Certain applications have been seen to cause problems with Quicksilver. If you have any of the applications below installed on your system, then try uninstalling them or updating as suggested.
- DefaultFolderX
If you are using DefaultFolderX, please ensure that you update to the latest (4.4.7+) version to avoid crashes
- Syncplicity
On Lion 10.7.3, the /Library/Contextual Menu Items/SyncpCMPlugin.plugin causes QuickSilver to crash when trying to access any of the preferences.
- SCFinderPlugin
To remove the plugin: make sure you have administrative privileges, then trash the two following files:
/Library/Contextual Menu Items/SCFinderPlugin.plugin
- TotalFinder
This list contains a list of known applications that interfere with Quicksilver. Try disabling these applications to see if it fixes your problems
- Windowshade X
- Spirited Away (though it should work fine as long as you add a check to Quicksilver in Spirited Away's "Exclude List")
- QuicKeys
- Fruit Menu
- USMLEWorld QBank (only if the QS clipboard plugin is installed)