- Day 1: build n3s-with QUIC.
- Learn how to use quic in ns3.
- understand the task, read related papers.
- know what is MPI.
- Day 2:try to implement a very very simple MPI.
- know what is communicator in MPI.
- know these basic operator in MPI: BroadCast, Reduce, AllReduce.
- create the structure of innetwork-train.
- Day 3: an annoying bug.
- implement producer, consumer with QUIC.
- bug : nodes can not communicate each other. I try to locate this bug within one day. Finally I find it it very very funny and annoying. When I attach the drop rate to p2p link, this bug happen. But When I annotate them, everything is fine.
- Day 4-8: Learning to use ns3 and implement my own protocol (according to switchML and sharp).
- implement simpleMPI.
- design the pactek format
- Day 9-12: debuging.
- the underlying quic protocol implemented in ns3 is not stable. It has some bugs.
- So I had to work on these bugs. Some has been fixed but some still exists.
- Day 13-15: change another quic implementation in ns3.
- all bugs in quic-ns3 have been fixed.
- test it with many tests.
- scratch/in-quic-topo.cc : create topology and run simulation
- src/innetwrok-train/ : new ns3 module to simlate producers, consumer, and aggrgators
- topofile store topo infomation
- testscript.ipynb : the jupyter script to run the simulation
- quic : the revised quic to support this task
simulation interrupted unexpectedly (30 producers and 1 consumer without aggregator) --fixed.
Memory access out-of-band-->enlarge allocated memory.
30 producers and 1 consumer without aggregator cannot end (25 producers works ok)
Due to packet lost, transmission has some issues. try to fixed. But maybe another problem occurs. I have report these bugs to the offical ns3-quic group.
I try to use ns3 3.37 and the corresponding quic-ns3 3.37 implementation. But it seems also doesn't work so well.
So I try to use another gquic-ns3 3.33 implementation, gquic. But it may be need time to reconstruct my code.
gquic-ns3 3.33 is a robust quic in ns3.
buffer.h ("m_current >= m_dataStart && m_current < m_dataEnd", msg="You have attempted to read beyond the bounds of the available buffer space.) solution : enlarge stream buffer size. (this bug just exists in ns3.33. And this bug has been fixed by ns3 3.37.) -
multistream support current quic version just support 2 streams (0 and 1).
- consumer send request to all his children node.
- then the children node (maybe producer or aggregator) will try to forward the request to its children.
- the leaf node will generate a random vector and then cut the data into blocks with k elements. We use offset to locate the right position in the original vector.
- aggregator node collect all the data and then forward the result to its parent
- root will save the sesult and start a new request.
Due to the bug in quic-ns3 3.37. I do not add loss rate to the p2p link in this version. Later I will try to find out the bug and solve it or just use another gquic-n3 3.33.
The simulation process will end at 632 iteration in ns3 3.37 (ns3 3.33 seems works ok). Someone report the issue but seems no one answer. Later I will reconstruct the code structure to fix it. (for example, the whole simulation will be triggered by producers rather than consumer.)