diff --git a/satpy/etc/readers/ahi_l2_nc.yaml b/satpy/etc/readers/ahi_l2_nc.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..955d41bbcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/satpy/etc/readers/ahi_l2_nc.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ name: ahi_l2_nc
+ short_name: AHI L2 NetCDF4
+ long_name: Himawari-8/9 AHI Level 2 products in netCDF4 format from NOAA enterprise
+ status: Beta
+ supports_fsspec: true
+ sensors: ['ahi']
+ reader: !!python/name:satpy.readers.yaml_reader.FileYAMLReader
+ ahi_l2_mask:
+ file_reader: !!python/name:satpy.readers.ahi_l2_nc.HIML2NCFileHandler
+ file_patterns:
+ - '{sensor:3s}-CMSK_{version:4s}_{platform:3s}_s{start_time:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f}_e{end_time:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f}_c{creation_time:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f}.nc'
+ ahi_l2_type:
+ file_reader: !!python/name:satpy.readers.ahi_l2_nc.HIML2NCFileHandler
+ file_patterns:
+ - '{sensor:3s}-CPHS_{version:4s}_{platform:3s}_s{start_time:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f}_e{end_time:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f}_c{creation_time:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f}.nc'
+ ahi_l2_height:
+ file_reader: !!python/name:satpy.readers.ahi_l2_nc.HIML2NCFileHandler
+ file_patterns:
+ - '{sensor:3s}-CHGT_{version:4s}_{platform:3s}_s{start_time:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f}_e{end_time:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f}_c{creation_time:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f}.nc'
+ # Products from the cloud mask files
+ cloud_mask:
+ name: cloud_mask
+ file_key: CloudMask
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_mask ]
+ cloud_mask_binary:
+ name: cloud_mask_binary
+ file_key: CloudMaskBinary
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_mask ]
+ cloud_probability:
+ name: cloud_probability
+ file_key: CloudProbability
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_mask ]
+ ice_cloud_probability:
+ name: ice_cloud_probability
+ file_key: IceCloudProbability
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_mask ]
+ phase_uncertainty:
+ name: phase_uncertainty
+ file_key: PhaseUncertainty
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_mask ]
+ dust_mask:
+ name: dust_mask
+ file_key: Dust_Mask
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_mask ]
+ fire_mask:
+ name: fire_mask
+ file_key: Fire_Mask
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_mask ]
+ smoke_mask:
+ name: smoke_mask
+ file_key: Smoke_Mask
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_mask ]
+ # Products from the cloud phase / type files
+ cloud_phase:
+ name: cloud_phase
+ file_key: CloudPhase
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_type ]
+ cloud_phase_flag:
+ name: cloud_phase_flag
+ file_key: CloudPhaseFlag
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_type ]
+ cloud_type:
+ name: cloud_type
+ file_key: CloudType
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_type ]
+ # Products from the cloud height files
+ cloud_optical_depth:
+ name: cloud_optical_depth
+ file_key: CldOptDpth
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ cloud_top_emissivity:
+ name: cloud_top_emissivity
+ file_key: CldTopEmss
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ cloud_top_pressure:
+ name: cloud_top_pressure
+ file_key: CldTopPres
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ cloud_top_pressure_low:
+ name: cloud_top_pressure_low
+ file_key: CldTopPresLow
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ cloud_top_temperature:
+ name: cloud_top_temperature
+ file_key: CldTopTemp
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ cloud_top_temperature_low:
+ name: cloud_top_temperature_low
+ file_key: CldTopTempLow
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ cloud_height_quality:
+ name: cloud_height_quality
+ file_key: CloudHgtQF
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ retrieval_cost:
+ name: retrieval_cost
+ file_key: Cost
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ inversion_flag:
+ name: inversion_flag
+ file_key: InverFlag
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ latitude_parallax_corrected:
+ name: latitude_parallax_corrected
+ file_key: Latitude_Pc
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ longitude_parallax_corrected:
+ name: longitude_parallax_corrected
+ file_key: Longitude_Pc
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ cloud_top_pressure_error:
+ name: cloud_top_pressure_error
+ file_key: PcError
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ processing_order:
+ name: processing_order
+ file_key: ProcOrder
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ shadow_mask:
+ name: shadow_mask
+ file_key: Shadow_Mask
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ cloud_top_temperature_error:
+ name: cloud_top_temperature_error
+ file_key: TcError
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ cloud_top_height_error:
+ name: cloud_top_height_error
+ file_key: ZcError
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height ]
+ # Datasets in all three file types
+ latitude:
+ name: latitude
+ file_key: Latitude
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height, ahi_l2_type, ahi_l2_mask ]
+ longitude:
+ name: longitude
+ file_key: Longitude
+ file_type: [ ahi_l2_height, ahi_l2_type, ahi_l2_mask ]
diff --git a/satpy/readers/ahi_l2_nc.py b/satpy/readers/ahi_l2_nc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5159931819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/satpy/readers/ahi_l2_nc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2023 Satpy developers
+# This file is part of satpy.
+# satpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# satpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# satpy. If not, see .
+"""Reader for Himawari L2 cloud products from NOAA's big data programme.
+For more information about the data, see: .
+These products are generated by the NOAA enterprise cloud suite and have filenames like:
+The second letter grouping (CMSK above) indicates the product type:
+ CMSK - Cloud mask
+ CHGT - Cloud height
+ CPHS - Cloud type and phase
+These products are generated from the AHI sensor on Himawari-8 and Himawari-9, and are
+produced at the native instrument resolution for the IR channels (2km at nadir).
+NOTE: This reader is currently only compatible with full disk scenes. Unlike level 1 himawari
+data, the netCDF files do not contain the required metadata to produce an appropriate area
+definition for the data contents, and hence the area definition is hardcoded into the reader.
+A warning is displayed to the user highlighting this. The assumed area definition is a full
+disk image at the nominal subsatellite longitude of 140.7 degrees East.
+All the simple data products are supported here, but multidimensional products are not yet
+supported. These include the CldHgtFlag and the CloudMaskPacked variables.
+import logging
+from datetime import datetime
+import xarray as xr
+from satpy._compat import cached_property
+from satpy.readers._geos_area import get_area_definition, get_area_extent
+from satpy.readers.file_handlers import BaseFileHandler
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class HIML2NCFileHandler(BaseFileHandler):
+ """File handler for Himawari L2 NOAA enterprise data in netCDF format."""
+ def __init__(self, filename, filename_info, filetype_info):
+ """Initialize the reader."""
+ super().__init__(filename, filename_info, filetype_info)
+ self.nc = xr.open_dataset(self.filename,
+ decode_cf=True,
+ mask_and_scale=False,
+ chunks={"xc": "auto", "yc": "auto"})
+ # Check that file is a full disk scene, we don't know the area for anything else
+ if self.nc.attrs['cdm_data_type'] != EXPECTED_DATA_AREA:
+ raise ValueError('File is not a full disk scene')
+ self.sensor = self.nc.attrs['instrument_name'].lower()
+ self.nlines = self.nc.dims['Columns']
+ self.ncols = self.nc.dims['Rows']
+ self.platform_name = self.nc.attrs['satellite_name']
+ self.platform_shortname = filename_info['platform']
+ self._meta = None
+ @property
+ def start_time(self):
+ """Start timestamp of the dataset."""
+ dt = self.nc.attrs['time_coverage_start']
+ return datetime.strptime(dt, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
+ @property
+ def end_time(self):
+ """End timestamp of the dataset."""
+ dt = self.nc.attrs['time_coverage_end']
+ return datetime.strptime(dt, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
+ def get_dataset(self, key, info):
+ """Load a dataset."""
+ var = info['file_key']
+ logger.debug('Reading in get_dataset %s.', var)
+ variable = self.nc[var]
+ # Data has 'Latitude' and 'Longitude' coords, these must be replaced.
+ variable = variable.rename({'Rows': 'y', 'Columns': 'x'})
+ variable = variable.drop('Latitude')
+ variable = variable.drop('Longitude')
+ variable.attrs.update(key.to_dict())
+ return variable
+ @cached_property
+ def area(self):
+ """Get AreaDefinition representing this file's data."""
+ return self._get_area_def()
+ def get_area_def(self, dsid):
+ """Get the area definition."""
+ del dsid
+ return self.area
+ def _get_area_def(self):
+ logger.info('The AHI L2 cloud products do not have the metadata required to produce an area definition.'
+ ' Assuming standard Himawari-8/9 full disk projection.')
+ # Basic check to ensure we're processing a full disk (2km) scene.n
+ if self.nlines != 5500 or self.ncols != 5500:
+ raise ValueError("Input L2 file is not a full disk Himawari scene. Only full disk data is supported.")
+ pdict = {'cfac': 20466275, 'lfac': 20466275, 'coff': 2750.5, 'loff': 2750.5, 'a': 6378137.0, 'h': 35785863.0,
+ 'b': 6356752.3, 'ssp_lon': 140.7, 'nlines': self.nlines, 'ncols': self.ncols, 'scandir': 'N2S'}
+ aex = get_area_extent(pdict)
+ pdict['a_name'] = 'Himawari_Area'
+ pdict['a_desc'] = "AHI Full Disk area"
+ pdict['p_id'] = f'geos{self.platform_shortname}'
+ return get_area_definition(pdict, aex)
diff --git a/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_ahi_l2_nc.py b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_ahi_l2_nc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39de4e1053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/satpy/tests/reader_tests/test_ahi_l2_nc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+"""Tests for the Himawari L2 netCDF reader."""
+from datetime import datetime
+import numpy as np
+import pytest
+import xarray as xr
+from satpy.readers.ahi_l2_nc import HIML2NCFileHandler
+from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid
+rng = np.random.default_rng()
+clmk_data = rng.integers(0, 3, (5500, 5500), dtype=np.uint16)
+cprob_data = rng.uniform(0, 1, (5500, 5500))
+lat_data = rng.uniform(-90, 90, (5500, 5500))
+lon_data = rng.uniform(-180, 180, (5500, 5500))
+start_time = datetime(2023, 8, 24, 5, 40, 21)
+end_time = datetime(2023, 8, 24, 5, 49, 40)
+dimensions = {'Columns': 5500, 'Rows': 5500}
+exp_ext = (-5499999.9012, -5499999.9012, 5499999.9012, 5499999.9012)
+global_attrs = {"time_coverage_start": start_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"),
+ "time_coverage_end": end_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"),
+ "instrument_name": "AHI",
+ "satellite_name": "Himawari-9",
+ "cdm_data_type": "Full Disk",
+ }
+badarea_attrs = global_attrs.copy()
+badarea_attrs['cdm_data_type'] = 'bad_area'
+def ahil2_filehandler(fname, platform='h09'):
+ """Instantiate a Filehandler."""
+ fileinfo = {'platform': platform}
+ filetype = None
+ fh = HIML2NCFileHandler(fname, fileinfo, filetype)
+ return fh
+def himl2_filename(tmp_path_factory):
+ """Create a fake himawari l2 file."""
+ fname = f'{tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data")}/AHI-CMSK_v1r1_h09_s202308240540213_e202308240549407_c202308240557548.nc'
+ ds = xr.Dataset({'CloudMask': (['Rows', 'Columns'], clmk_data)},
+ coords={'Latitude': (['Rows', 'Columns'], lat_data),
+ 'Longitude': (['Rows', 'Columns'], lon_data)},
+ attrs=global_attrs)
+ ds.to_netcdf(fname)
+ return fname
+def himl2_filename_bad(tmp_path_factory):
+ """Create a fake himawari l2 file."""
+ fname = f'{tmp_path_factory.mktemp("data")}/AHI-CMSK_v1r1_h09_s202308240540213_e202308240549407_c202308240557548.nc'
+ ds = xr.Dataset({'CloudMask': (['Rows', 'Columns'], clmk_data)},
+ coords={'Latitude': (['Rows', 'Columns'], lat_data),
+ 'Longitude': (['Rows', 'Columns'], lon_data)},
+ attrs=badarea_attrs)
+ ds.to_netcdf(fname)
+ return fname
+def test_startend(himl2_filename):
+ """Test start and end times are set correctly."""
+ fh = ahil2_filehandler(himl2_filename)
+ assert fh.start_time == start_time
+ assert fh.end_time == end_time
+def test_ahi_l2_area_def(himl2_filename, caplog):
+ """Test reader handles area definition correctly."""
+ ps = '+proj=geos +lon_0=140.7 +h=35785863 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +rf=298.257024882273 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs'
+ # Check case where input data is correct size.
+ fh = ahil2_filehandler(himl2_filename)
+ clmk_id = make_dataid(name="cloudmask")
+ area_def = fh.get_area_def(clmk_id)
+ assert area_def.width == dimensions['Columns']
+ assert area_def.height == dimensions['Rows']
+ assert np.allclose(area_def.area_extent, exp_ext)
+ assert area_def.proj4_string == ps
+ # Check case where input data is incorrect size.
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ fh = ahil2_filehandler(himl2_filename)
+ fh.nlines = 3000
+ fh.get_area_def(clmk_id)
+def test_bad_area_name(himl2_filename_bad):
+ """Check case where area name is not correct."""
+ global_attrs['cdm_data_type'] = 'bad_area'
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ ahil2_filehandler(himl2_filename_bad)
+ global_attrs['cdm_data_type'] = 'Full Disk'
+def test_load_data(himl2_filename):
+ """Test that data is loaded successfully."""
+ fh = ahil2_filehandler(himl2_filename)
+ clmk_id = make_dataid(name="cloudmask")
+ clmk = fh.get_dataset(clmk_id, {'file_key': 'CloudMask'})
+ assert np.allclose(clmk.data, clmk_data)