: Manage and inspect the state of packageslinux
: Manage and inspect the state of packages (without a puppet agent)windows
: Manage the state of packages (without a puppet agent)
Manage and inspect the state of packages
Supports noop? false
Data type: Enum[install, status, uninstall, upgrade]
The operation (install, status, uninstall and upgrade) to perform on the package.
Data type: String[1]
The name of the package to be manipulated.
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
Version numbers must match the full version to install, including release if the provider uses a release moniker. Ranges or semver patterns are not accepted except for the gem package provider. For example, to install the bash package from the rpm bash-4.1.2-29.el6.x86_64.rpm, use the string '4.1.2-29.el6'.
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
options to be sent to the package manager
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
The provider to use to manage or inspect the package, defaults to the system package manager. Only used when the 'puppet-agent' feature is available on the target so we can leverage Puppet.
Manage and inspect the state of packages (without a puppet agent)
Supports noop? false
Data type: Enum[install, status, uninstall, upgrade]
The operation (install, status, uninstall and upgrade) to perform on the package.
Data type: String[1]
The name of the package to be manipulated.
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
options to be sent to the package manager
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
Version numbers must match the full version to install, including release if the provider uses a release moniker. Ranges or semver patterns are not accepted except for the gem package provider. For example, to install the bash package from the rpm bash-4.1.2-29.el6.x86_64.rpm, use the string '4.1.2-29.el6'.
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
The provider to use to manage or inspect the package, defaults to the system package manager. Only used when the 'puppet-agent' feature is available on the target so we can leverage Puppet.
Manage the state of packages (without a puppet agent)
Supports noop? false
Data type: Enum[install, uninstall, upgrade, status]
The action to be applied to the package: install, uninstall, upgrade, and status.
Data type: String[1]
The name of the package to manage.
Data type: Optional[String[1]]
The version, and if applicable, the release value of the package. A version number range or a semver pattern are not permitted. For example, to install the bash-4.1.2-29.el6.x86_64.rpm package, enter 4.1.2-29.el6.