","id":"construct-a-branch-for-the-update","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Construct a branch for the update","title":"How to update a released site","text":"overall goal create package state update released site corresponds (HEAD ) Git branch. package state : based recent GitHub CRAN release. Incorporate desired updates documentation, pkgdown config. Create checkout branch based tag recent CRAN release. example, readr’s latest release 2.1.1: general pattern: Now backport innovations future like retroactively apply released site. Files must update: .github/workflows/pkgdown.yaml _pkgdown.yml Config/Needs/website field DESCRIPTION (, probably, field! particular, mess version number.) likely candidates: README.Rmd + README.md, e.g., ’ve updated badges. documentation fixes apply released version. reason touch anything R/ even affect roxygen comments. Don’t forget document() ! new vignettes articles apply released version. tips backporting specific changes branch. lucky, specific commits default branch contain necessary changes. case, can cherry pick commit SHA: doesn’t cover everything, file want update, identify Git reference (meaning: SHA, tag, branch) file desired state. Checkout specific file path specific ref: example, readr recently gained new vignette applies released version readr, .e. document dev-features functions. ’s introduce new vignette HEAD main current branch: Commit push new branch GitHub. usethis::pr_push() can handy . Just don’t bother opening pull request (branch still pushed). Now use workflow_dispatch GHA trigger. Go Actions page repo, maybe via usethis::browse_github_actions(). Click pkgdown workflow. see “workflow workflow_dispatch event trigger.” (don’t, means didn’t one pre-requisites, update v2 pkgdown workflow.) See “Run workflow” button? CLICK . “Use workflow ” dropdown menu, select branch ’ve just made pushed. kick pkgdown build--deploy , specifically, cause updates released site. can keep branch around , case didn’t get everything right first time things crop ’d like backport released site, next CRAN release.","code":"git checkout -b update-pkgdown-2-1-1 v2.1.1 git checkout -b NEW-BRANCH-NAME NAME-OF-RELEASE-TAG git cherry-pick SHA git checkout REF -- path/to/the/file git checkout main -- vignettes/column-types.Rmd"},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/how-to-update-released-site.html","id":"problem-solving","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Problem-solving","title":"How to update a released site","text":"Remember GitHub search great way get people’s _pkgdown.yml files front eyeballs: Example query: filename:_pkgdown.yml org:tidyverse org:r-lib given _pkgdown.yml file GitHub, remember History Blame can helpful seeing another package’s config evolved time.","code":""},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/linking.html","id":"within-a-package","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Within a package","title":"Auto-linking","text":"pkgdown automatically link documentation articles wherever ’s possible unambiguously. includes: Bare function calls, like build_site(). Calls ?, like ?build_site package?pkgdown. Calls help(), like help(\"pkgdown\"). Calls vignette(), like vignette(\"pkgdown\").","code":""},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/linking.html","id":"across-packages","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Across packages","title":"Auto-linking","text":"Linking documentation another package straightforward. Just adapt call usual way: purrr::map(), MASS::addterm(). ?purrr::map, ?MASS::addterm. vignette(\"-langs\", package = \"purrr\"), vignette(\"longintro\", package = \"rpart\") purrr pkgdown can find pkgdown site remote package, link ; otherwise, link https://rdrr.io/ documentation CRAN vignettes. order pkgdown site findable, needs listed two places: URL field DESCRIPTION, dplyr: url field _pkgdown.yml, dplyr field defined, pkgdown generate public facing pkgdown.yml file provides metadata site: Now, build pkgdown site package links dplyr documentation (e.g., dplyr::mutate()), pkgdown looks first dplyr’s DESCRIPTION find website, looks pkgdown.yml, uses metadata generate correct links. allow package linked locally installed packages, even website reachable build time, following option needs set _pkgdown.yml: allows locally installed packages access package index metadata locally installed copy, may useful website require auth, build behind firewall.","code":"URL: https://dplyr.tidyverse.org, https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr url: https://dplyr.tidyverse.org pandoc: '2.2' pkgdown: 1.3.0 pkgdown_sha: ~ articles: compatibility: compatibility.html dplyr: dplyr.html dplyr_0.8.0: future/dplyr_0.8.0.html dplyr_0.8.0_new_hybrid: future/dplyr_0.8.0_new_hybrid.html programming: programming.html two-table: two-table.html window-functions: window-functions.html urls: reference: https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/reference article: https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/articles deploy: install_metadata: true"},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/metadata.html","id":"necessary-configuration","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Necessary configuration","title":"Metadata","text":"Metadata can produced correctly pkgdown website URL indicated configuration file.","code":"url: https://example.com"},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/metadata.html","id":"site-wide-customization","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Site-wide customization","title":"Metadata","text":"Metadata entire pkgdown website can specified site’s _pkgdown.yml configuration file home template: opengraph sections: home: title home: description fields override Title Description fields package DESCRIPTION. ’s good practice set fields make package documentation easier find via search, rather sticking title description needed CRAN. template: opengraph section allows customize social media card. image: default, pkgdown uses package’s logo card image (one exists). Use image specify alternative image social media cards pages pkgdown site. src: fully qualified URL media card image e.g. src: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/22618716?v=4; relative path image rendered website e.g. src: articles/test/image.jpg; relative path image stored man/figures package e.g. src: man/figures/cards.png. src field required image specified. alt: Alternative text describing image screen readers situations social media card image displayed. twitter: can specify Twitter accounts associated package style social media card Twitter display. creator: Typically, Twitter handle author package article. site: Twitter handle organization affiliated package author sponsoring package development. one creator site included, provided value used fields. card: style social media card Twitter display. pkgdown sites, relevant options summary_large_image, featuring large image page title description, summary, featuring small square image inline left page title description.","code":"home: title: An R package for pool-noodle discovery description: Discover and add pool-noodles to your growing collection. template: opengraph: image: src: man/figures/card.png alt: \"Pool noodles configured to form the word poolnoodlr\" twitter: creator: \"@hadleywickham\" site: \"@rstudio\" card: summary_large_image"},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/metadata.html","id":"article-metadata","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Article metadata","title":"Metadata","text":"Articles vignettes rendered articles pkgdown can individually customized metadata social media cards. Use title, description, author fields specify title, description, (optional) author vignette article. title field used title article pkgdown site always included. title description used pkgdown page’s social media card. description included article’s YAML front matter, name package used instead. description also displayed articles index. author field used text vignette article. author name displayed depends output format. articles, opengraph section works way site-wide template: opengraph settings, applied article vignette. allows specify social media card preview images individual articles, associate article particular Twitter account. specified, opengraph settings site-wide configuration used.","code":"title: \"Introduction to poolnoodlr\" description: \"A brief introduction to pool noodles in R.\" author: \"Mara Averick\" opengraph: image: src: \"https://example.com/pkg/batpig.png\" twitter: card: summary creator: \"@dataandme\" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to poolnoodlr} %\\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}"},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/pkgdown.html","id":"metadata","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Metadata","title":"Introduction to pkgdown","text":"can override pkgdown’s defaults YAML file called _pkgdown.yml1. important field url, gives final location site: url used throughout site generate absolute urls needed. url also part enables auto-links help topics vignettes sites external package, pkgdown sites Quarto websites. See vignette(\"linking\") . Another important option template, allows control overall appearance site: can learn controlling appearance site vignette(\"customise\").","code":"url: https://pkgdown.r-lib.org template: bootstrap: 5 bootswatch: cerulean"},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/pkgdown.html","id":"language","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Metadata","what":"Language","title":"Introduction to pkgdown","text":"documentation (.Rd .Rmd) written language English, declare setting setting lang two letter language code language: used set language web page translate English words pkgdown generates site. Current available translations : de: German dk: Danish es: Spanish fr: French ko: Korean pt: Portuguese tr: Turkish zh_CN: Chinese (simplified)","code":"lang: fr"},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/pkgdown.html","id":"home-page","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Home page","title":"Introduction to pkgdown","text":"contents home page automatically generated index.md README.md. pkgdown tries order, ’s possible different display GitHub pkgdown providing files. homepage also includes sidebar full useful links; see ?build_home generated can customise .","code":""},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/pkgdown.html","id":"reference","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Reference","title":"Introduction to pkgdown","text":"pkgdown creates function reference reference/ includes one page .Rd help topic man/. translation individual help topics Rd HTML generally straightforward, couple things bear mind: pkgdown best autolink references help topics articles described vignette(\"linking\"). pkgdown executes examples, inserting rendered results generated HTML files. default, pkgdown generates reference index just alphabetically-ordered list functions. index much useful human curation functions can grouped described categories. override default, provide reference field _pkgdown.yml. entry reference can take one three forms: title, defined title optional desc (description) fields. subtitle, defined subtitle optional desc (description) fields. list topics defined contents field. Note use starts_with() select functions common prefix. can also use ends_with() matches(). See complete details ?build_reference. iterating reference index might want run pkgdown::build_reference_index(). just re-builds index page, making faster quickly change _pkgdown.yml see affects site.","code":"reference: - title: \"Connecting to Spark\" desc: > Functions for installing Spark components and managing connections to Spark contents: - spark_config - spark_connect - spark_disconnect - spark_install - spark_log - title: \"Reading and Writing Data\" desc: \"Functions for reading and writing Spark DataFrames.\" contents: - starts_with(\"spark_read\") - starts_with(\"spark_write\") - matches(\"saveload\")"},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/pkgdown.html","id":"articles","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Articles","title":"Introduction to pkgdown","text":"pkgdown automatically build vignettes found vignettes/, translating HTML files articles/. Due way pkgdown integrate RMarkdown generated HTML HTML, relatively little control available output format. can see details ?build_articles. want include article website package (e.g., ’s large), can either place subdirectory vignettes/ (e.g. vignettes/web_only) add .Rbuildignore (make sure ’s vignettes: section yaml header). extreme case want produce articles vignettes, add complete vignettes/ directory .Rbuildignore ensure DESCRIPTION VignetteBuilder field.","code":""},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/pkgdown.html","id":"news","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"News","title":"Introduction to pkgdown","text":"NEWS.md present, rendered single-page changelog based markdown level headings. pkgdown assumes NEWS.md formatted using level one headings (#) specify package name version number, level two headings (##) provide topical organization release. See suggestions writing news bullets tidyverse style guide. See ?build_news customisation options including : Create one page major version related minor versions. Add release announcements news navbar drop-.","code":"# pkgdown 1.1.0 ## Bug Fixes * Lots of them # pkgdown 1.0.0 * This is the first release of pkgdown."},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/pkgdown.html","id":"publishing","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Publishing","title":"Introduction to pkgdown","text":"use GitHub, two ways publish site GitHub Pages: Build site locally, check docs directory, configure GitHub Pages use directory. Use GitHub actions automatically build publish site every time make change. easiest way set run usethis::use_pkgdown_github_pages().","code":""},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/pkgdown.html","id":"promoting","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Promoting","title":"Introduction to pkgdown","text":"finalized site built published web, publicize URL places: URL field package DESCRIPTION, alongside link source: (usethis::use_pkgdown_github_pages() .) repository description GitHub. (usethis::use_pkgdown_github_pages() .) Twitter (make sure include #rstats).","code":"URL: https://pkgdown.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown"},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/search.html","id":"bootstrap-5-built-in-search","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Bootstrap 5: built-in search","title":"Search","text":"BS5, search built-building pkgdown website automatically build search index ’s available navbar (using fuse.js). Currently available customisation excluding paths search index: Note search requires “real” server, local file:// based preview, search won’t work default preview. test search local preview, ’ll need use servr::httw(\"docs\") similar.","code":"search: exclude: ['news/index.html']"},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/search.html","id":"bootstrap-3-algolia","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"","what":"Bootstrap 3: Algolia","title":"Search","text":"pkgdown websites can integrate search capability using DocSearch Algolia. DocSearch powerful search engine free documentation websites. two steps needed enable DocSearch pkgdown website.","code":""},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/search.html","id":"indexing","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Bootstrap 3: Algolia","what":"Indexing","title":"Search","text":"published pkgdown website, submit pkgdown site URL Docsearch. Docsearch contact via e-mail confirm website owner. Docsearch set crawler configuration indexes site every 24 hours. pkgdown builds suggested Docsearch crawler configuration docsearch.json point Docsearch team configuration starting point. want optimize search, Docsearch accept pull requests configuration incorporate additional options fine tune scraping.","code":""},{"path":"https://pkgdown.r-lib.org/dev/articles/search.html","id":"configuration","dir":"Articles","previous_headings":"Bootstrap 3: Algolia","what":"Configuration","title":"Search","text":"Docsearch team e-mail JavaScript integrate website. Put value apiKey indexName parameters site _pkgdown.yml template: params: also need add url: field _pkgdown.yml specifies location documentation web. pkgdown, URL field : building custom Docsearch index, can also include Docsearch app_id _pkgdown.yml. See pkgdown configuration functional search configuration. configuration complete, find search bar re-building site. search enabled, pressing shift + / (.e., “?”) move focus search bar.","code":"