From 49b0239fd440d8d6e1d6cc99efed22a54f8ce72b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "github-actions[bot]" <github-actions[bot]>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 12:55:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] terraform-docs: automated action

--- | 184 +++---------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index c777687..0fe4683 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -48,176 +48,6 @@ resource "azurerm_subnet" "this" {
   address_prefixes     = [ "" ]
-###### Advanced
-locals {
-  location                       = "West Europe"
-  resource_group_name            = "rg-examples_vm_deploy-02"
-  virtual_network_name           = "vnet-examples_vm_deploy-02"
-  subnet_name                    = "snet-examples_vm_deploy-02"
-  availability_set_name          = "as-examples_vm_deploy-02"
-  proximity_placement_group_name = "ppg-examples_vm_deploy-02"
-  nsg_name                       = "nsg-examples_vm_deploy-02"
-  law_name                       = "law-examplesvmdeploy-02"
-  nic                            = "nic-examples_vm_deploy-02"
-  nic_ip_config                  = "nic-ip-examples_vm_deploy-02"
-  public_ip                      = "pip-examples_vm_deploy-02"
-  virtual_machine                = "vm-examples_vm_deploy-02"
-provider "azurerm" {
-  features {}
-module "virtual_machine" {
-  source          = "../.."
-  public_ip_config = {
-    enabled           = true
-    allocation_method = "Static"
-  }
-  nic_config = {
-    private_ip                    = ""
-    dns_servers                   = [ "", "" ]
-    enable_accelerated_networking = true
-    nsg                           = azurerm_network_security_group.this
-  }
-  virtual_machine_config = {
-    hostname             = "CUSTAPP007"
-    location             = azurerm_resource_group.this.location
-    zone                 = null # Could be the default value "1", or "2" or "3". Not compatible with availability_set_id enabled.
-    admin_username       = "qbinstall"
-    size                 = "Standard_DS1_v2"
-    os_sku               = "20_04-lts-gen2"
-    os_offer             = "0001-com-ubuntu-server-focal"
-    os_version           = "latest"
-    os_publisher         = "Canonical"
-    os_disk_caching      = "ReadWrite"
-    os_disk_storage_type = "StandardSSD_LRS"
-    os_disk_size_gb      = 64
-    tags = {
-      "Environment" = "prd" 
-    }
-    availability_set_id        = # Not compatible with zone.
-    write_accelerator_enabled  = false
-  }
-  admin_password                   = ""                 # Write a password if you need.
-  public_key                       = file("") # If don't need rsa, leave empty with this "".
-  resource_group_name              =
-  subnet                           = azurerm_subnet.this
-  additional_network_interface_ids = []
-  enable_accelerated_networking    = true
-  severity_group                   = "01-third-tuesday-0200-XCSUFEDTG-reboot"
-  update_allowed                   = true
-   data_disks = {                         
-    shared-01 = {                        # Name should be: vm-CUSTAPP001-datadisk-shared-01, or use name_override
-      lun                        = 1     
-      tier                       = "P4"
-      caching                    = "ReadWrite"
-      disk_size_gb               = 32
-      create_option              = "Empty"
-      storage_account_type       = "StandardSSD_LRS"
-      write_accelerator_enabled  = false
-      on_demand_bursting_enabled = false
-    }
-    sap-01 = {
-      lun                        = 2
-      tier                       = "P4"
-      caching                    = "ReadWrite"
-      disk_size_gb               = 32
-      create_option              = "Empty"
-      storage_account_type       = "Premium_LRS"
-      write_accelerator_enabled  = false
-      on_demand_bursting_enabled = false
-    }
-  }
-  name_overrides = {
-    nic             = "nic-examples_vm_CUSTAPP001"
-    nic_ip_config   = "nic-ip-examples_vm_CUSTAPP001"
-    public_ip       = "pip-examples_vm_CUSTAPP001"
-    data_disks = {
-      shared-01 = "vm-CUSTAPP007-datadisk-shared-01"
-    }    
-  }
-resource "azurerm_resource_group" "this" {
-  name     = local.resource_group_name
-  location = local.location
-resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "this" {
-  name                = local.virtual_network_name
-  address_space       = [ "" ]
-  location            = azurerm_resource_group.this.location
-  resource_group_name =
-resource "azurerm_subnet" "this" {
-  name                 = local.subnet_name
-  resource_group_name  =
-  virtual_network_name =
-  address_prefixes     = [ "" ]
-resource "azurerm_availability_set" "this" {
-  name                         = local.availability_set_name
-  location                     = local.location
-  resource_group_name          =
-  proximity_placement_group_id =
-resource "azurerm_proximity_placement_group" "this" {
-  name                = local.proximity_placement_group_name
-  location            = local.location
-  resource_group_name =
-  lifecycle {
-      ignore_changes = [tags]
-  }
-resource "azurerm_network_interface" "additional_nic_01" {
-  name                          = "nic-vm-${replace(element(azurerm_virtual_network.this.address_space,0), "/[./]/", "-")}-01"
-  location                      = local.location
-  resource_group_name           =
-  dns_servers                   = []
-  ip_configuration {
-    name                          = "ip-nic-01"
-    subnet_id                     =
-    private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic"
-    private_ip_address            = null
-    public_ip_address_id          = null
-  }
-  lifecycle {
-    ignore_changes = [
-      tags
-    ]
-  }
-resource "azurerm_network_security_group" "this" {
-  name                = local.nsg_name
-  location            = local.location
-  resource_group_name =
-  security_rule {
-    name                       = "example"
-    priority                   = 100
-    direction                  = "Outbound"
-    access                     = "Allow"
-    protocol                   = "Tcp"
-    source_port_range          = "*"
-    destination_port_range     = "*"
-    source_address_prefix      = "*"
-    destination_address_prefix = "*"
-  }
 ## Requirements
@@ -230,15 +60,15 @@ resource "azurerm_network_security_group" "this" {
 | Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
 | <a name="input_resource_group_name"></a> [resource\_group\_name](#input\_resource\_group\_name) | Name of the resource group where the resources will be created. | `string` | n/a | yes |
-| <a name="input_subnet"></a> [subnet](#input\_subnet) | The variable takes the subnet as input and takes the id and the address prefix for further configuration. | <pre>object ({<br>    id               = string<br>    address_prefixes = list(string)<br>  })</pre> | n/a | yes |
-| <a name="input_virtual_machine_config"></a> [virtual\_machine\_config](#input\_virtual\_machine\_config) | <pre>  hostname: Name of system hostname.<br>  size: The size of the vm. Possible values can be seen here:<br>  location: The location of the virtual machine.<br>  admin_username: Optionally choose the admin_username of the vm. Defaults to loc_sysadmin. <br>    The local admin name could be changed by the gpo in the target ad.<br>  os_sku: The os that will be running on the vm.<br>  os_offer: (Required) Specifies the offer of the image used to create the virtual machines. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.<br>  os_version: Optionally specify an os version for the chosen sku. Defaults to latest.<br>  os_publisher: (Required) Specifies the Publisher of the Marketplace Image this Virtual Machine should be created from. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.<br>  os_disk_caching: Optionally change the caching option of the os disk. Defaults to ReadWrite.<br>  os_disk_size_gb: Optionally change the size of the os disk. Defaults to be specified by image.<br>  os_disk_storage_type: Optionally change the os_disk_storage_type. Defaults to Premium_LRS.<br>  zone: Optionally specify an availibility zone for the vm. Values 1, 2 or 3.<br>  availability_set_id: Optionally specify an availibility set for the vm.<br>  write_accelerator_enabled: Optionally activate write accelaration for the os disk. Can only<br>    be activated on Premium_LRS disks and caching deactivated. Defaults to false.<br>  proximity_placement_group_id: (Optional) The ID of the Proximity Placement Group which the Virtual Machine should be assigned to.<br>  tags: Optionally specify tags in as a map.</pre> | <pre>object({<br>      hostname                     = string<br>      size                         = string<br>      location                     = string<br>      admin_username               = optional(string, "loc_sysadmin")<br>      os_sku                       = string<br>      os_offer                     = optional(string)<br>      os_version                   = optional(string, "latest")<br>      os_publisher                 = optional(string)<br>      os_disk_caching              = optional(string, "ReadWrite")<br>      os_disk_size_gb              = optional(number, 64)<br>      os_disk_storage_type         = optional(string, "Premium_LRS")<br>      zone                         = optional(string)<br>      availability_set_id          = optional(string)<br>      write_accelerator_enabled    = optional(bool, false)<br>      proximity_placement_group_id = optional(string)<br>      tags                         = optional(map(string))<br>  })</pre> | n/a | yes |
+| <a name="input_subnet"></a> [subnet](#input\_subnet) | The variable takes the subnet as input and takes the id and the address prefix for further configuration. | <pre>object({<br>    id               = string<br>    address_prefixes = list(string)<br>  })</pre> | n/a | yes |
+| <a name="input_virtual_machine_config"></a> [virtual\_machine\_config](#input\_virtual\_machine\_config) | <pre>hostname: Name of system hostname.<br>  size: The size of the vm. Possible values can be seen here:<br>  location: The location of the virtual machine.<br>  admin_username: Optionally choose the admin_username of the vm. Defaults to loc_sysadmin. <br>    The local admin name could be changed by the gpo in the target ad.<br>  os_sku: The os that will be running on the vm.<br>  os_offer: (Required) Specifies the offer of the image used to create the virtual machines. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.<br>  os_version: Optionally specify an os version for the chosen sku. Defaults to latest.<br>  os_publisher: (Required) Specifies the Publisher of the Marketplace Image this Virtual Machine should be created from. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.<br>  os_disk_caching: Optionally change the caching option of the os disk. Defaults to ReadWrite.<br>  os_disk_size_gb: Optionally change the size of the os disk. Defaults to be specified by image.<br>  os_disk_storage_type: Optionally change the os_disk_storage_type. Defaults to Premium_LRS.<br>  zone: Optionally specify an availibility zone for the vm. Values 1, 2 or 3.<br>  availability_set_id: Optionally specify an availibility set for the vm.<br>  write_accelerator_enabled: Optionally activate write accelaration for the os disk. Can only<br>    be activated on Premium_LRS disks and caching deactivated. Defaults to false.<br>  proximity_placement_group_id: (Optional) The ID of the Proximity Placement Group which the Virtual Machine should be assigned to.<br>  tags: Optionally specify tags in as a map.</pre> | <pre>object({<br>    hostname                     = string<br>    size                         = string<br>    location                     = string<br>    admin_username               = optional(string, "loc_sysadmin")<br>    os_sku                       = string<br>    os_offer                     = optional(string)<br>    os_version                   = optional(string, "latest")<br>    os_publisher                 = optional(string)<br>    os_disk_caching              = optional(string, "ReadWrite")<br>    os_disk_size_gb              = optional(number, 64)<br>    os_disk_storage_type         = optional(string, "Premium_LRS")<br>    zone                         = optional(string)<br>    availability_set_id          = optional(string)<br>    write_accelerator_enabled    = optional(bool, false)<br>    proximity_placement_group_id = optional(string)<br>    tags                         = optional(map(string))<br>  })</pre> | n/a | yes |
 | <a name="input_additional_network_interface_ids"></a> [additional\_network\_interface\_ids](#input\_additional\_network\_interface\_ids) | List of ids for additional azurerm\_network\_interface. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
 | <a name="input_admin_password"></a> [admin\_password](#input\_admin\_password) | Password of the local administrator. | `string` | `""` | no |
-| <a name="input_data_disks"></a> [data\_disks](#input\_data\_disks) | <pre><name of the data disk> = {<br>  lun: Number of the lun.<br>  disk_size_gb: The size of the data disk.<br>  zone: Optionally specify an availibility zone for the vm. Values 1, 2 or 3.<br>  storage_account_type: Optionally change the storage_account_type. Defaults to StandardSSD_LRS.<br>  caching: Optionally activate disk caching. Defaults to None.<br>  create_option: Optionally change the create option. Defaults to Empty disk.<br>  write_accelerator_enabled: Optionally activate write accelaration for the data disk. Can only<br>    be activated on Premium_LRS disks and caching deactivated. Defaults to false.<br>  on_demand_bursting_enabled: Optionally activate disk bursting. . Only for Premium disk. Default false.<br> }</pre> | <pre>map(object({<br>    lun                        = number<br>    disk_size_gb               = number<br>    zone                       = optional(string)<br>    caching                    = optional(string, "ReadWrite")<br>    create_option              = optional(string, "Empty")<br>    storage_account_type       = optional(string, "StandardSSD_LRS")<br>    write_accelerator_enabled  = optional(bool, false)<br>    on_demand_bursting_enabled = optional(bool, false)<br> }))</pre> | `{}` | no |
-| <a name="input_log_analytics_agent"></a> [log\_analytics\_agent](#input\_log\_analytics\_agent) | <pre>Installs the log analytics agent(MicrosoftMonitoringAgent).<br>  workspace_id: Specify id of the log analytics workspace to which monitoring data will be sent.<br>  shared_key: The Primary shared key for the Log Analytics Workspace..</pre> | <pre>object({<br>    workspace_id       = string<br>    primary_shared_key = string <br>  })</pre> | `null` | no |
-| <a name="input_name_overrides"></a> [name\_overrides](#input\_name\_overrides) | Possibility to override names that will be generated according to q.beyond naming convention. | <pre>object({<br>      nic             = optional(string)<br>      nic_ip_config   = optional(string)<br>      public_ip       = optional(string)<br>      virtual_machine = optional(string)<br>      os_disk         = optional(string)<br>      data_disks      = optional(map(string), {})<br>  })</pre> | `{}` | no |
-| <a name="input_nic_config"></a> [nic\_config](#input\_nic\_config) | <pre>private_ip: Optioanlly specify a private ip to use. Otherwise it will  be allocated dynamically.<br>  dns_servers: Optionally specify a list of dns servers for the nic.<br>  enable_accelerated_networking: Enabled Accelerated networking (SR-IOV) on the NIC. The machine SKU must support this feature.<br>  nsg_id: Optinally specify the id of a network security group that will be assigned to the nic.</pre> | <pre>object({<br>    private_ip  = optional(string)<br>    dns_servers = optional(list(string))<br>    nsg = optional(object({<br>      id = string<br>    }))<br>  })</pre> | `{}` | no |
-| <a name="input_public_ip_config"></a> [public\_ip\_config](#input\_public\_ip\_config) | <pre>enabled: Optionally select true if a public ip should be created. Defaults to false.<br>  allocation_method: The allocation method of the public ip that will be created. Defaults to static.</pre> | <pre>object({<br>      enabled           = bool<br>      allocation_method = optional(string, "Static")<br>  })</pre> | <pre>{<br>  "enabled": false<br>}</pre> | no |
+| <a name="input_data_disks"></a> [data\_disks](#input\_data\_disks) | <pre><name of the data disk> = {<br>  lun: Number of the lun.<br>  disk_size_gb: The size of the data disk.<br>  zone: Optionally specify an availibility zone for the vm. Values 1, 2 or 3.<br>  storage_account_type: Optionally change the storage_account_type. Defaults to StandardSSD_LRS.<br>  caching: Optionally activate disk caching. Defaults to None.<br>  create_option: Optionally change the create option. Defaults to Empty disk.<br>  write_accelerator_enabled: Optionally activate write accelaration for the data disk. Can only<br>    be activated on Premium_LRS disks and caching deactivated. Defaults to false.<br>  on_demand_bursting_enabled: Optionally activate disk bursting. . Only for Premium disk. Default false.<br> }</pre> | <pre>map(object({<br>    lun                        = number<br>    disk_size_gb               = number<br>    zone                       = optional(string)<br>    caching                    = optional(string, "ReadWrite")<br>    create_option              = optional(string, "Empty")<br>    storage_account_type       = optional(string, "StandardSSD_LRS")<br>    write_accelerator_enabled  = optional(bool, false)<br>    on_demand_bursting_enabled = optional(bool, false)<br>  }))</pre> | `{}` | no |
+| <a name="input_log_analytics_agent"></a> [log\_analytics\_agent](#input\_log\_analytics\_agent) | <pre>Installs the log analytics agent(MicrosoftMonitoringAgent).<br>  workspace_id: Specify id of the log analytics workspace to which monitoring data will be sent.<br>  shared_key: The Primary shared key for the Log Analytics Workspace..</pre> | <pre>object({<br>    workspace_id       = string<br>    primary_shared_key = string<br>  })</pre> | `null` | no |
+| <a name="input_name_overrides"></a> [name\_overrides](#input\_name\_overrides) | Possibility to override names that will be generated according to q.beyond naming convention. | <pre>object({<br>    nic             = optional(string)<br>    nic_ip_config   = optional(string)<br>    public_ip       = optional(string)<br>    virtual_machine = optional(string)<br>    os_disk         = optional(string)<br>    data_disks      = optional(map(string), {})<br>  })</pre> | `{}` | no |
+| <a name="input_nic_config"></a> [nic\_config](#input\_nic\_config) | <pre>private_ip: Optioanlly specify a private ip to use. Otherwise it will  be allocated dynamically.<br>  dns_servers: Optionally specify a list of dns servers for the nic.<br>  enable_accelerated_networking: Enabled Accelerated networking (SR-IOV) on the NIC. The machine SKU must support this feature.<br>  nsg_id: Optinally specify the id of a network security group that will be assigned to the nic.</pre> | <pre>object({<br>    private_ip                    = optional(string)<br>    dns_servers                   = optional(list(string))<br>    enable_accelerated_networking = optional(bool, false)<br>    nsg = optional(object({<br>      id = string<br>    }))<br>  })</pre> | `{}` | no |
+| <a name="input_public_ip_config"></a> [public\_ip\_config](#input\_public\_ip\_config) | <pre>enabled: Optionally select true if a public ip should be created. Defaults to false.<br>  allocation_method: The allocation method of the public ip that will be created. Defaults to static.</pre> | <pre>object({<br>    enabled           = bool<br>    allocation_method = optional(string, "Static")<br>  })</pre> | <pre>{<br>  "enabled": false<br>}</pre> | no |
 | <a name="input_public_key"></a> [public\_key](#input\_public\_key) | SSH public key file (e.g. file(id\ | `string` | `""` | no |
 | <a name="input_severity_group"></a> [severity\_group](#input\_severity\_group) | The severity group of the virtual machine. | `string` | `""` | no |
 | <a name="input_update_allowed"></a> [update\_allowed](#input\_update\_allowed) | Set the tag `Update allowed`. `True` will set `yes`, `false` to `no`. | `bool` | `true` | no |