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did it


Finding the intersection among subsets can sometimes be a challenging endeavor, as it requires meticulous comparison and analysis of overlapping elements within each set. But she did it! Try doing it yourself too.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from random import randint
import sys
from flag import flag

def die(*args):

def pr(*args):
	s = " ".join(map(str, args))
	sys.stdout.write(s + "\n")

def sc():
	return sys.stdin.buffer.readline()

def did(n, l, K, A):
	A, K = set(A), set(K)
	R = [pow(_, 2, n) + randint(0, 1) for _ in A - K]
	return R

def main():
	border = "+"
	pr(border, ".::   Hi all, she DID it, you should do it too! Are you ready? ::.  ", border)

	_flag = False
	n, l = 127, 20
	N = set(list(range(0, n)))
	K = [randint(0, n-1) for _ in range(l)]
	cnt, STEP = 0, 2 * n // l - 1
	while True:
		ans = sc().decode().strip()
			_A = [int(_) for _  in ans.split(',')]
			if len(_A) <= l and set(_A).issubset(N):
				DID = did(n, l, K, _A)
				pr(border, f'DID = {DID}')
				if set(_A) == set(K):
					_flag = True
				die(border, 'Exception! Bye!!')
			die(border, 'Your input is not valid! Bye!!')
		if _flag:
			die(border, f'Congrats! the flag: {flag}')
		if cnt > STEP:
			die(border, f'Too many tries, bye!')
		cnt += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':


here, we can see that there is a hidden set of 20 (or fewer if there are duplicates) integers between 0 and 126 inclusive both ways

the goal here is to figure out which integers are in the hidden set by inputting your own set of 20 integers (e.g. 1,2,3,9,100) and receiving back some output

the output is constructed as follows:

  • initialize an empty output list
  • for each integer in the input array, check if the integer is in the hidden set
  • if it is, then skip the step below
  • put inside of the output list an integer that is n**2+randint(0,1) % 127
  • return the output list

we are presented with a problem because of the randint(0,1). if we input 0,1 and the output is 1, we do not know whether 0 or 1 is in the hidden set because 0+(randint(0,1)=1) -> 1, and 1+(randint(0,1)=0) -> 1.

we have at most 12 "questions" (input set of 20 or fewer integers -> get output) to determine the hidden set

here is my solve script:

from json import dumps
from pwn import *
import random

known = []

def get_conflicts(tried, did_input):
    inp = tried
    mappa = {}
    for _ in inp:
        s, s1 = _ ** 2 % 127, (_ ** 2 + 1) % 127
        if s not in mappa:
            mappa[s] = []
        if s1 not in mappa:
            mappa[s1] = []

    known_fs = inp.copy()
    inp2 = did_input
    conflict = []
    for _ in inp2:
        assert _ in mappa
        if len(mappa[_]) == 1:
            q = mappa[_][0]
            for _2 in mappa:
                if q in mappa[_2]:
            if q in known_fs:
            for _2 in mappa[_]:
                if _2 in known_fs:
    conflicting = list(set(conflict))
    return known_fs, conflicting

def main():
    p = remote("", 11337)
    queue = [_ for _ in list(range(127))]
    times = 0
    while len(queue):
        tried, queue = queue[:20], queue[20:]
        print(f"Sending: {str(tried).encode('ascii')[1:-1]}")
        p.recvuntil(b"DID = ")
        did_result = eval(p.recvuntil(b']').decode('ascii'))
        print(f"Received: {did_result}")
        known_add, conflicts = get_conflicts(tried, did_result)
        print(f"Known ({len(known)}): {known}")
        while len(conflicts):
            queue.insert(random.randint(0, len(queue)), conflicts.pop(0))
        print(f"Length of queue: {len(queue)}")
        if times == 10:
        times += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':

here is a sample run:

[x] Opening connection to on port 11337
[x] Opening connection to on port 11337: Trying
[+] Opening connection to on port 11337: Done
Sending: b'2, 37, 40, 83, 47, 52, 34, 114, 50, 22, 3, 56, 8, 21, 65, 17, 68, 32, 67, 0'
Received: [0, 5, 10, 65, 35, 60, 104, 9, 14, 100, 77, 50, 87, 38, 88, 34, 53, 32, 42]
Known (1): [67]
Length of queue: 109
Sending: b'18, 6, 1, 13, 39, 112, 81, 118, 69, 58, 25, 98, 91, 113, 20, 59, 80, 92, 120, 5'
Received: [2, 79, 25, 63, 125, 99, 85, 70, 70, 20, 81, 49, 52, 82]
Known (6): [67, 6, 13, 25, 91, 80]
Length of queue: 93
Sending: b'10, 113, 95, 111, 126, 49, 16, 119, 15, 51, 45, 7, 117, 57, 64, 38, 55, 84, 86, 115'
Received: [49, 100, 99, 48, 120, 115, 61, 104, 75, 32, 71, 30, 8, 3, 69, 18, 101, 65, 2]
Known (6): [67, 6, 13, 25, 91, 80]
Length of queue: 78
Sending: b'116, 122, 111, 23, 76, 58, 48, 71, 18, 121, 44, 109, 35, 17, 27, 36, 102, 46, 117, 61'
Received: [36, 70, 21, 95, 83, 27, 32, 85, 19, 38, 89, 61, 118, 70, 3, 122, 100, 36, 25]
Known (7): [67, 6, 13, 25, 91, 80, 58]
Length of queue: 62
Sending: b'78, 121, 82, 106, 63, 123, 108, 16, 87, 93, 79, 74, 72, 103, 33, 104, 19, 26, 53, 89'
Received: [73, 36, 69, 105, 22, 61, 107, 116, 18, 121, 107, 76, 48, 16, 33]
Known (10): [67, 6, 13, 25, 91, 80, 58, 16, 93, 26]
Length of queue: 47
Sending: b'105, 109, 96, 75, 28, 11, 110, 54, 69, 24, 97, 100, 62, 31, 107, 53, 12, 4, 74, 43'
Received: [73, 11, 16, 62, 95, 103, 121, 18, 72, 38, 20, 70, 123, 23, 73]
Known (13): [67, 6, 13, 25, 91, 80, 58, 16, 93, 26, 110, 24, 62]
Length of queue: 33
Sending: b'94, 108, 85, 66, 125, 41, 60, 43, 126, 10, 99, 74, 73, 70, 88, 30, 9, 29, 14, 123'
Received: [39, 75, 81, 100, 30, 71, 122, 69, 107, 114, 4, 124, 1, 17, 44, 79, 74]
Known (16): [67, 6, 13, 25, 91, 80, 58, 16, 93, 26, 110, 24, 62, 99, 74, 30]
Length of queue: 13
Sending: b'53, 96, 42, 17, 90, 18, 65, 19, 31, 101, 77, 4, 124'
Received: [73, 34, 17, 41, 113, 88, 36, 70, 108, 10, 73]
Known (18): [67, 6, 13, 25, 91, 80, 58, 16, 93, 26, 110, 24, 62, 99, 74, 30, 53, 90]
Length of queue: 2
Sending: b'31, 96'
Received: [73, 73]
Known (18): [67, 6, 13, 25, 91, 80, 58, 16, 93, 26, 110, 24, 62, 99, 74, 30, 53, 90]
Length of queue: 2
Sending: b'31, 96'
Received: [72, 73]
Known (18): [67, 6, 13, 25, 91, 80, 58, 16, 93, 26, 110, 24, 62, 99, 74, 30, 53, 90]
Length of queue: 2
Sending: b'96, 31'
Received: [73, 73]
Known (18): [67, 6, 13, 25, 91, 80, 58, 16, 93, 26, 110, 24, 62, 99, 74, 30, 53, 90]
Length of queue: 2
[*] Switching to interactive mode

$ 67, 6, 13, 25, 91, 80, 58, 16, 93, 26, 110, 24, 62, 99, 74, 30, 53, 90
+ DID = []
+ Congrats! the flag: CCTF{W4rM_Up_CrYpt0_Ch4Ll3n9e!!}
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive

the flag here is CCTF{W4rM_Up_CrYpt0_Ch4Ll3n9e!!}