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(also see macncheese binary file)
This is a Mac-OS executable, but we can use Binary Ninja to get the equivalent C code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef unsigned int uint;
uint magic_func(void);
uint DAT_100008018 = 0x20b5d4ff;
uint DAT_10000801C = 0x32378fc7;
uint DAT_100008020 = -0x2aa07899;
uint DAT_100008024 = 0x104aa1ad;
int main(void) {
uint magic;
uint user_input;
int count;
uint flag;
flag = 0;
count = 0;
while(1) {
if (count > 4) {
printf("Wow, you cheesed it. Flag: cvctf{%u}\n", flag);
return 0;
printf("I want cheese: ");
scanf("%u", &user_input);
magic = magic_func();
printf("%u", magic);
if (user_input != magic) {
flag = user_input % 1337 + flag;
count = count + 1;
printf("Sorry no cheese!\n");
return 0;
uint magic_func(void) {
uint uVar1;
uVar1 = DAT_100008018 ^ DAT_100008018 << 11;
DAT_100008018 = DAT_10000801C;
DAT_10000801C = DAT_100008020;
DAT_100008020 = DAT_100008024;
DAT_100008024 = DAT_100008024 ^ DAT_100008024 >> 0x13 ^ uVar1 ^ uVar1 >> 8;
return DAT_100008024;
What I did here was print the next magic number and try the C program over and over again until I win
the flag was cvctf{4666}
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