VirtualBox provides a builtin capability to share folders.
Unfortunately it is not well supported for FreeBSD guests. While it initially seems to work, it's prone to crash the VM.
To disable it use this incantation:
config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', id: 'vagrant-root', disabled: true
The best we have for now is NFS. Unfortunately that leaves out Windows hosts.
Remember the host to guest network communication constraint concerning the NAT network? So you must have a host-only network configured.
Vagrant will take care of sharing, mounting, unmounting - all automatically.
For that your local host user needs passwordless sudo privilege or you must enter a password
each time you vagrant up
# share the project directory with the guest
config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/var/vagrant', :nfs => true, :nfs_version => 3
Vagrant does not create an /etc/fstab
entry in the guest OS. Therefore each time
you reboot the guest OS from within the VM the shared folder will not be present.
The mount is created dynamically at vagrant up