This is a template repository copy of PUNCH ELVIS GAMES website.
This is not the primary copy of this repository. Please see LICENCE and the community standards documents for furhter information. This is provided without any warranty for educational purposes only. You may use this repository for your own work at your own risk. Punch Elvis Games provides no support for this software in any language.
If you would like to correct any issues with this tempalte repository, please open a pull request with the upstream copy you cloned this repository from. For further information, PUNCH ELVIS GAMES will provide best-effort support in integrating any critical fixes to this repository. A live copy of this repository is also maintained through GitHub Pages as a backup in case of failure of PUNCH ELVIS GAMES hosting infrastructure. Please do not expect prompt replies on GITHUB, GITLAB, or any third party host.
If you are unsure what this means, please contact someone with your organization that is familiar with python, static site generation, and free software development.