diff --git a/docs/main/costs-imported-electricity.md b/docs/main/costs-imported-electricity.md
index d8ee28c..a995316 100644
--- a/docs/main/costs-imported-electricity.md
+++ b/docs/main/costs-imported-electricity.md
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ Your file should be formatted as a CSV file with 8,760 numeric values – repres
-Before uploading, please ensure the file has a ".csv" file extension then visit the Flexibility > Import/Export > ['Interconnector 1'](https://pro.energytransitionmodel.com/scenario/flexibility/electricity_import_export/interconnector-1) page and click "Upload a custom curve". The price in each hour will be rounded to the nearest whole cent.
+Before uploading, please ensure the file has a ".csv" file extension then visit the page [Interconnector 1](https://pro.energytransitionmodel.com/scenario/flexibility/electricity_import_export/interconnector-1), and click "Upload a custom curve". The price in each hour will be rounded to the nearest whole cent.
-_Source:[European Commission, 2016: Quarterly Report on European Electricity Markets](https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/quarterly_report_on_european_electricity_markets_q4_2015-q1_2016.pdf); ([cached](https://refman.energytransitionmodel.com/publications/2079))_
+_Source: [European Commission, 2016: Quarterly Report on European Electricity Markets](https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/quarterly_report_on_european_electricity_markets_q4_2015-q1_2016.pdf); ([cached](https://refman.energytransitionmodel.com/publications/2079))_
+:::caution Must-run interconnectors
+Please note that it is possible to override the flexible behaviour of interconnectors by coupling to an external model. The interconnector is then treated as a must-run producer and baseload consumer and the interconnector price is set to 0.0 €/MWh. For more information see [Coupling external models](main/external-coupling).
diff --git a/docs/main/curves.md b/docs/main/curves.md
index 4dd393b..12c8e9b 100644
--- a/docs/main/curves.md
+++ b/docs/main/curves.md
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ The ETM had three types of curves: demand curves, supply curves and time curves.
|**Buildings**|Space heating|[NEDU](https://www.nedu.nl/documenten/verbruiksprofielen/)|G2A|Update with TNO heat loss calculation when data becomes available|
||Cooling|[NEDU](https://www.nedu.nl/documenten/verbruiksprofielen/)|E3A curve|[Argumentation of method](https://github.com/quintel/etdataset-public/tree/master/curves/demand/buildings/cooling), update with TNO heat loss calculation when data becomes available
||Appliances|[NEDU](https://www.nedu.nl/documenten/verbruiksprofielen/)|E3A curve|-|
-|**Transport**|Electric cars|[Movares](https://refman.energytransitionmodel.com/publications/2055) and [ELaad](https://www.livinglabsmartcharging.nl/nl/praktijk/slim-laden-voorkomt-overbelasting1-energienetwerk)|Profiles available:
**Movares**: week and weekend days for
1) charging everywhere
2) charging at home
3) fast charging.
**ELaad**: repeating average day for
4) smart charging
5) regular charging
Default curve for cars is charging everywhere.|-|
+|**Transport**|Electric cars|[Movares](https://refman.energytransitionmodel.com/publications/2055) and [ELaad](https://platform.elaad.io/analyse/low-voltage-charging-profiles/)| Profiles available:
**Elaad**: week and weekend days for
1) Public charging
2) Charging at home
4) Charging at work
3) fast charging
5) Custom profile
The standard slidersettings for the profiles is based on the [Elaad study "Regulier en netbewust laden"](https://refman.energytransitionmodel.com/publications/2200).|Please note that the profiles of Elaad are constructed with their profile generator. |
||Passenger trains, trams/metro, electric bicycle, motorcycles|[Movares](https://refman.energytransitionmodel.com/publications/2055)| 1) Charging everywhere|Aim to update with measured data (Pro Rail)|
||Electric busses, electric trucks, freight trains|[Movares](https://refman.energytransitionmodel.com/publications/2055)| 2) Charging at home (curve peaks during night)|Update when specific data becomes available|
||Hydrogen trucks, hydrogen busses, hydrogen cars|-|Flat curve|-|-|
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ The table below provides some additional information on selected categories.
|**Demand: Industry electricity**|Includes electricity demand, except electricity used for heating (boilers, heat pumps etc.)|
|**Demand: Electric cars**|You can upload 5 different profiles for electric cars. The ETM uses a mix of these profiles depending on your choices in the [Demand response - electric vehicles](https://pro.energytransitionmodel.com/scenario/flexibility/flexibilitynetload/demand-response-electric-vehicles) section.|
|**Import/Export: Gases**| The ETM uses 'demand' type profiles for both import and export (see above). This means that the units used in your custom profile do not matter. The ETM will extract the _shape_ of your profile and apply that to the annual import/export volume.|
-|**Import/Export: Interconnectors**|See [imported electricity](costs-imported-electricity.md#uploaded-price-curves)|
+|**Import/Export: Interconnectors**|See [imported electricity](costs-imported-electricity.md#uploaded-price-curves) for more information about the costs of interconnectors. In addition, via external coupling in the model, the user can set the interconnectors to a must-run producer or consumer, for more information about how must-run producers and consumers are handled in the electricity module see [Merit order algorithm](merit-order.md#merit-order-algorithm). **WARNING:** While setting interconnectors to a must-run actor, the interconnector no longer participates on the electricity market. This is to ensure the must-run nature.|
### Results
diff --git a/docs/main/dynamic-demand-curve.md b/docs/main/dynamic-demand-curve.md
index eb89b91..52235c3 100644
--- a/docs/main/dynamic-demand-curve.md
+++ b/docs/main/dynamic-demand-curve.md
@@ -20,13 +20,18 @@ _Checkout: the ['Curves'](curves) infopage for more information._
### Electric vehicles
-The ETM uses five different profiles to determine the demand of EV’s based on research performed by Movares (Movares, 2013) and Elaad. These five profiles are:
+The ETM uses four different profiles to determine the demand of EV’s. The standard profile distribution in the ETM is based on the [Outlook Laadprofielen Personenauto's](https://refman.energytransitionmodel.com/publications/2200) by Elaad (2023).
+A fifth profile functions as a dummy profile that the user can overwrite with their own data.
-- Charging at home
-- Charging everywhere
-- Fast charging
-- Charging smart (Elaad)
-- Charging regular (Elaad)
+- Public charging (Elaad profile generator)
+- Charging at home (Elaad profile generator)
+- Fast charging (Movares & Elaad)
+- Charging at work (Elaad profile generator)
+- Custom profile
+The profiles for Public charging, Charging at home & Charging at work are created based on output from the [profile generator](https://platform.elaad.io/analyse/low-voltage-charging-profiles/) by Elaad. 1000 profiles in each categorie have been generated and aggregated to the profiles we use in the ETM.
+The profile for Fast charging and the custom profile are based on research performed by Movares (Movares, 2013) and Elaad. The custom profile is based on the charging everywhere profile from that study.
You can use these profiles to adjust the charging behaviour of electric cars. In all profiles weekend days are considered differently from weekdays. You can find these profiles in the Flexibility section under ‘Net load’> ‘Demand response – electric vehicles’.