This page includes links to tutorials and videos showing how to use Quicksilver
You may also want to check out the in-depth Quicksilver User's Guide.
- Quicksilver: The Best Free Way to Do Everything With Just Your Keyboard - The first in a new series from AppStorm.
- Mastering Quicksilver: The Basics - Some catalog setup and File commands
- Mastering Quicksilver: Contacts and Email - The basics of contacts and email.
- Mastering Quicksilver: Advanced Control of iTunes
- Apple Maps Quicksilver Action - not a tutorial but a script to create an action to search Apple Maps in Mavericks.
- Select Text in Any App, Then Search for It on Any Website in One Keystroke With Quicksilver - Describes how to set up triggers using Current Selection and the Find With... action, one of the most useful features of Quicksilver
- File Tagging Module (+) (screencast no longer available)
- iCal Module (+)
- Remember The Milk
- Shelf Module
- Unit Conversion Module
- User Interface Access (+)
- A Better OS X In Just 10 Minutes - The one, the only, the original
- From A Better OS X To Even More - Another one for more advanced Quicksilver usage
- Gold Trigger - A trigger-specific tutorial
- The Apple Blog - Quicksilver Changes Everything - Another good in-depth tutorial
- Spotlight Comments using Quicksilver - Using the File Attributes plugin to modify Spotlight Comments
- Quicksilver Does Menus Too - Good tips on using the User Interface Access (+) plugin
- Quicksilver Tutorial Mac OS X - Demo, Installation, Setup in 10 mins. I disagree with the recommendation of installing every plugin. Some are destablizing, only install what you use, you can always add more later.
- Quicksilver Tutorial v2.0 - Very good 7.5 min on manipulating files.
- Introducción -no descargar la aplicación de blacktree sinó de
- Menús de la aplicación
- Abracadabra, trigger de ratón
- Interfaces o skins del programa
- Eventos en Google Calendar
- Redimensionar imágenes
- Crear avisos visuales
- Mover archivos a carpetas
- Enviar archivos adjuntos por mail
- Twittea de forma sencilla