- PR 175 - Remove pytz dependency
In this release 1 pull request was closed.
- PR 172 - Update CI build action to work without setup.py
- PR 170 - Deprecate PPP_CONFIG_DIR for specifying config path
In this release 2 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 160 - SENTINEL-2 TLE files (PR 161 by @simonrp84)
- Issue 119 - tlefile.py seem to use satellite name rather than the international designator number (PR 118 by @adybbroe)
- Issue 80 - NotImplementedError: Mode "Near-space, simplified equations" not implemented (PR 124 by @JonathanMaes)
In this release 3 issues were closed.
- PR 159 - Bugfix use of datetime.datetime objects in call to
- PR 171 - Refactor _SGDB4 class
- PR 169 - Switch to use pyproject.toml instead of setup.py, and skip versioneer
- PR 161 - Add new platforms and clarify help message for
(160) - PR 146 - Update CI to use Python 3.10 - 3.12 and plain Miniforge
- PR 124 - Implement SGDP4_NEAR_SIMP propagation (80)
- PR 118 - Refactor and improve tests concerning the TLE file handling (119)
- PR 98 - Add slstr (81)
In this release 8 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 151 - Issue Calculating Accurate View Zenith Angles on Terra Satellite Overpasses
In this release 1 issue was closed.
- PR 156 - Fix dtype preservation in astronomy functions
In this release 1 pull request was closed.
- Issue 140 - pyorbital cannot read TLE for MTG-I1 / Meteosat-12 (PR 141 by @gerritholl)
- Issue 139 -
cannot get TLEs from the internet
In this release 2 issues were closed.
- PR 143 - Fix a bug in using TLES env variable
In this release 2 pull requests were closed.
- PR 137 - Prettify the RTD pages
In this release 4 pull requests were closed.
In this release 1 issue was closed.
- PR 129 - Fix bug getting local tlefiles
- PR 128 - Fix typo in VIIRS geoloc definition
- PR 121 - fixed geoloc_example and added variable descriptions
- PR 120 - Update versioneer to stop using deprecated distutils module.
- PR 113 - Make use of env variables free from satpy (112)
In this release 6 pull requests were closed.
- PR 103 - www.celestrak.org → celestrak.org (101)
- PR 104 - Fixed comment in sun_earth_distance_correction
In this release 2 pull requests was closed.
- Issue 100 - TLE URIs land at redirect page (PR 101 by @gerritholl)
- Issue 97 - sun_earth_distance_correction returns the square of the sun-earth distance relativ to 1 AU (PR 99 by @depion)
In this release 2 issues were closed.
In this release 2 pull requests were closed.
- PR 92 - Fix bogus designator assignment
In this release 1 pull request was closed.
- Issue 90 - get_observer_look raises IndexError on numpy 1.21.4
- Issue 85 - Azimuth/elevation output not changing with 1-second increments
- Issue 79 - ModuleNotFoundError: 'pyorbital' is not a package
- Issue 72 - Unexpected Nans in get_observer_look_no_tle
- Issue 38 - Issue with pyorbital.planets
In this release 5 issues were closed.
- PR 91 - Add get_observer_look test for scalar case and update stickler config (91)
- PR 89 - Change tested Python versions to 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10
- PR 83 - Add Sentinel-5P to platform_names
- PR 78 - Add parser to read TLEs from Multi Mission Administrative Messages
- PR 82 - Add historical TLE files link
In this release 5 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 63 - Runtime error in get_next_passes (PR 64)
- Issue 62 - can this tool run
- Issue 22 - get_next_passes returns max-elevation-time time not between rise & fall time (PR 76)
In this release 3 issues were closed.
- PR 76 - Fix parabolic estimation (22)
- PR 65 - Add requests to the requirements
- PR 64 - Fix inappropriate runtime warning (63)
- PR 60 - Skip tests if data are not available
- PR 59 - Fix tests on i386
In this release 7 pull requests were closed.
- Issue 52 - Pyorbital fails to find TLE For some satellites (PR 53)
- Issue 28 - Unknown units in return value for get_alt_az (PR 46)
In this release 2 issues were closed.
- PR 56 - Add a script to download TLEs and store them to a database
- PR 53 - Added active.txt tle path to TLE_URLS (52)
- PR 50 - docstring fixes
- PR 49 - Equatorial Crossing Time
- PR 47 - Add support for MWHS-2 (FY-3) and skip edge-functions
- PR 45 - Adds engineering.txt TLE source (15)
- PR 50 - docstring fixes
In this release 8 pull requests were closed.
- PR 40 - Add platforms.txt to package data
In this release 1 pull request was closed.
- Issue 36 - Issue(s) with get_next_passes
- Issue 34 - Get root secant converging to wrong solution (PR 35)
- Issue 30 - get_observer_look turns xarray.DataArray objects into dask.array objects
- Issue 29 - URL error
- Issue 27 - satellite.get_lonlatalt(now) returns wrong longitude with numpy < 1.11
- Issue 18 - Sun-satellite angle ranges are not consistent
In this release 6 issues were closed.
- PR 39 - Bugfix python3
- PR 35 - Use Scipy brentq method instead of secant method to perform root-finding (34)
In this release 4 pull requests were closed.